HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/05/1991 (3) CITY OF V IV!i V t.5 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES November 5, 1991 4 :45 PM Committee Members Present Jon Johnson, Chair Leona Orr Judy Woods, Council President for Christie Houser Planning Staff Lauri Anderson Sharon Clamp James Harris Rachel Johnston Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Janet Shull OTHER CITY STAFF Carol Morris PROPOSED 1992 HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA (R. Johnston) Rachel Johnston informed the Committee that Judy Woods, as a representative of the Human Services Roundtable, has been asked to obtain input on the Roundtable's 1992 legislative agenda. Ms. Johnston summarized the five key items of concern: housing, family support and family violence, children's issues, employability, and health care. She highlighted the tier one items of each group; those items which will receive the greatest amount of Roundtable time and effort. The Roundtable will vote at their November 20 meeting to implement the action plan. She also provided new information just received from the Roundtable regarding standard and mutual protection orders and voluntary training available for police and law enforcement officials relating to the domestic violence bill. The Roundtable and other advocates are trying to take more of a regional approach and be more conservative when it comes to fiscal plans, especially with child care issues. Chair Jon Johnson asked if it would be helpful when the next legislative session convenes for the City to pass a resolution urging the adoption of the rest of the Roundtable's recommendations. Council President Woods responded it would be helpful especially in the area of housing and domestic violence. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 PAGE 2 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION RESOLUTION (L. Anderson) Lauri Anderson distributed copies and reviewed the draft resolution relating to the Growth Management Community Participation Program. Councilmember Orr asked for an explanation of the costs to produce the video as stated in a recent newspaper article. Ms. Anderson clarified the cost stated in the article was what the City of Redmond has paid for their on-going program. Ms. Anderson advised the Committee the total cost to produce the video is $2,200. TCI is donating the crew, studio, and the equipment to tape the video. The Forum Foundation's fee to develop the questionnaire, train people to lead the community groups, review the script, and advise on marketing is approximately $5,000. There is no final cost yet for the visual preference survey. It is assumed that growth management funding will allow up to $10, 000 for that segment. Ms. Anderson also distributed and reviewed a report from the Forum Foundation regarding the growth management priorities chosen by the participants at the October 29 Council meeting. She indicated that approximately one-half of the 19 participants indicated they would be interesting in leading a community group. Councilmember Leona Orr MOVED and Council President Judy Woods SECONDED to recommend adoption of the resolution to the Council. Motion carried. MID-LEVEL MANAGERS WORK PROGRAM (F. Satterstrom) Fred Satterstrom stated the Growth Management Committee asked all City departments to convene and work up a coordinated approach to the requirements of the Growth Management Act. He distributed a chart of required and authorized tasks of the Growth Management Act showing lead department, other departments with responsibility, and timelines. He noted the Administration Department will have overall responsibility for overseeing implementation of the plan. He also pointed out that within one year of the adoption of the comprehensive plan, the City is required to bring all development ordinances into conformance with the plan. Councilmember Leona Orr MOVED and Council President Judy Woods SECONDED to recommend the full Council accept the proposed plan. Planning Director Harris indicated the Council will receive regular updates on the progress of the work plan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. PC1105.MIN