HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/05/1990 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE June 5, 1990 4 : 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT PLANNING STAFF Jon Johnson, Chair Charlene Anderson Christi Houser Lauri Anderson Jim Harris OTHER CITY STAFF Fred Satterstrom Carolyn Lake Alana McIalwain SEPA - PROCESS FOR POSTING In response to citizen complaints about lack of a posted public notice for a SEPA project, Planning Director Harris proposed a new procedure for affirming posting of SEPA action. Once the laminated public notice is posted, the file copy of the SEPA determination will have a rider affirming the date of posting of the public notice. Mr. Harris read the rider for the committee. He responded to Ms. McIalwain that the file copy would note also any reposting dates. Committee members agreed with the new procedure which Planning staff will initiate on a trial basis. 3VISED 1990 WORK PROGRAM Senior Planner Lauri Anderson stated that in light of the new Growth Management Act, staff proposes a revised work program for the update of the Comprehensive Plan. The state Department of Community Development regulations for implementing the new legislation are not due until October. It would be premature for staff to follow their initial work program which proposed a citizen's advisory committee by the end of the summer, issues research, and policy formation. Planning staff proposes to continue gathering background information, working on the profile, doing interdepartmental and interjurisdictional coordination, and updating the land use inventory over the summer. Around November, staff would begin the issues research and the remainder of the work program on this project. To accommodate the postponement on the comprehensive plan update, staff proposes to move two projects forward, the downtown plan implementation and the historic preservation project. The time frame for historic preservation would be intensified and completed in half the time originally proposed (three months rather than six months) . The Committee members agreed with the change. JOINT LAND USE/TRANSPORTATION PLANNING CONFERENCE Senior Planner Anderson reported on a conference she and Ed White of the Public Works Department had attended in late April on linking land use and 'ransportation. The most radical premise presented was not to do anything .bout traffic; when it became bad enough, people would find something else. Other issues examined included 1) local traffic impacts, e.g. , short cuts STY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE . JUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 51 1990 through residential neighborhoods. ; 2) smooth-flowing traffic is important to economic growth; bottlenecks cost time and money; 3) community access with regard to health and safety; and 4) environmental quality. Some trends in travel presented were 1) more people are traveling in metropolitan areas, a) more people are working in the job market and b) there is an increase in jobs; 2) more people are traveling by car; there are more cars per household; 3) suburb-to-suburb traffic is more common than suburb- to-central-city traffic; transit does not handle this well; 4) people are traveling in areas where highway capacity is not provided; dollars for traffic improvements have not increased. It was noted that land use patterns, density, location of commercial centers, etc. impact transportation. Conference attendees talked about densities required for a good transit system. Also important is locating residential population and jobs in the same areas at two ends of a traffic corridor. Site design criteria impact transit, i.e. , having pedestrian and transit access incorporated in developments. On-site services such as dry cleaning and video stores can encourage transit use. Day care was the most important on-site service. Attendees were given a tool kit for solving suburban congestion including: 1) change the structure of freeways, 2) good incident management, i.e. , detour warnings before a bottleneck, and 3) demand nagement i.e. , advice on alternative methods of transportation. The most �.tteresting case study discussed was from Florida which is one of the other states with growth management legislation. Transportation facilities need to meet the land use patterns. Councilwoman Houser noted METRO needs to adjust their routes to accommodate the citizens who need to use their services, i.e. , bus service to the welfare office. Ms. Anderson noted Planning staff is meeting with METRO representatives June 7 to discuss new services in Kent. It was noted that steep parking prices can be a disincentive to driving, but if they are too steep, people would be forced into areas where traffic is not desired. Chairman Johnson noted parking is a potential problem with commuter rail; people will park all over downtown. Unless a multi-storied parking facility is built, there is no facility to accommodate parking. Councilman Johnson would like METRO to go into the neighborhoods to pick up people; make it more convenient to ride transit. He would like service from East Hill to downtown and on to West Hill. Committee members would like to have a report on staff' s meeting with METRO. Ms. Anderson will distribute to committee members a copy of the conference summary report. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 4 : 30 PM. 2