HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/25/1991 (3) KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 1991 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Martinez at 7:30 p.m. , February 25, 1991, in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Martinez, Chair Tracy Faust, Vice Chair Gwen Dahle Christopher Grant Al Haylor Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS EXCUSED: Willie Gregory PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Greg Greenstreet PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Lauri Anderson, Senior Planner Janet Shull, Planner Lois Rickets, Recording Secretary Leslie Herbst, Recording Secretary KENT CITY STAFF: Helen Wickstrom, Parks Department Chair Martinez added election of new officers to the agenda. CERTIFICATES OF APPOINTMENT Chair Martinez presented Certificates of Appointment to Commissioners Dahle and Grant. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 27 , 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Commissioner Faust MOVED that the minutes of the August 27, 1990 be approved. Commissioner Grant SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Kent Planning Commission February 25, 1991 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION CODE AMENDMENT FOR PARK AND OPEN SPACE DEDICATION IN RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS Fred Satterstrom presented a proposed subdivision code amendment which is directly related to one of the City Council's top 1990 target issues. This ordinance requires that developers of subdivisions dedicate a portion of the subdivision according to the guidelines in the proposed subdivision code amendment for open space. The proposed amendment requires all subdivisions of a certain size to reserve land in that subdivision for parks. It would either be dedicated to the City or it would be reserved under a homeowners' agreement or some sort of association. It is to be used for parks and open space purposes. If a developer did not want to reserve land in that subdivision for parks, they would be able to pay a fee which would go toward, and can only be used for, park development. There is a formula that describes the way in which that fee is calculated. It would be 1-1/2 times the assessed value of the land equaling 5% in that plat. The ordinance and requirement for park dedication would apply to all residential plats in zones that permit residential subdivisions including the RA, the R-1 and the multiple family zones. A memo was distributed addressing the concerns of the Public Works and Law Departments. Public Works expressed concern with Section 5 of the proposed ordinance which allows stormwater detention areas to be used partially for recreation if certain design criteria conditions can be met, i.e. , when the storm is over it drains and can become dry and usable for recreation. Don Wickstrom felt that section should be deleted or rewritten since it would be very difficult to design facilities for both stormwater and recreational uses. Mr. Satterstrom recommended that Section 5 be deleted. The Law Department is concerned with the duplicative definitions. There is already a definition of "dedication" in the subdivision code and, therefore, the definition of "dedication" in the proposal should be eliminated. The Law Department suggested that they could deal with the requirements of this proposed amendment in Section III of the existing subdivision code. Mr. Satterstrom responded that since they are going to end up writing the ordinance anyway, they can insert it into the subdivision code where it best fits. Concern was expressed about the formula which is being used as a basis for dedicating the park fees. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the whole formula for the park fee and also for the amount of land to be required in park dedication is taken from King County's and 2 Kent Planning Commission February 25, 1991 In response to a question from Commissioner Dahle, Mr. Satterstrom stated that this would affect only land subdivided for residential purposes. Rezoning or commercial development would be handled in a different way because of the Growth Management Act. Commissioner Haylor questioned the fairness of this ordinance. Mr. Satterstrom stated that residential developments place a direct demand on parks, while the need created by commercial developments is somewhat more distant. Commissioner Faust added that there is a clear nexus between residential communities and their use of parks and there is not that kind of a nexus between citizens of Kent and the use of parks on commercial land. Commissioner Martinez asked if the Parks Department had a plan in place for use of the fees collected. Helen Wickstrom of the Parks Department said that they do have a comprehensive parks plan that they update on an annual basis. Commissioner Faust MOVED that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Haylor SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Faust was glad that they got the opinion of the Law and Public Works Departments before they had to vote and expressed appreciation to the Planning Department for getting these comments and responding to them. Commissioner Faust MOVED to adopt this ordinance in its entirety except for the deletion in its entirety of Section 5. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Discussion on the motion followed. Commissioner Faust withdrew her previous motion and MOVED to adopt the proposed subdivision code amendment with the following changes: 1. Section 5 be eliminated altogether. 2. Park service areas are defined in the proposed ordinance under Definitions as indicated in the memorandum of Fred Satterstrom under point #3 . 3 . That the wording " . . in a configuration which allows for active recreation" in Section 4.F be deleted. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Haylor MOVED to have whatever fee committee is formed in the City look into a more equitable way of collecting a similar 4 Kent Planning Commission February 25, 1991 fee from commercial developers. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commissioner Dahle MOVED to elevate Vice Chair Faust to the position of Chair. Commissioner Haylor SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Ward MOVED to nominate Linda Martinez for Vice Chair. Commissioner Dahle SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Faust MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ame P. Harri , Secretary 5