HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/07/1990 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE August 7, 1990 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Christi Houser Lauri Anderson Leona Orr Lin Ball Jon Johnson, Chairman Jim Harris Margaret Porter Other City Staff Fred Satterstrom Janet Shull Bill Williamson Alana McIalwain Other Guests Linda Van Nest CDBG INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT (L. Ball) Senior Planner Lin Ball explained the underlined revisions and clarified the changes to the agreement, which each member received in their Agenda packet. Discussion occurred and questions were answered. Ms. Ball explained that the CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement outlines the methods of distribution in -administration of funds that are received by the county. There are no major .hanges in terms of fund distribution or organization of the Consortium in the new ICA. Councilwoman Leona Orr made the MOTION to approve the agreement and send it onto full council on August 21, 1990. Council Chairman Jon Johnson SECONDED it. Motion carried. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) Senior Planner Lin Ball reported that Council President Judy Woods, who is the City's Roundtable representative, wants to take a few minutes of each Planning Committee meeting to keep the Planning Committee updated. Ms. Ball passed out and presented information about the Family Violence Project that the Roundtable is working on right now. Family Violence and family support was one the five high priority items that were addressed in the Roundtable action agenda. It is one of the major programs for the 1990 Work Program of the Roundtable along with housing. Ms. Ball also passed out an information sheet entitled, "The Challenge: Building an Effective Response to Family Violence" . This project is trying to build a regional system for addressing the family violence issue. This is an exciting project because it is the first time in building a system to bring together all the people involved; i.e. social services providers that serve the victims, the courts, law enforcement, and the medical staff. The •oal of the project is to build a system that would link all people involved so the victim would have access all the way through the process. 'ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE AINUTES OF MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1990 Senior Planner Ball stated that the Roundtable is going to be looking at all of this in September and eventually this will be coming to the City. On Friday, August 3, 1990, the County Council voted to put a Law, Safety and Justice measure on the ballot in September and as part of that, they made a Domestic Violence System part of that package. If this is passed by the voters, there will be a percentage of it going to help establish some legal advocates and community advocates throughout the County. The City will be receiving some money in the amount of one-tenth of a percent that goes individually to the City. There will have to be a plan as to how this money will be spent. Ms. Ball stated part of this money could be used to help fund this Domestic Violence System that they are trying to establish. The County has agreed to put some of their money into this and also some local jurisdictions. At the last Roundtable meeting, the providers presented their package for the Human Services part of the housing levy. They presented a package that was $72, 000, 000 to be added onto the $112, 000, 000 housing levy. This was overwhelming for the Roundtable, and they felt there would be no way they could support this even though they saw a need. The Roundtable is looking at more of a $25-35 million dollar services package that would be part of the housing. This would be for housing related services. The $112, 000, 000 lousing package with the housing related service component, is being proposed as part of the County Housing Finance Master Plan. This will be going back to the Regional Work Group. The Regional Work Group will be forwarding it onto the County Executive in the near future. It is possible this will be the end of August or some time in September. In the meantime, the Roundtable Staff has directed the project Staff of the Roundtable to come up with a work program for a Human Services Levy, separately from a Housing Levy. Essentially now, we could be looking at potentially two issues and two separate levies. HISTORIC PRESERVATION WORK PROGRAM (L. Anderson) Senior Planner Lauri Anderson presented the components that the Planning Department is proposing for inclusion in this Historic Preservation Work Program. Essentially, she spoke about two different elements. The first would be an Historic Preservation Ordinance. Along with that Ordinance, there would come all kinds of decisions. Lauri stated what we are proposing is that a Citizens Advisory Committee be set up to work with Staff to develop some policy recommendations for that Ordinance. We would be talking about things like: whether the City of Kent wants to participate with King County through an interlocal process with them; or Historic Preservation; whether the City is interested in setting up its own historic board; maybe some consideration of criteria that we as a City would use in determining a historic preservation value for a piece of property, etc. No decisions have been made. There are a number of issues that need to be 2 'ITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE AINUTES OF MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1990 addressed. They are proposing to do that by way of a Citizens Advisory Committee working with Staff looking at local ordinance policies. The second part of the Work Program that they are proposing is to look at our relationship with the White River Valley Historical Society in the City of Auburn. What they are recommending is that the same Citizens Committee be used in evaluating our relationship with the City and the museum and associated Historical Society, then entering into an interlocal with those two entities to bring some predictability to our participation. This could finalize, once and for all, how we are going to relate to the Historical Society in the City of Auburn relative to the museum. The timing of this is really critical because, as she mentioned earlier, the Historical Society in the City of Auburn is preparing to enter into a contract relative to the museum setting up an interior planning committee which, over a period of about IS months, will look at future management of the museum, funding, etc. The City of Auburn all along has encouraged us to participate in the process when we are ready and thought maybe looking into an interlocal would be the appropriate way to do that. The Work Program, which is scheduled to run through the fall until the beginning of October, would be with the Citizens Advisory Committee to develop policy recommendations to be incorporated into an ordinance and to develop interlocal recommendations to be put into an interlocal agreement with the City of Auburn in the museum to formalize that elationship. Planning Manager Fred Saterstrom explained no action was needed at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:45 P.M. 3