HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/28/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 28, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Kent Morrill at 7:00 p.m. on November 28, 1994 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Morrill, Chair Janette Nuss, Vice Chair Gwen Dahle Kenneth Dozier Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Russ Strmgham Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Linda Phillips, Planner Matthews Jackson, Planner Betzy Czark, Planner NanSea Potts, Recording Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT. May Miller, Finance Manager Gary Gill, City Engineer Ed White, Transportation Engineer Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 14. 1994 MINUTES It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the November 14, 1994 Planning Commission meeting. The motion CARRIED. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 1 APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 21, 1994 MINUTES It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the November 21, 1994 Planning Commission meeting. The motion CARRIED. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS None COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Jim Harris, Planning Director, announced an open house and informational meeting will be held for interested parties of the proposed Meridian area annexation. It will be held at the Meridian Elementary School on Tuesday, November 29, 1994. The open house will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. The school is located at 25621 104th Avenue S.E. PUBLIC HEARING #CPA -94-1 - Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan Chair Morrill opened the public hearing and stated the ground rules. He said each signed in speaker will be allowed five minutes to testify, and afterward the Commissioners will be given an opportunity to ask questions. Chair Morrill said after all the testimony has been given, the commission will recess and then reconvene to have Planning Staff answer questions. He said testimony is not completed by 9:45 p.m., the public hearing will be continued so that the election of the 1995 Planning Commission officers can be held. The public hearing would resume on December 12, 1994. PRESENTATION BY STAFF Chair Morrill introduced Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager. Mr. Satterstrom said the purpose of tonight's meeting is to reopen the public hearing on Kent's Draft Comprehensive Plan. He gave an overview of the history of the previous public hearings and deliberation of issues by the commissioners. Mr. Satterstrom listed the documents and addendums available to supply further information on various issues of the comprehensive plan Mr. Satterstrom noted two additions to Addendum A. Modifications to be included on the proposed Land Use Map are Area C, from SF -6 to Commercial and Area D, from SF -6 to SF -8. The addendums are: A - Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map, B -Staff Revisions and Additions to the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan, C -Revised Capital Facilities Element, D -Transportation Financing Plan Memo from Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director. Mr. Satterstrom announced two letters had been received by the Planning Department. The letters were from Tom Matelich, and pertains to property on the west side of the Green River, Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-I 2 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 and the City of Tukwila, objecting to an area to the northwest of Kent which was included in Kent's Potential Annexation Area. Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner, gave an overview of the comprehensive plan process to date, which included public hearings, receiving of exhibits, commission's deliberations, revisions to date, and now reopening the public hearing. He briefly discussed the tentative schedule necessary to bring the plan forward for City Council adoption in late 1994, or early 1995. When asked how the commission will evaluate the elements, Chair Morrill stated the comp plan should be reviewed section by section during final deliberations. Chair Morrill opened the hearing to public testimony. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Tim Matelich - 23830 Pacific Highway South #205, Kent Mr. Matelich read a letter (Exhibit #44) requesting a zoning designation change from A-1 to CM -1 for his father's vacant property located between Frager Road and SR -516 at approximately 240th street. He submitted a conceptual plan for a proposed outside storage facility, and colored photos indicating the 10.24 acres is being used for the illegal dumping of refuge. Mr. Matelich answered questions raised by the commissioners regarding environmental concerns, neighboring property owners feelings to his proposal and if his father was paid to retain this property as agricultural. Phil Van Eynde - 8726 126 Avenue N.E., Kirkland Mr. Van Eynde said he is speaking on behalf of Jeanne McLerran of 10605 SE 248th street, Jeanne and Dale McLerran of 10707 SE 248th Street, David and Betty Acheson of 10717 SE 248th Street, Leola Wurster of 10723 SE 248th Street and Robert and Tomola Ramolette of 10805 SE 248th Street. He stated these property owners had testified previously in which they requested a change to multifamily or MRG. Mr. Van Eynde distributed a photograph of the most substantial home near the subject properties. Although a zoning designation change was recommended by staff and upheld by the commission of SF -8, the referenced property owners would like further consideration to allow multifamily or MRG. Mr. Van Eynde answered questions from the commissioners stating the area involved in this reconsideration is approximately 6 acres owned by 7 individuals, including spouses. He said adjacent parcels were recently sold, but the new owner also wished the zoning to be MRG. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan 3 #CPA -94-1 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 Nancy Glaser - City of Seattle Solid Waste Utility, Seattle Ms. Glaser submitted a letter from the City of Seattle Solid Waste Utility (Exhibit #46), commending all of the efforts by staff and the commission in reviewing and revising the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan, along with the City's vision for the future development of the 350 acre site located at Military Road and Kent Des Moines Road on the West Hill. Ms. Glaser expressed approval of the proposed zoning designation of SF -6, but stated she looked forward to future alternatives to achieve a range of higher density, affordable, single family housing options. She said she hoped the adoption of zoning alternatives would be processed in a timely manner. Raymond Frey - 1075 Bellevue Way NE #117, Bellevue Mr. Frey stated he was testifying on behalf of Weight Watchers of Greater Washington State, who own 1.2 acres on the north side of West James Street, adjacent to highway 167. Mr. Frey indicated adjoining properties with their existing zoning designations, and concurred that the proposed Mixed Use plan designation is appropriate for this site, rather than the existing MRM designation. Jack Nelson - 601 West Gowe, Kent Mr. Nelson referred to a letter dated November 7, 1994, asking for a zoning reconsideration for 25 acres owned jointly with his siblings located just north of South 277th in Kent's potential annexation area. He requested the zoning be designated Light Manufacturing rather than Agricultural, as depicted on the Proposed Land Use Map. Mr. Nelson stated several points in favor of his request and answered questions from the commissioners relating to environmental and bordering property owners' concerns, and King County's present zoning designation. Robert Zube - 12904 SE 69th Place, Bellevue ( 308 Summit Ave N, Kent) Mr. Zube stated concerns regarding the dual zoning (MRM/MRD) of the Terrace Olympus Apartments property which he and his wife own jointly with his in-laws. He described the problems incurred in financing, and explained other complications such as insurance should the building be destroyed by fire. He asked the commission to consider a rezone allowing an MRM zoning designation for his entire parcel. Mr. Zube presented snap shots indicating the improvements completed in the two months he has owned the apartments, and said his neighbors are delighted with them. Discussions followed whether the comprehensive plan designation is in line with the current zoning determination. Larry Bird - 26528 Cambridge Drive, Kent Mr. Bird stated he wanted to go on record as requesting no more multiple housing on the West Hill. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-I 4 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 Roland Jankelson - 15 Ponce de Leon Terrace, Tacoma Mr. Jankelson said he is representing a property located at the northeast corner of SE 116th Avenue and Kent Kangley Road. Upon his review of the proposed Land Use Map, he asked the commission how he may pursue a zoning reconsideration to Commercial, as he said it will become a major traffic intersection upon completion of the 272/277th corridor. He asked which zoning designations would allow a specific convenience store use Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission cannot advise Mr. Jankelson for a course of direction. Discussions continued on other zoning alternatives for this property, which could be available when the City of Kent's zoning code is amended. Marilyn Caretti - 4604 Somerset Court, Kent Ms. Caretti said she, and the rest of the citizens on West Hill, do not want any more apartments in their neighborhoods. She stated her understanding of the proposed mixed use zoning determination and asked that she be corrected if she has misunderstood its intent. Ms. Caretti listed a variety of negative impacts multifamily housing has already caused in schools, public services, taxes and other considerations throughout the community. Iris Stripling - 4610 Somerset Court, Kent Mrs. Stripling restated her concerns from a letter she submitted on September 6, 1994. She said she was opposed to additional multifamily development on the west hill, and said due to the increase in crime, police coverage is inadequate. She reiterated Ms. Caretti's comments regarding the over -stressed services. She asked the commission to designate the area Commercial rather than Mixed use, to increase employment, build the tax base and potential spending. Clarence W. Randle - 26703 40th Avenue South, Kent Mr. Randle said he was concerned about the change in the quality of life in the Kent area. He said he wants to see a youth center developed for recreation, and a moratorium on building apartments to keep the population under control. Hugh Lieper - 1819 S Central #116, Kent Mr. Lieper asked the commission to remember Kent's industrial rating, and requested Kent's planning boundaries be extended to highway 18. Earl Soushek - 23020 SE 272nd, Kent Mr. Soushek said he wants to pursue building a convenience store at the comer of 116th and Kent Kangley Road. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 5 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 John Kastein - 20609 94th Avenue South, Kent Mr. Kastein questioned the commission's motion and vote on October 10, 1994 recommending changing the plan designation of the Chestnut Ridge (Item I from staff memo of September 6, 1994) area from SF -1 to SF -3. He reminded the commission of the Planning Commission and City Council meetings prior to the SF -1 zoning designation as referenced in City of Kent ordinance number 3154 and resolution number 1348, dated February 1, 1994. Mr. Kastein asked the commission to explain why they are recommending a change from SF -1 to SF -3 in view of the public testimony and recommendations contrary by staff. He asked the commission revisit this issue. Commission Stringham made a clarification stating the vote was taken at a meeting which was a continuation of a previous meeting, and the issue had been discussed in detail prior to the evening the vote was taken. Ron Harmon - 20627 95th Avenue South, Kent Mr. Harmon also spoke concerning the Chestnut Ridge (Item I) designation on the Ross site. He stated the variety of environmental concerns which would be affected should the SF -3 designation be implemented. Mr. Harmon said 40 members of the homeowner's association from this area have asked the planning commission to refrain from changing the plan designation from SF -1 to SF -3. Howard Woodward - 9623 S 203rd Street, Kent As President of the Chestnut Ridge Homeowner's Association, Mr. Woodward said he was responsible for the annexation efforts of this area. He said he, and many others are fearful of the influx of apartments, and want to keep this area as single family homes. Mr. Woodward reiterated the dangerous road conditions on 208th, and suggested the area be used as a buffer or a park. Discussions followed and Chair Morrill intervened saying the issues will be discussed during deliberations. Mike Visser - 19062 320th SE, Kent Mr. Visser stated he is the chairman of the land use committee for the Kent Chamber of Commerce. He made recommendations regarding land use policies contained in the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan, as outlined in the Chamber's memo dated November 28, 1994 (Exhibit #48). Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 6 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 Jay Bakst - 13323 SE 185th, Kent Mr. Bakst said he is a member of the Kent Transit Advisory Board and chairman of the transportation committee of the Kent Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bakst made recommendations concerning the transportation policies of the comprehensive plan, as also outlined in the Chamber's memo. (Exhibit #48) Mr. Bakst commented on the need for small businesses to combine in order to meet certain non - motorized requirements of the transportation plan, and a trail system should be used rather than creating bicycles paths everywhere. Patricia James - 23735 SE 471st, Enumclaw Ms. James asked that her property be zoned MRG, rather than SF -3. The property is located near the intersection of highway 167 and 212th street and spans five to six acres. She said due to highway noise and air pollution, the grade, and close proximity to the new golf park, she felt this property would not be conducive to single family housing. She asked the commission how cluster housing could be recommended as this designation has not been included in the Kent Zoning Code. Ms. James stated she paid for a left turn lane to assist access to the property. Mubeen Ahmad - 8211 S 259th Street #A, Kent Mr. Ahmad said he agreed with the multifamily zoning as indicated on the proposed land use map. He said the property is just shy of one acre, with three houses and a garage built on the parcel. Joel Ross - 1662 Dahlia Lane SW, Tumwater Mr. Ross distributed a packet of material to the commissioners (Exhibit #49) from Mithun Partners for review in their consideration of the 29 acre Chestnut Ridge site. Mr. Ross introduced Bill Kreager, Managing Director of Mithun Partners. Also introduced were Bob Levinson of Earth Consultants and Hal Grubb of Barghausen Engineering. Bill Kreager - 414 Olive Way #500, Seattle Mr. Kreager discussed photographs showing higher density housing alternatives, which he emphasized were clustered detached homes, and not classified as multifamily housing. He said due to environmental constraints, about 45% of the area is developable, or 13 acres. He said the proposed number of units per acre would be six, with varied lot sizes, totalling 78 units for the site. Discussions followed regarding the determination of units per acre, the percentage of developable property, wetland setback and access to the property. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-I 7 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 Sam Pace - Seattle -King County Association of Realtors, 12015 115th Ave NE #295, Kirkland Mr. Pace referenced written comments regarding comprehensive plan concerns submitted to the Planning Commission on November 14, 1994. (Exhibit #42) Mr. Pace reviewed aspects of the Plan the Association of Realtors concurred with and outlined concerns regarding Kent's ability to provide sufficient capacity. Mr. Pace explained the financial effect of impact fees and inclusionary zoning on the cost of housing. He said Bellevue is the only city in the state with an inclusionary zoning ordinance. Nancy Mann - 26402 79th Avenue South, Kent Ms. Mann thanked the commission for listening to the concerns of property owners of Horseshoe Acres. She said they were pleased the commission agreed to recommend changing the proposed land use designation in the comprehensive plan from Single Family to Industrial for this area in Kent's potential annexation area. It was MOVED and SECONDED to close the public hearing at 9:40 p.m. The motion CARRIED. Mr. Satterstrom asked the commission to carry tonight's issues over for deliberation to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on December 12, 1994. He recapped tonight's testimony, issues discussed at previous meetings, and new issues presented this evening. Chair Morrill asked the Commissioners for any specific issues they wished staff to revisit. The issues the commissioner's asked be revisited were the 248th street rezone, the 116th and Kent Kangley Rd request for a convenience store and retaining the mixed use zoning designation for West Hill. Mr. Satterstrom clarified a previous determination concerning mixed use on the west hill. He said commercial and office is allowed on a stand alone basis. He also said there are two areas of mixed use, stating there is a mixed use that limits multiple family to a development that includes commercial and/or office use, and another area which is primarily in the valley, which allows stand alone multiple family in the mixed use area. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue deliberations of the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan to December 12, 1994, at which time staff will respond to the issues presented tonight. The motion CARRIED. Commissioner Stringham presented the commission with a draft of a proposed addition to the comprehensive plan policies regarding property rights. It was MOVED and SECONDED to ask staff to produce a policy from this document for presentation, deliberation and a motion at the December 12, 1994 meeting to include a property rights goals and policy section into the land use element. The motion CARRIED. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 8 Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1994 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Morrill opened nominations for Chair of the Planning Commission for 1995. Commissioner Stringham NOMINATED Kent Morrill to remain as Chairman of the Planning Commission. The nomination was SECONDED. Chair Morrill accepted. Chair Morrill opened nominations for Vice Chair of the Planning Commission for 1995. Commissioner Epperly NOMINATED Bob MacIsaac as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission. She cited his experience and leadership as qualifications for the position. The nomination was SECONDED. Commissioner Heineman NOMINATED Janette Nuss. The nomination was SECONDED. The vote for Vice chair was tied 4 to 4, with Chair Morrill abstaining. Tom Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney said the Chair, as a commissioner, has a duty to vote, but cannot be forced to vote. Commissioner Dahle supported Commissioner Nuss' nomination by outlining the good job and extra efforts Commissioner Nuss has made by attending conferences and organizing the Planning Commission short course. Both Commissioners Nuss and MacIsaac were RENOMINATED and SECONDED. A revote was taken. Commissioners voting for Commissioner MacIsaac (4): Dozier, Epperly, Stringham, MacIsaac. Commissioners voting for Commissioner Nuss (5): Dahle, Nuss, Morrill, Ward, Heineman. The Planning Commission's Vice Chair for 1995 is Commissioner Nuss. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion CARRIED. The meeting adjoured at 10:00 p.m Respectfully submitted, t me P. arris rding Secretary Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan 9 #CPA -94-1