HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/03/1990 KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 3, 1990 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Plannina Staff Present Jon Johnson, Chairman Charlene Anderson Christi Houser Lin Ball Leona Orr Jim Harris Fred Satterstrom Others Present Other City Staff Alice Gregory Carolyn Lake Alana McIalwain CDBG FUNDING Senior Planner Lin Ball reported it is estimated the City can receive $185, 000 in pass-through funding for the 1991 Community Development Block Grant program. It is anticipated that actual funding will increase due to program income and recaptured funds from prior years. Staff requests that the Planning Committee recommend the following for the City Council Consent 3lendar of April 17th: 1) Accept pass-through funding, 2) Reserve Public kHuman) Services funds up to the maximum of 15%, and 3) Reserve Planning and Administration funds at . 5% (approximately $900 in 1991) . Although it is possible to reserve Planning and Administration funds up to 6% or 7%, staff does not believe there is a need to reserve the maximum amount in 1991. Staff feels the money would be better spent by leaving it in the general pot of money to be spent for other needed projects. Councilwoman Orr MOVED and Councilwoman Houser SECONDED the motion to recommend approval of the Block Grant program proposed by staff. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY FOR INQUIRIES FOR DIRECT SERVICES Planning Director Harris noted Mayor Kelleher had placed this item on tonight' s City Council Consent Calendar. Senior Planner Ball stated the policy had been adopted by the Human Services Commission in response to staff's and the Commission's concerns about contacts received from persons in need of human services. It is important that City staff is consistent in responding to those persons in need of human services. Mayor Kelleher approved the policy and requested that the City Council endorse the policy and the "white paper" which provided background information. The "white paper" material came from the plan adopted by the City Council in 1986, which plan sets policies for the City's role in human services. It noted that the City would not be a direct provider of services but would fund agencies who provide human services. Mayor Kelleher has asked City Administrator Chow to set up training for City staff on this administrative policy. Councilwoman Houser MOVED and Councilwoman Orr SECONDED the motion to place the lministrative Policy for Inquiries for Direct Services on the City Council Consent Calendar for approval. Motion carried. ^ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE INUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1990 FEE FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION Planning Director Harris noted staff is preparing a draft application for Comprehensive Plan Amendments. In general the other applications submitted to the Planning Department have an associated fee to cover advertising, postage, etc. Mr. Harris read the Fiscal Note prepared by the IBC in which the IBC notes although they are not supportive of generalized fee increases this fee is consistent with other applications in the Planning Department. Staff is requesting a $300 fee. Mr. Harris noted staff is kicking off the update of the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. He stated there is a new state law mandating certain elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Harris foresees an increase in requests for Comprehensive Plan amendments and noted at present the process is haphazard. This issue will be discussed again with the Planning Committee at a later time. At some point the City needs to take a comprehensive look at fees to provide a more unified fee structure. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 25 PM. 2