HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/06/1990 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE March 6, 1990 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Present Jon Johnson, Chairman Charlene Anderson Leona Orr Lauri Anderson Jim Harris Others Present Fred Satterstrom Frank Chopp Other City Staff Lyle Price Carolyn Lake TREE ORDINANCE Planning Manager Satterstrom provided a brief history of the tree ordinance beginning in 1985. The City Council had sent the Planning Commission's recommendation on a tree ordinance to the Planning Committee in early 1986. The Planning Committee did not bring the ordinance forward again to the full Council ; the existing tree preservation regulations were working to a certain point. _anning staff asked the Planning Committee to send the tree ordinance back to the Planning Commission for an update. Councilwoman Orr MOVED and Councilman Johnson SECONDED the motion to send the tree ordinance to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the full City Council. Motion carried. AMERICAN CITY QUALITY WEEK Senior Planner Lauri Anderson stated American City Quality Week is being held April 1-7, 1990. This is the second year of the program; the total program is a decade long. 1990-91 reflects on planning for quality. It includes city planning and citizen involvement to plan a city vision for improving quality. 1992-98 reflects on action, on implementing the plan. 1999-2000 reflects on how the plan is working. Staff proposes to kick off American City Quality Week along with the update of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Citizens will be given an opportunity to envision their ideal city. What will fulfill their expectations of an ideal place to live? Schools will be involved during the last week of March through art and essay projects envisioning their favorite place in the City of Kent and an ideal image of the City of Kent. Through the school curriculum, parents will become involved. Results of the school projects will be displayed the following week. There will be a press release, a proclamation, and a public meeting talking about the comprehensive planning process and asking citizens to envision what they see for the city. Instead of thinking about pressing problems, citizens will be asked to look to the uture and talk about ideals, giving good direction. Council members Orr and Johnson thought the idea was a good one. ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE _ INUTES OF MEETING OF MARCH 6, 1990 1990 CENSUS Senior Planner Anderson stated this year staff will embark on the 1990 decennial federal census. Behind the scenes work already is being done with the Census Bureau, including resolving discrepancies between federal and local data. Census questionnaires will be sent March 23 for return by April 1. From the census data, the federal government will look at representation and allocation of dollars for federal programs. Staff is doing publication and notification work; the Bureau wants people involved and aware of the importance of returning the census questionnaires. An article will be published in Cityline; notices will be sent with utility bills; the deadline will be posted on the Kent Calendar; there will be a press release; and on March 26th a display will be placed in the lobby. This year there will be an effort to count the homeless. Staff provided the Census Bureau with a list of places where homeless individuals might reside. A count will be done on March 20th. Staff has no other role in the census until August when staff will look at the counts and resolve any discrepancies. lanning Director Harris pointed out there is a host of data that come from the census. National legislative districts are recast; redistricting can be done. The City also can buy census tapes to fit in with our GIS system. ADDED ITEM Senior Planner Anderson stated the Public Works and Planning Departments are asking for money from the City's Venture Fund to participate in a seminar discussing the link between land use and transportation planning. She noted that updates of both the land use and transportation comprehensive plans will be undertaken soon. Ms. Anderson asked if any Planning Committee members would be interested in attending; she will contact Christi Houser who was absent. Neither Council member Johnson nor Orr will be able to attend. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 35 PM. 2