HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/26/1990 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 26, 1990 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Martinez at 7:30 p.m. February 26, 1990 in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Martinez, Chair Linda Faust, Vice Chair Anne Biteman Frank Chopp Willie Gregory Coleen Miller Raymond Ward COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Elmira Forney', excused Greg Greenstreet, absent PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Carol Proud, Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary Chair Martinez welcomed three new members of the Planning Commission: Cole an Miller, Willie Gregory and Frank Chopp. MINUTES OF THE PLkNNING COMMISSION MEETINGS OF NOVEMBER 20 N VEMBER 27 AND DECEMBER 11 1989 Commissioner Faust MOVED that the minutes of the November 20, November 27 and December 11, 1989 meetings be approved as printed. Commissioner Bite an SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKS IN GC, GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT (ZCA 89- Carol Proud presented the request of Betty Lou and Bob Kapela to amend the Kent Zoning Code Section 15. 04 . 140D to allow Recreational Vehicle (RV) parks in the GC, General Commercial, zoning district with conditional use approval. The applicants would like to construct an RV park on Military Road near the Midway Landfill in an area that is currently zoned GC, General Commercial. The applicants feel that the zoning code should allow RV parks as a conditional use in areas that also permit hotel/motel type of facilities. The areas of Kent that are currently zoned GC, General Commercial, include most of Pacific Highway South, portions of North and South Central Avenue, and portions of West Meeker Kent Planning Commission Minutes February 26, 1990 Street. The proposal was subject to the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) . A final Declaration of Nonsignificance (ENV 89-113) was issued for the proposal on December 29, 1989. Possible adverse impacts may include increased traffic congestion, increased light and glare from on-site lighting, increased noise levels due to hours of operation and on- site activities, and aesthetic impact due to lack of design and landscape requirements and adequate enforcement provisions in the current RV Code. The Kent Zoning Code allows Recreational Vehicle Parks to locate in an existing MHP, Mobile Home Park, zoning district and in a Mobile Home Park Combining District. The Kent Recreational Vehicle Park Code became effective in 1973 and was last amended in 1979. The code considered RV Parks as a temporary residential development rather than a commercial accommodation. The purpose of the GC zone is to provide for a range of trade, service, entertainment and recreational uses including hotel/motel facilities adjacent to major traffic arterials. The GC zone provides for developments that are automobile oriented and designed for convenience and safety. RV Parks provide accommodations for the travelling public similar to those provided in a motel/hotel facility. Not every site in the GC zone is suitable for an RV Park. With conditional use approval RV Parks would be more thoroughly reviewed for topographical concerns and compatibility with surrounding land uses, and would be subject to the criteria specified in the zoning code for a conditional use permit. Conditions could be applied to alleviate concerns, but the staff feels that a lack of consistency from project to project could occur as a result of this approach and as a result of the dated material in the current RV Code. Because of the unique nature of RV Parks, which differ significantly from hotels/motels, they have the potential to adversely impact traffic corridors and surrounding development. To assure consistency in locating RV Parks in the GC zone and to encourage the continued upgrading of the GC district, major revisions to the RV Code should occur prior to the adoption of the proposed zoning code amendment. Staff recommends denial until such time as the Recreational Vehicle Park Code is amended to reflect current conditions and standards. Mr. Harris stated that if the Commission denied the request without prejudice until staff could study the RV Code, he felt the Planning Department would start to work immediately on the RV Code Amendment. Betty Lou Kapela, 5652 132nd Avenue NE, Bellevue, applicant, submitted to the Commission RV regulations from Renton, Tukwila and Auburn. She found the Kent RV Code to be more comprehensive than the other codes. She felt that if changes were needed, these could be addressed through the conditional use process. The applicants' property borders the Midway Landfill. The high noise 2 Kent Planning Commission Minutes February 26, 1990 level, glare of the traffic and exhaust fumes from I-5, in addition to the smell from the landfill, have made it difficult to find a suitable use for the site. She felt that an RV Park would be an excellent use for this property. The location would be ideal for temporary housing for visitors coming to the Goodwill Games. She pointed out that Seattle and the nearby Cascade Mountains have been rated as the nation's best vacation area. Many campgrounds are being closed throughout the State of Washington. The RV Park in the industrial valley is overflowing each summer. Campgrounds provide inexpensive housing for those on a limited budget. She was aware of only three in the Seattle area: Kent, Bellevue and Lynnwood. It may be too late to be open for the Goodwill Games in 1990, but she felt that the facility could be ready for occupancy by Fall 1990. Commissioner Faust asked if the applicant had been involved in any of the lawsuits connected with the Midway Landfill. Ms. Kapela responded that they had not been involved in a lawsuit. Their site is located immediately to the north of the landfill and they sold the tip of their property to the City of Seattle because drainage from the landfill was flooding their property. She hoped that the area would eventually be beautified with trees. Commissioner Miller wondered if the site were suitable for an RV park because of the noise, glare from I-5 and aroma from the landfill. Ms. Kapela responded that a buffer of trees along the freeway helps the site. She felt that an RV park at this location would be filled because of its proximity to the freeway. Commissioner Faust asked if the applicants were planning to use the entire parcel for an RV Park. Ms. Kapela responded that only part of the 14-acre site would be used in the first phase of the development. Commissioner Faust MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Faust MOVED that the Commission deny without prejudice the applicants' application and direct the Kent Planning Department to move expeditiously with revisions to the Recreational Vehicle Code. Commissioner Gregory SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Ward suggested the Commission recommend approval with conditional use and direct the Planning Department to update the code. He felt that since the circumstances which make it difficult 3 Kent Planning Commission Minutes February 26, 1990 to develop the site were beyond their control, he felt the applicants should be permitted to build on the site. Commissioner Faust felt this zoning code amendment could create a jigsaw puzzle of RV uses in the city. This development has the potential of becoming 14 acres in size. She felt that within a few months the city could update the code and thereby ensure that future and existing RV parks have one standard. Chair Martinez commented that now was the time to change the code. There are some areas in the GC zone that would not be appropriate for an RV park but there should be places designated for this type of business. Mr. Harris commented that conditional use permits tend to change the character of a zoning district. He suggested that Kent needs an updated code for the safety of the users. It would provide a good framework within which to operate. Commissioner Chopp felt that there is a need for RV parks near the City of Seattle, but he felt that the motion should be denied until the situation could be analyzed. Commissioner Gregory felt that there are many environmental effects from the surrounding area that would affect the users of the RV park. He felt the request should be denied until the code is updated. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Faust MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, James P. Harris, Planning Director 4