HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/17/1990 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE July 17, 1990 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Christi Houser Lauri Anderson Leona Orr Lin Ball Jim Harris Margaret Porter other City Staff Janet Shull Carolyn Lake Planning Commission Representative City Administrator None Ed Chow WETLANDS INVENTORY (L. ANDERSON) Senior Planner Lauri Anderson explained in detail the City of Kent Phase I Wetland Inventory Report. Lauri Anderson announced that last spring the City was awarded a grant from the Department of Ecology with a total project funding of $12 , 000 including a 50 per cent match of $6000 contributed from the City of Kent. Shapiro & Associates, Inc. (SHAPIRO) was hired to conduct the field investigation during the month of May. The inventory was completed oy trained botanists, wetland ecologists, and soil scientists from SHAPIRO. In June, the final reports and maps were sent to the Department of Ecology for approval. During the week of July 9, 1990, the approval was received. Copies of the Wetlands Inventory will become available to the public on July 18, 1990. A grant has been awarded from the Department of Ecology for the second half of this inventory for next spring 1991, which will include a wetland management program. The timing is ideal in that the Growth Management Act and possible Citizens ' Initiative mandate regulation of critical areas such as wetlands. The City's obligation to compensate landowners as a result of any wetlands regulations was discussed. One question was brought up as to whether wetlands on a piece of property would enable the property totally to be developed. It was stated this is a touchy issue. If development were prohibited on a piece of property, the City might be responsible for purchasing the property. James Harris explained that the Planning Department will be more consistent in handling wetlands issues based on the present data. The Corps of Engineers can zero in on the specific wetlands. Attorney Carolyn Lake stated that the greater that any municipality or any government agency can show that the preservation of certain lands is necessary for health, safety or welfare issues, the less likely it is that regulations would be subject to a takings claim. With regards to the Wetland Inventory Report on page 7, Carolyn Lake commented on the phrase, "the inventory is considered conservative, probably taking in more area as wetlands than would occur from using the Unified '.ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 17, 1990 Federal Methodology on each site to delineate the boundaries" . Carolyn said that based upon that statement, care should be taken that any future wetlands regulations not be tied to the inventory report. The purpose of this inventory was that it would flag the area in general and that the specific boundaries would then be staked out. Lauri Anderson explained there is a clear disclaimer on the map. No action was needed from the committee. The presentation from Lauri Anderson was for information only. SENIOR HOUSING - Janet Shull Planner Janet Shull presented the Final Recommendations of the Senior Housing Advisory Committee Phase One. The committee was appointed by Mayor Kelleher. They began meeting in March, 1990 and finished up in June, 1990. The committee members also visited existing senior housing facilities and talked with their management staff. The Senior Housing Advisory Committee held two public meetings on May 21st and June 5, 1990. In the Appendix of the report is the tabulation of all the comments that were received from the two public meetings, as well as results from a survey with mostly senior citizens responding. The committee's recommendations on page 1 of the report are as follows: 1) The City of Kent should enter into a Housing Cooperation Agreement with the King County Housing Authority for the purposes of owning and managing the Kent Senior Housing. 2) The City of Kent should develop the senior housing utilizing a design/build/turnkey method which requires a single RFP for the purposes of selecting the senior housing site(s) , buildings (s) and design- development team(s) . 3) The City of Kent should retain professional services for the purposes of overseeing the construction of the senior housing. 4) The City of Kent should ensure that the Kent Senior Housing consist of independent living units with the capacity to provide support services for some of the units. The committee was asked to forward to the Council the Action Items 1-4 on page 1 of the report (attached hereto) . The two main issues that were discussed were ownership and management (this pertains to Action Item One on page 20 of the report) . It was pointed out that the City cannot own and manage its own housing. 2 7ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE AINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 17, 1990 Action Item One of the report was amended as follows: Amended Action Item One: Ownership and Management The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem is directed to negotiate with the King County Housing Authority a Housing Cooperation Agreement consistent with the final recommendations of the Senior Housing Advisory Committee for the purposes of owning and managing the Kent Senior Housing with the final Housing Cooperation Agreement to be approved by City Council ordinance. As follows a motion was moved and seconded: For the acceptance of the Senior Housing Committee Phase I Report, and approval of the Action Agenda (contained on page 20) with the Amendment to Action Item Number One (as stated above) . The motion was approved and shall be forwarded to the full council on August 7 , 1990 along with the committee' s recommendation for acceptance of the report. ADJOURNMENT :he meeting adjourned at approximately 5: 05 PM. 3