HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/16/1991 (3) CITY OF 11C1?\-1L_R!11Mr CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 16, 1991 4:45 PM d�TVII(CSPh� Committee Members Present Other City Staff Leona Orr Tony McCarthy Jon Johnson, Chair Carol Morris Christi Houser Planning Staff Other Guests Jim Harris Margaret Porter Carol Proud Fred Satterstrom PROPOSAL TO ANNEX AREA #1 (J. Harris) -"r. Harris went over his memo which discusses the procedures that would eed to done to annex Area #1. The resolution that was adopted a couple of years ago and the map that goes along with this resolution was explained to the Committee members. The map describes the areas that were proposed to be annexed by a number system - Area 1, 2, and 3. The Annexation Committee of which Harris is chairman has been meeting for quite some time concentrating on Area #1. The Committee decided to proceed to annex Area #1. Mr. Harris stated that a number of things need to be done before annexation occurs. RCW 35A permits cities to annex unincorporated islands by adhering to the following: 1. Council adopts a resolution stating its intent to annex. 2. A public hearing is held; all property owners in the island are notified. 3 . Notice of intent to annex is filed with the boundary review board. 4. Annexation is accomplished via an ordinance. 5. The annexation ordinance is subject to referendum for 45 days after passage. 6. If a referendum petition is filed, an election is held and the annexation shall be deemed approved unless a majority of the votes cast on the proposition oppose it. - The first priority is to invite citizens to the West Hill Fire Station to discuss annexation and provide information. At this meeting, there would 1 T_TY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES .�PRIL 16, 1991 be a discussion of the advantages of annexing to the City of Kent and the timelines as to when this would occur. The Annexation Committee is asking for the Planning Committee to agree with this proposal. Mr. Harris passed out a Fiscal Impact Summary Sheet giving the fiscal impact of annexing the West Hill Area. The estimated revenues coming in would be $42,366. The expenditures would be $38, 017 . A Comparison of taxes was also presented. Compared with the County, there is a much narrower advantage of only $53 . 00 based on property taxes for a $100,000 home in the City of Kent. At the same time, Don Wickstrom is continuing to work on Area #3 , which Don has broken down into six subareas. Mr. Harris pointed out on a map in more detail the area that Don Wickstrom is working on. Leona Orr reported that this was discussed at the Public Works Committee on April 16. Since there seems to be more of a negative financial impact, the Committee did not feel comfortable making a recommendation but ask that this proposed annexation be brought to the City Council on May 7 to let the City Council decide whether or not to proceed with Area #3 . Councilmember Leona Orr MOVED and Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED the -notion to send this issue to the City Council on the consent calendar with he Planning Committee's recommendation for the administrators on the Annexation Committee to move forward on Area #1. Motion carried. MOBILE HOME PARK CODE AMENDMENT (C. Proud) Senior Planner Carol Proud passed out a memorandum to the Committee members. She stated that the Planning Department received a regulatory review request from a mobile home park owner asking to amend the siting criteria for moving mobile homes onto individual lots in an existing park. The section that is being asked to be revised is Section 1.3 para. 3 which states: "Any units brought into an existing mobile home park; any mobile home relocated on its own lot or onto any other lot; any additions to the structure or structures present on any lot (e.g storage buildings, canopies, decks, patios, fences, etc. ) must comply with this code as well as all other applicable City codes and regulations. Ms. Proud mentioned that King County is no longer issuing siting or relocation permits for individual mobile home units in existing parks. As specified in the city's Mobile Home Park Code (Section 1.4) , the duty has been turned over to the Building Official. The Building Official has denied relocation permits because the code does not permit relocating individual mobile home units that cannot meet requirements and standards `or new parks. The size of newer units are typically wider and longer than 2 ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES nPRIL 16, 1991 what parks were originally designed to accommodate. Carol summed this up by stating we have a nonconforming situation with no relief for mobile park owners. Ms. Proud said that this matter is being brought directly to the Planning Committee's attention (rather than first to the Planning Commission) as a result of Section 2 of the adopting ordinance No. 2077, which calls for the City Council to hear amendments to the Mobile Home Park ordinance. There has been inquiries from park managers, realtors, and tenants regarding the proposed amendment(s) . Since all of these people have definite views and opinions, these all will be included in the process. Carol said that staff will prepare a written report and recommendation to the Council that will include responses from the public and other city departments. The Planning staff proposes to bring the matter to the City Council for a public hearing subject to a time schedule of events as follows: Week of April 15 Meeting with King County Housing Authority. Bring matter to City Council Planning Committee. Route proposal to other City Departments for comment. eek of April 29 Conduct meeting with Mobile Home Park Owners and Managers Association. Week of May 6 Conduct meeting with Mobile Home Owners and Tenants Association. Week of May 20 Public Notice of request soliciting comments and date of public hearing. Council set hearing date at May 21, 1991 meeting. Week of May 27 Prepare staff recommendation to City Council. Week of June 3 City Council public hearing at June 4, 1991 meeting. Planning Manager Satterstrom expressed that King County is in the same boat as the City in terms of when a mobile home moves out of a mobile home park, then in relocating the new mobile home in that park it is very difficult. They have minimum standards for distance between mobile homes in the County. Councilmember Leona Orr MOVED and Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED it to concur with the described process and direct the Planning Department to proceed with the regulatory review. Motion carried. 3 ZTY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES _.PRIL 16, 1991 ADDED ITEMS POSSIBILITY OF CHANGING PLANNING COMMITTEE'S NAME - (J. Johnson) Planning Committee Chair Johnson stated that we have become more than just a Planning Committee because we do Human Services and other things. It was agreed that this item be discussed in more detail at the next Planning Committee meeting of May 7. WALNUT PARK WITH A HOLE IN FENCE (L. Orr2 Councilmember Orr mentioned a problem with a hole in the fence. Trash is being dumped as well. She understands our Zoning Code states that a multifamily development next to a single family development has to be fenced. The property owner would like the City to see that the hole in the fence is fixed. LETTERS SENT TO THE CITY ABOUT CLEARED TREES ON EAST HILL (J. Johnson) -Chair Johnson mentioned an incident on East Hill where trees had been leared from a piece of property zoned multifamily. A couple of residents who lived next to the property have written letters to the Mayor complaining about this issue. Mr. Harris stated he was aware of the issue. It was on his "to do" list. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m. MP:C:PC0416.MIN 4