HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/05/1991 (5) crow of We qi' _ CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE February 5, 1991 4:45 PM a�vicrA Committee Members Present Planning Staff Leona Orr Lin Ball Jon Johnson, Chair Jim Harris Christi Houser Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Other City Staff Other Guests Carol Morris Lyle Price HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE (L. Ball) Senior Planner Lin Ball gave a brief update on the roundtable. There was a --pecial meeting of the Roundtable last week that was called by County xecutive Tim Hill. The purpose of the meeting was to brief the members, and get the members feedback and input on Mr. Hill 's plans for a County policy plan addressing children and families. The framework of his proposed policy plan emphasizes the role of families in grappling with a wide range of social problems. The County desires to promote public discussion of family issues. One of the first things the County did was conduct a public opinion survey on issues facing King County families. Ms. Ball passed out the results of the Public Opinion Survey Issues Facing King County Families. They will be holding community forums and appoint a task force to work on this with plans to present to the County Council as a Policy Plan as part of the County's 1992 budget. Ms. Ball also updated the Planning Committee on the Regional Affordable Housing Finance Plan. Planner Janet Shull is informally contacting Council members to get some input for the Mayor's response to County Executive, Tim Hill, on this proposal of the plan. Ms. Ball said she was meeting with the Mayor the evening of February 5th to discuss this. Tim Hill is taking comments both from citizens and Cities at this time. The County has not yet made the decision to put this forward as a levy. Chair Jon Johnson addressed the City' s Emergency Shelter Program. He stated that the money allocated to the program is not sufficient to provide enough shelter for both single persons and families during the severe cold weather periods. He feels the Council should look at doing a special allocation of additional money this year to meet the need for the remainder of this winter and perhaps into the spring. He is especially concerned 1 'Manning Department City Council Planning Committee February 5, 1991 about earmarking money for families with small children. Jon requested the Planning Department take this to the Human Services Commission for their review and to bring forward a proposal to the Planning Committee with a recommendation on how best to address this issue. It was clarified by Jon that he wants the Commission to bring forward a recommendation for a special Allocation of additional money to shelter both families and single persons for the remainder of the year during severe weather. Chair Johnson suggested looking into using municipal buildings as a temporary shelter. He also felt the City should look at the longer term goal of purchasing a house or a duplex as a permanent shelter facility. He feels it may be less expensive in the long term to purchase a shelter, or give an agency money to purchase a facility then to always do motel vouchering. This would address the longer term solution for families who are homeless, rather than just a severe weather solution. People would be able to use the shelter on a temporary basis until they are able to get on their feet, get a job, and provide their own shelter. Councilmembers Leona Orr and Christi Houser both concurred with Chairman Johnson's request to explore this issue and bring forward a proposal. 1991 DEPT. WORK PROGRAM (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom briefly went over the 1991 Work Program of the Kent Planning Department's Strategic & Operational Planning Division Departmental Projects and Programs. A copy of this was included in the agenda packet. The Planning Department is divided into three sections: Current Planning, Community Development, and Long-Range Planning. All of these programs are done with a small "pool" of planners. The Current Planning Section is basically the permit process which is headed up by Carol Proud. This is still the largest section in the office in terms of what we do. This section has four(4) equivalent full-time planners who work in permit processing. This includes the review of building and land use permits, staff reports, Business License function, Code Enforcement, and SEPA (environmental review) . Code updates including the Shoreline Program, Sign Code, Fee Study, and Zoning Code Amendments are the responsibility of the Current Planning Section. Committeechair Jon Johnson asked what section the Interim Wetlands Guidelines is located? Planning Director James Harris stated that in this interim period, wetland guildelines will be administered through SEPA. The Community Development Section headed by Lin Ball deals with Block Grants, Human Services, and Housing. This section has 2 .5 FTE planners working in Community Development. This section also consists of Block 2 Tanning Department amity Council Planning Committee February 5, 1991 Grant Administration for 1990 and 1991 Projects; Housing Repair Services has one full-time person and two half-time persons doing housing repair; Housing Implementation includes the Senior Housing Program, Low Income Housing, Group Homes Monitoring, and Grantsmanship; and Human Services Administration which includes Commission Support and Agency Monitoring. Mr. Satterstrom added that the RFP for Senior Housing has been issued by Administration. The City is holding a Question-and-Answer Session on February 6th for applicants who are interested in making proposals in response to Administration' s RFP. The involvement with the Human Services Roundtable has grown tremendously over the last several years. Also, Fred said he personally feels that this Section is one thing that separates this City's Planning Department from other municipal Planning Departments in the Puget Sound region. Kent's Planning Department emphasizes not only the physical development of the City, but the human element as well. The Long-Range Planning Section headed up by Lauri Anderson deals with Policy Development and the Comprehensive Plan. This section has 3 . 0 FTE including a GIS person. This section consists of a Comprehensive Plan :rogram which relates to the tasks mandated in the Growth Management Act, such as Interjurisdictional Coordination, Citizen Participation, Plan Development, and CIP Integration. The Wetlands Management Plan is being worked on now. Downtown Revitalization is still the Council ' s number two high priority and under this is the MainStreet Program, Plan Implementation, and the Incentives Program. Also in this section is Historic Preservation, Soos Creek Plan Coordination, Census Estimate, Environmental Task Force, Multifamily Design Process, Park Dedications/Subdivisions and the Growth Management Committee are priority projects to be worked on during 1991. Director Harris added comments regarding the CIP Integration. Traditionally on the CIP, the Council has gone out and received input from the public as a popularity thing as to what projects we want to do. Beginning this year, Mr. Harris said he was meeting with Tony McCarthy to set up the framework for 1991 and begin to get the CIP hooked into Comprehensive Land Use Planning. In this manner there is a rationale as to why we need it, how we are going to pay for it, when we are going to pay for it, and what funds will be used. FEDERAL WAY PLAN AND UPDATE INFORMATION (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom brought to the Committee for information only and explained the King County proposal for designating urban growth boundaries in the Federal Way community planning area. He said King County 3 lanning Department City Council Planning Committee February 5, 1991 would like to enter negotiations with Kent and other cities on urban growth boundaries for unincorporated lands in the Federal Way area. The County's intended process for accomplishing this was outlined in King County Ordinance #9751 which was attached in the agenda packet. This ordinance was passed in December 1990 and the County's schedule is for cities (i.e. Des Moines, Kent, Federal Way, Auburn, Pacific, Algona and Milton) to all agree on potential annexation `areas within the Federal Way planning area, within a very tight time frame. Paul Barden and Greg Nichels are sponsoring a meeting on February 12th with elected officials and top administrative officials from the affected cities to discuss this. Committeechair Jon Johnson agreed to attend the meeting. Mr. Harris stated that Kent is vulnerable because we are surrounded by the County, Renton, Tukwila, Sea Tac, Federal Way, and Auburn. He said a smooth, well-worked-out framework is necessary from the County to be put in place between now and June or July. ADDED ITEM - SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - (J. Johnson) The Planning staff and the Attorney staff are working together in coming up iith a framework and parameters on moving forward on this item. This will be brought back to the Committee in a couple of weeks to go over the framework and out this framework would come out an ordinance. Attorney Carol Morris is doing some research on this. Attorney Carol Morris prepared a substitute draft Resolution supporting the action of the King County Council to override the Executive Veto of King County School Adequacy ordinance No. 9767 and to enact an amendatory ordinance which does not impose the school impact fees on cities. ORDINANCE PROHIBITING OUTSIDE SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS (L. Orr) Councilmember Leona Orr passed out a copy of a draft Resolution prohibiting the extension of sewer and water to King County. Jim White proposed this Resolution on February 5th at the Public Works Committee as an information item and brought it to City Council the same night for information. This item was first discussed at the January 15, 1991 meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. mp:a:pco205.min 4