HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/16/1990 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE January 16, 1990 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Present Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson Steve Dowell Lauri Anderson Jon Johnson Jim Harris Fred Satterstrom Others Present Other City Staff Don Bogard Kevin Jefferies Sandra Driscoll Linda Martinez Alana McIalwain Dee Moschel Bill Stewart Les Thomas INTERLOCAL PLANNING AGREEMENT WITH SEA-TAC _ Planning Manager Satterstrom stated that the King County Boundary Review 3oard delineated for incorporation by the City of Sea-Tac an area which is serviced by the City of Kent and which has been noted as part of Kent' s planning and future annexation area. There has been a request for sewer service to this area. Planning Director Harris stated that he understands the Public Works Department will not put sewer across South 212th Street without sizing it for the City, i.e. , 10" line. Councilman Johnson commented that extending sewer service to this area would be assuming this agricultural land would be developed. Mr. Satterstrom noted that in this circumstance Kent is looking to extend sewer service to an area where it has no land use control, through an area it does control and which is planned for low density. Planning staff recommends the City Council endorse approaching the newly incorporated City of Sea-Tac regarding joint interlocal planning for the subject area. Les Thomas asked if Kent could approach the City of Sea-Tac, point out the tremendous cost of providing service, and propose annexation to the City of Kent. Councilman Johnson MOVED and Councilman Dowell SECONDED the motion to recommend approval of the staff recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. ENTERPRISE ZONE DESIGNATION IN DOWNTOWN - FOR INFORMATION ONLY Planning Director Harris noted that in the Mayor's State of the City address the Mayor requested that the Planning Director submit within thirty days a report on developing an enterprise zone for downtown. Planning staff will meet with other City departments to outline possibilities, location and approach, and examine legal issues. The outline for the study will include -CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE ,INUTES OF MEETING OF JANUARY 16, 1990 working with KDA to develop policies. The Law Department will be an important advisor on this project because of what Washington State laws provide for establishing such zones. Mr. Harris stated the staff outline for this project will be given to Mayor Kelleher by February 6th. City Attorney Driscoll noted that the difficulty with this project is that Washington State constitutional provisions limit public/private interaction. Kent will need to be creative in complying with the state constitution and SEPA regulations. Councilman Dowell mentioned that Mayor Kelleher suggested looking at the SEPA threshold of 12 , 000 sq. ft. Senior Planner Lauri Anderson noted SEPA regulations now go into effect for projects which generate 10 PM peak hour trips. Dee Moschel noted the Chamber of Commerce's City Government Committee was formed to work with the City on projects. Mr. Harris noted he would like the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce to officially inform the Planning Department of the function of committees which have been established. Chairwoman Woods iterated there needs to be good community involvement from the beginning of the project. =ED ITEM Planning Commission Chairwoman Martinez voiced her concern about the disappearance of the multifamily density issue from the City Council agenda for January 16th. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 5: 00 PM. 2