HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/17/1991 (3) CITY OF LUM CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES V7RRCIT September 17, 1991 4:45 PM Committee Members Present City Attornev's Office Christie Houser Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson, Chair Carol Morris Leona Orr Planning Staff Other City Staff Sharon Clamp Norm Angelo James Harris May Miller Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Other Guests Bill Doolittle Linda Van Nest Judy Woods, Council President KING COUNTY/METRO MERGER (J. Johnson) Chair Johnson stated that the Suburban Cities Association has taken the position that it will not now support the King County/Metro merger. He stated that if the vote on the merger fails, the suburban cities, City of Seattle, and King County would have to get together and agree on new language prior to the state legislature convening. There needs to be some common language which could be taken to the state legislature for them to pass a law merging the two entities. If the legislature fails to deal with the issue, then Judge Dreyer will make the final decision. Councilmember Orr MOVED and Councilmember Houser SECONDED a motion to recommend that the City Council take a position against supporting the King County Metro merger. Motion carried. The Committee directed that this item go to full council on October 1 under other business. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) No report was given. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 PAGE 2 SATELLITE MUSEUM IN KENT (L. Van Nest) Linda Van Nest, President of the White River Valley Historical Society, discussed the possible siting of a satellite historical museum in the City of Kent. Ms. Van Nest stated Park Orchard Elementary School has agreed to donate a 1876 replica log cabin, constructed for the State Bicentennial, which must be moved from their grounds in order to expand a playfield. The log cabin is approximately the size of a portable classroom. Ms. Van Nest is in the process of talking with Kent School District officials to surplus the cabin. The historical society is interested in moving the log cabin to a downtown Kent location with easy pedestrian access. Possible museum sites might include the Burlington Green (near the gazebo) , the municipal parking lot where the Saturday Market is held, or the small park located at the corner of 1st Avenue and Titus Street. Assistant City Attorney Morris indicated another option for siting the museum is to offer tax reductions to a property owner who would be willing to freeze their property in perpetuity with this building on it as a historical feature. Planning Director Harris indicated staff would complete a financial analysis for moving and siting the cabin. Ms. Van Nest suggested contacting Rod Robbins who moved the Burke house and moves the school portable buildings. SEA TAC BOUNDARIES (J. Harris) Planning Director Harris stated that in response to the City of Sea Tac's proposed annexation of 350 acres which lie outside of Sea Tac, Kent and Tukwila, the Staff Annexation Committee has recommended the boundary be set at S. 200 Street and west along 200th to the brow of the hill, but not to include Military Road. Fire Chief Norm Angelo stated the crucial issue from the Fire Department standpoint is speed of service to Military Road and down the hill. The Sea Tac Fire Department could better serve Military Road, while the Kent Fire Department could better serve the area to the brow of the hill. Councilmember Houser MOVED and Councilmember Orr SECONDED a motion to recommend the City Council adopt a resolution stating the City of Kent' s ultimate boundary should be S. 200 Street on the north, westerly along 200th to the brow of the hill, south along the brow of the hill to were it meets the City of Sea Tac boundaries. Motion carried. Councilmember Orr stated representatives from the City of Sea Tac attended today's Public Works Committee meeting to discuss the issue of extending sewer service to a specific 200 acre parcel. The Public Works Committee passed a motion recommending the City CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 PAGE 3 Council accept only the "engineering concept" that it is possible for the City of Kent to extend sewer service, but did not take action on extending the service. The Public Works Committee feels that from a planning and impact standpoint, the Planning Committee should make a recommendation on whether or not to approve the sewer extension. Councilmember Orr stated it is not in Kent's best interest to extend sewer service to Sea Tac. They have indicated they are interested in serving only one 200 acre piece of property with the sewer extension. Sea Tac would not be able to afford to pay for the sewer extension with just the one project. It would take massive development in that area to tie into the sewer to help pay for it, and Sea Tac has talked about building 1500 to 2000 apartments. Councilmember Houser MOVED and Councilmember Orr SECONDED not to extend sewer to the City of Sea Tac. Motion carried. The Committee asked that this item be placed on the Council agenda for October 1 under other business. The Committee suggested sending the City of Sea Tac a letter letting them know of the Committee's recommendation not to extend sewer service, the date the issue will go to City Council, and give Sea Tac the option to attend the Council meeting to make a presentation. ADDED ITEMS STAFFING SUBURBAN CITIES (J. Johnson) Chair Johnson reported that Suburban Cities has directed its members to ask their cities to take a position on whether to provide full time staffing for Suburban Cities. At the October 1 Committee meeting, Chair Johnson will provide the Committee with the handout Suburban Cities provided, and he also would like the Council to take a position at the October 1 meeting. He pointed out that the additional fees that would be required for the City to support the necessary staff are substantial. KENT 57 APARTMENTS (J. Johnson) Chair Johnson stated there is a need to review zoning code provisions that allows apartments as a conditional use in non- multifamily zones. He is concerned about the potential for apartments being build in undeveloped Community Commercial zones and other zones that allow apartments as a conditional use. He stated if we allow this, we are defeating the purpose of our original intent which was to try to reduce potential development of some multifamily in the City. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 PAGE 4 Councilmember Orr MOVED and Councilmember Houser SECONDED a motion to ask the Planning Commission to review the zoning code to possibly remove multifamily from conditional use. Motion carried. ORDINANCE DEALING WITH SCHOOL IMPACT FEES (J. Johnson) Chair Johnson inquired as to the status of the ordinance dealing with school impact fees. Councilmember Orr indicated the Impact Fees Committee is currently going through the process. The Kent School District is a part of the Impact Fee Committee. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5: 35 p.m. PC0917 .MIN