HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/06/1990 cruv OF 396n4 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE November 6, 1990 4 : 30 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Christi Houser Lauri Anderson Jon Johnson, Chair Lin Ball Leona Orr Jim Harris Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Janet Shull Other City Staff Others Present Roger Lubovich Steve Burpee Alana McIalwain Mike Heutmaker Carol Morris Ted Knapp Jack McCullough Greg Wingard HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) Senior Planner Lin Ball did not have an update at this meeting. UTILITY EXTENSION ORDINANCE (L. ANDERSON) There was a brief description from Lauri Anderson per the memo from the agenda packet. The Planning staff recommended that the following additions (in bold type) be made to Ordinance 2767 : 1. 9 The owners agree that the annexation areas shall be consistent with applicable subarea land use plans and the City-wide Comprehensive Plan; provided, however, that the owners further agree that until such time as the 1990-1993 Comprehensive Plan Update is complete, consistency with the City's long-range planning goals shall be determined by Planning Director, and that the City may withhold full implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan map designations in its annexation zoning proposals in order to achieve a more orderly physical development pattern and to implement its goals of twenty percent density reduction in multifamily residential areas. 1 -Dlanning Department _ty Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 1. 10 The owners will state in their petition for annexation the existing King County zoning designation and certify that it is consistent with the City of Kent's plan (as determined by the Planning Director until such time as the 1990-1993 comprehensive Plan Update is complete) . - It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Planning Committee endorse these revisions to Ordinance 2767 (in bold type listed above) and to forward this for action to the full City Council. INTERIM WETLAND REGULATIONS (J. HARRIS) The Planning Department' s recommendation is to refer this item back to the Planning staff so the staff can work with the Attorney's office and the Environmental Task Force to revise the guidelines to be implemented through SEPA. The Committee recommended the above and wants this brought back to the Committee when this is finished. Ted Knapp from Union Pacific Realty stated that he is interested in having an input of these guidelines because this would affect peoples property. -eg Wingard from the Mayor's Environment Task Force stated that these ,sidelines are considered interim guidelines because they will be redone in January 1991. GROUP HOMES CLASS III - JANET SHULL Councilmember Leona Orr stated she wanted to know how Judy Woods feels about this matter. She also asked about Jim White's one million dollar bond proposal and City Attorney Roger Lubovich said he doesn't feel it is enforceable. It was brought up at the meeting a concern about community commercial zones that do have dwellings present and perhaps other zones are related. Councilmember Jon Johnson mentioned that maybe 1000 feet is not enough separation. The law department points out that the State is suppose to have policies on how they will work with local communities on location of Group III homes. It was concluded at the meeting that the law department do research on the citing guidelines and the type of person who can go into a Class III home and to bring this item back to the Committee at the next meeting, which is November 20, 1990. 2 tanning Department _ity Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 NORTH PARK LOTS (Roger Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich reviewed four(4) options and each were discussed. The fifth(5) option stated No Action. The Committee decided on, Councilmember Christi Houser made the MOTION, and Councilmember Leona Orr SECONDED to recommend option three(3) as stated in the memo that was passed out by Attorney Lubovich. The MOTION carried. Option #3 is as follows: 3. Rescission of Lot Line Adjustment Approval. There is no precedent in our ordinances or case law for rescission of a lot line adjustment that was properly approved. Revocation may occur in instances similar to those under which a permit had been wrongfully issued, but these situations arise because of mistakes or misrepresentation. Here, an accurate application was received in the Planning Department for the lot line adjustment, and the Department properly gave its approval. It has been therefore suggested that an option to explore is an "ad hoc" implementation of a lot line adjustment rescission. The way to initiate this "ad hoc" procedure would be for all owners of property affected by the lot line adjustment to submit a request to the Planning Department that the LLA be rescinded. Because approval of an LLA requires no notice to the public, we would not need to provide notice of the proposed rescission. However, any challenge to the eventual rescission would likely be mounted on due process grounds, so it might be best to provide public notice anyway. This way we would also be apprised of any public welfare or other interest associated with the LLA rescission that we may have overlooked. The Planning Director's decision rescinding the LLA should cite the specific circumstances surrounding the action, and state that the public interest would be served by the rescission. This will be an easy argument to make, since the surrounding zoning has changed in a manner consistent with the effect of the rescission. The property owners would be given the original rescission document, and allowed to record it against the property, just as they have done for the original LLA. ADDED ITEM - CDBG HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING - (L. BALL) On September 18, 1990 the City Council adopted Kent's 1991 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program with a total of CDBG funds available of $219,719. 3 1.anning Department sty Council Planning Committee November 6, 1990 Last week the Planning Department received word from King County that the Federal Entitlement came in higher than expected which results in the City receiving an extra $20,410 for its 1991 Program. This results in a new total for the City's 1991 CDBG Program of $240, 129. The extra $20, 410 is divided into $17, 265 for capital projects, and $3 , 145 for public (human) services projects. In the 1991 Program which the City Council adopted in September, a contingency plan was adopted for allocating any extra capital dollars which the City might receive. So the additional $17, 265 of capital money will be allocated as adopted by the City Council. The City Council did not adopt a contingency plan for allocating extra human services dollars, because the County did not anticipate the receipt of extra human services dollars. Now the Council needs to consider where to allocate the extra $3, 145 of human services dollars. Senior Planner Ball stated that the Human Services Comission recommends that the extra $3, 145 be allocated to the Community Health Center to support their OB/GYN Program. The Clinic Is original request to the City for this Program was not funded at full level, due to lack of funds. councilmember Leona Orr made the MOTION to allocate the additional $3, 145 of public (human) services dollars to the Kent Community Clinic Health Services Project to support their OB/GYN Program. Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5: 35 p.m. MP:C:PCO1116.MIN 4