HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/03/1989 KENT CITY COUNCIL
January 3 , 1989 4:00 PM
Committee Members Present Staff Present
Judy Woods, Chair Charlene Anderson
Jon Johnson John Marchione - Finance
Fred Satterstrom
Assistant City Administrator Dan Stroh
Jim Hansen Others Present
Leona Orr
Linda Van Nest
Fred Satterstrom noted that in August 1987 the process for considering
requests for regulatory review was changed to forward all such requests
directly to the Planning Commission. If the Planning Commission denies a
request, an appeal can be made to the Planning Committee. Although the
Planning Department has not discouraged requests for regulatory review, the
process has been less time-consuming than was the case previously. Staff
believes the process is healthy, the requests have merit, and the Council has
made changes to the regulations because of such requests. Chairwoman Woods
and Councilman Johnson desire to continue with present procedures and
requested another review of same in January of 1990.
Fred Satterstrom reported that the City of Lacey makes 3 x 3 public notice
signs in-house for posting on a stake. The signs take a staff planner 4
hours to make and 1 hour to post. Thurston County has a metal sign board
with plexiglass cover under which is placed a brightly-painted sign with a
generic heading in large print indicating "public notice. " The sign is very
heavy and posting would need to be done by someone of reasonable strength,
perhaps coordinated through the City Shops. Within the City of Kent there
would need to be approximately 6 sign boards at any given time. Councilman
Johnson suggested there could be standard signs for city use and the city
could require developers to do their own sign for everything that requires
a public hearing. Staff suggests a sign board that is not metal but that is
rigid and resistant to vandalism. Councilwoman Woods requested that staff
prepare suggestions including cost estimates for the January 19th committee
Fred Satterstrom related the Law Department's arguments against extending the
waiting period for repeat applications for rezone: 1) Inflexibility (Not
only the citizens/developers would be required to wait but City requests
would also fall within the waiting period requirements, 2) An extended
waiting period is a deviation from the industry' s zoning standards, 3) An
extended waiting period could expose the City to the "taking" issue. With
the one-year restriction and the criteria for rezone that presently exist,
the City probably already has the requirements necessary to discourage such
repeat applications.
Mr. Satterstrom added that he had heard that the owners of the property near
Mr. Flick had decided to develop within existing criteria, i.e. , 20, 000 s. f.
Councilman Johnson stated that although he would like a longer waiting
period, the Council can always opt to agree with the original decision on any
repeat requests for rezone. Chairwoman Woods requested that staff write Mr.
Flick and refer to the Law Department comments.
The City was approached through Linda Van Nest regarding the City's interest
in preserving the Ponnson House. Mr. Satterstrom distributed the King County
Historic Sites Survey Inventory Sheet on the Ponnson House. The house is
located at 259th and Central Avenue and was constructed between 1870 and
1890. The owners would like to preserve the house but want to use the land
for other purposes. If the Council is interested, staff can obtain cost
estimates involved in moving the house and can test the possibility of
locating it to a City site.
Linda Van Nest stated the owners will donate the house if somebody will move
it. She suggested that the City should lead the way in preserving historic
sites, especially in this Centennial Year. She added that the South of
Willis area also is a good area for preservation.
Councilman Johnson questioned whether the county would be interested in
sharing the costs of preserving the house. Discussion occurred on the
technical feasibility of moving the house and possible nearby locations. Jim
Hansen stated the first question was whether the house could be moved and how
far. He added that a location close to the new courthouse might provide
logical uses for the house by the City and other clubs and groups. Also, the
house would need to be heated during the winter to prevent mildew. In
response to Mr. Hansen, Ms. Van Nest stated the owners wish to have the house
moved by spring, although the date was not firm. She will provide staff with
a telephone number of a mover in Auburn who could provide cost estimates.
Mr. Hansen suggested the possibility of swapping land of equal value and
zoning. Ms. Van Nest stated that for "landmark" sake, it would be best not
to move the house; the National Register status and access to funds would be
better if the house were not moved. Staff will look into details of moving
the house and a possible land swap for the next committee meeting.
Dan Stroh stated that the Soos Creek Community Plan is being updated. County
planners will follow the direction of the General Plan which was adopted in
1985 - a strong urban growth renewal concept. There is a citizens committee
that has been meeting since April and there have been a number of open houses
regarding this plan update. Kent has representation on the Soos Creek
Technical Advisory Committee. The county is looking at completing the plan
update in June of this year with a report out for County Council
consideration in Spring 1990.
The majority of the land in the Soos Creek area is residential and has a lot
of bearing on Kent's housing project. Virtually all of the East Hill
Planning Area is included in the Soos Creek Community Plan area. Kent's East
Hill Plan shows 4-6 units per acre for that area. Staff is assuming that the
plan update will comply with the County's comprehensive plan which states
that in urban areas there is intended to be a residential density overall of
7-8 units per acre. PSCOG projects growth in the Soos Creek area of 20,800
additional households and 45, 000 additional people; the county is attempting
to accommodate that growth. The growth projections were based on a regional
and national econometric model, taken to the FAZ level; the assumption was
lade that areas where more growth has taken place will have more growth
caking place in the future.
The county is trying to limit urban sprawl and protect rural and resource
lands, both positive goals. They have heard what Kent has to say: 1) Kent
likes single family, 2) Kent doesn't like linear strips of multifamily (the
county is looking at having multifamily occur at nodes) , 3) The county is
looking to build on a core of existing multifamily, and 4) The county is
looking at gradations of multifamily to single family.
Mr. Stroh displayed the county's map of the area. Councilman Johnson would
like Big Soos Creek to be the dividing line between urban and rural, down to
where east of Highway 18 there would be a rural designation. Also, he would
like the transitional areas to be designated as rural and not transitional.
The infrastructure is not in place to take care of densities.
Mr. Stroh distributed a letter which Auburn and Renton have written to King
County Planning. He reviewed the points of the letter: 1) They support the
concept that most growth should occur in urban areas; real urban growth
should occur in areas actually incorporated; and interlocal planning and
annexation agreements should be developed with the cities; 2) Urban growth
should be phased with the provision of adequate facilities and services; 3)
Rural areas should be protected and transitional areas should be redesignated
to rural; Increased densities should be tied to annexation areas, assuming
that the cities are the best providers of urban services. . .densities should
not be in place until services can be provided; the county should develop
urban design plans; and special care should be given to environmentally
sensitive lands.
Staff would like the Council to provide direction for staff s response to the
county regarding the Soos Creek Community Plan update. Jim Hansen suggested
that because this would involve a policy position, the issue should be taken
to the Council as a whole as a regular agenda item under "Other Business. "
Councilman Johnson reported that he had written to Janet Ballard regarding
her concerns about housing. He told her that the problems she outlined were
related to the county allowing unrestricted development without mitigating
impacts to traffic and other services. Chairwoman Woods requested that staff
call Ms. Ballard to let her know the Planning Committee had discussed her
concerns, to advise her of studies underway and of what the City Council has
done and will be doing regarding the housing study, to encourage her to get
involved, and to offer her a voice at the Planning Committee if she so
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:25 PM.
Inventory Sheet
Historic Ponnson House
Common Site No.
Number & Street '8103 S. Central Ave Corner of s_ rpntrAla 2SgthNot for Publication_
City or Town near Kent Zip OR031
Incorporated X Unincorporated__ Community name Kent
Congressional District 7 Community Planning District
State Legislative District 11 Zoning CM Commercial Manufarturino
County Council District a Shoreline Environment
_District _Public XOccupied _Agriculture _Museum
X Building(s) X Private _Unoccupied _Commercial _Park
_Structure Both Preservation _Educational Private
_Historic site — —Work in Progress _Entertainment --XResidence
Arc. Site ACCESSIBLE Threatened by: _Government _Religious
_Object 2_Yes Restricted _Demolition _Industrial _Scientific
_Yes Unrest. —Neglect _Military —Transportation
No Other
Number & Street )rr7n Hawloy RnaA
City or Town _ Kent State Wa. Zip 98031
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SecEk Twn 22 Rng 4 (TL 21 )
POR GL 2 SEC 24 & OF GL 2 3 IN SEC 25-22-04 BEG SW CDR SW RUSSELL DC #41 TH N 854.5 FT
TO POB TH N 00-45-00 W 330 FT TH N 89-15-00 W TO ELY MGN ST HWY #5 TH SELY ALG SD ELY
MGN TO PT N 89-15-00 W FR POB TH S 89-15-00 E TO POB LESS E 60 FT _
_Nat. Register _State Register
X Other Kent Historical survey k
_Excellent Unaltered
Good XAlteIed � f 6
X Fair 9e
_Deteriorated X Original Site
Ruins _Moved
_Unexposed Date -'
The Ponnson House was constructed between 1870 and 1890. It was built in a plain
Victorian style. It was once a showplace, but it has not been well maintained.
The wooden, 2'h story house has a gable roof. There is a boxed cornice on all roof
The upper exterior lk stories is shingled and clapboards cover the lower story.
The window and door surrounds are plain. With the exception of a few modern
replacements, all of the windows in the upper lk stories are double hung. _
The west side of the house is the most elaborate. Second story bays are located
near the north and south corners. The north bay is rectangular with two windows. The
south bay is angled and has three windows. Elaborate brackets at the angled corners
support the gable ends above. The gable roof of each bay acts as a dormer in the main
roof, and each has a window between gable returns. Between the bays is a single window.
A hip roofed porch extends around the west and north sides of the first floor.
Clapboard covered pillars support this roof. A low clapboard wall surrounds the porch.
The main entrance is now at the east corner of the north side. The door has multiple
panes, as do the sidelights. The sidelights are about a foot away from either side of
the door. West of the entrance is a large window with a small leaded glass upper sash.
On the west corner of the south side, there is another multipaned door. It is
covered by a hip roof approximately four feet long by two feet deep. This roof is
supported by elaborate brackets. There are no stairs or porch stoop to the door.
In the center of the east side is a 2h story gable roofed bay with a window between
its gable returns. Its roof acts as a dormer on the main roof. The bay has two windows
at a level between the first and second floors. The bay has been altered on the first
floor with a 5'xl2' addition. The shed roof over this addition extends into a carport.
The barns and other outbuildings of the famous Northern Pacific Ranch are gone.
The Ponnson House is now surrounded by residences and an increasing number of commercial _ .
and manufacturing buildings.
Architect(s) and/or Engineer(s) _
Date(s) Built circa 1870-1890 Present Level of Significance
Most Significant Period 1870-circa 1930 _National _State x Local
The Ponnson House served as the farmhouse for the Northern Pacific
Ranch. It was on this farm that produce served by the Northern Pacific
Railway was either grown or assembled. Large signs once advertised the
farm as the home of the Northern Pacific "baked potato."
Little is known of the Ponnson family. An unverified story states
that they were of Hungarian descent and that there was a title in the
family. There are no records of the Ponnson family in any of the local
Kent Planning Department. Heritage Sites. Unpublished.
Kent Planning Department. History of Kent. Unpublished.
Photos. Fournier Newspapers Bicentennial Edition. Jan. 25, 1976. Section C p.4.
Boucher, Jessie. 527 S. Third Avenue, Kent, Wa. 98031. Age 88. Interviewed
12/21/77. Taught school in Kent for 44 years.
Holloway,G.$30 S. Third Avenue, Kent, Wa. 98031. Age 67. Interviewed 12/27/77.
Interested in area history.
Reiten, Ed, Age 73. Interviewed 12/16/77, Kent Historian.
Signature C [P L i 7 vC� Date 2-2-78
Organization KiKq county Historic Sites Survey
Address 1955 Sixth Avenue West, Seattle, Wa. 98119 Phone (206) 284-8556
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December 2 , 1988
Lois Schwennesen, Manager
King County Planning and Community Development
506 Second Avenue
707 Smith Tower
Seattle, WA. 98104
Dear Lois:
The cities of Renton, Auburn and Kent have supported the need to
revise the Soos Creek Community Plan and are actively
participating in this process. In earlier discussions with your
staff and the Citizens Committee, the cities shared their growth
and development plans and concerns about the planning area.
We are now at an important phase in the plan revision.
Alternative concepts have been developed for the area and
reviewed with the community. City staffs have reviewed these
alternatives and at the request of Renton's Mayor Earl Clymer,
and Auburn's Mayor Bob Roegner, have prepared the attached
comments. The City of Kent also plans to comment on the
alternatives. Planning staff will be reviewing this information
with the Kent City Council by early January.
Our comments are designed to provide quidance for establishing
the overall direction of the Plan. As the planning process moves
into the more specific aspects of the plan, we will want to work
with the staff and the Committee on ways to implement these
The Soos Creek Community Plan process is an important one -- it
provides an opportunity to address some significant urban, rural
and facility issues and to resolve the long-term relationship of
the cities to this large unincorporated area. We appreciate your
Lois Schwennesen, Manager
King County Planning and Community Development
December 2, 1988
willingness to involve us in this process and look forward to
_ successfully resolving these issues.
Yours v y truly,
Larry Springer, Director
Department of Policy Development
City of Renton
Mary McCumber, Director
Department of Planning
& Community Development
City of Auburn
cc: Tim Hill, King County Executive
Gary Grant, Council Chair
Craig Larson, Community Plan Section Chief
Sue Enger, Project Manager
Soos Creek Community Plan Committee
Fred Satterstrom, Kent Planning Manager
1. Cities supported the development and adoption of the
1985 King County Comprehensive Plan. In particular,
Renton and Auburn support the following concepts:
* The designation of Urban Areas where most of the
growth should occur and the long-term protection
of Rural Areas and Resource Lands.
* Urban growth should occur with the cities --
annexations and incorporations should be
encouraged, when appropriate, within the
unincoporated Urban Areas.
* Interlocal planning and annexation agreements
should be developed with the cities for the
unincorporated areas to ensure consistent land use
policies and public improvements.
2 . The existing Soos Creek Community Plan was developed
before the King County Comprehensive Plan was developed
and adopted. The Community Plan identified areas for
future growth and development. Since the Plan was
adopted, several significant issues have been
identified. These include that the Community Plan
failed to phase urban growth with the provision of
adequate facilities and services nor did it deal with
future annexations and the role of the cities.
3 . The revision of the Soos Creek Community Plan is an
opportunity to implement the King County Comprehensive
Plan and address problems with the existing Community
Plan. The following concepts should quide the process
to revise the Community Plan.
* Rural Areas, designated by the King County
Comprehensive Plan, should be protected.
* Transitional Areas should be redesignated to
Rural, wherever possible. Existing development
patterns and service levels should be evaluated to
make this determination.
December 2 , 1988
* Within the Urban Areas, a new approach to the
phasing of growth should be developed. This
mechanism should tie increased densities and uses
to annexation agreements with the cities and the
provision of urban facilities and services. During
the development of the Soos Creek Community Plan,
the cities will work with King County to identify
opportunities for increased residential densities
and commercial growth. The Community Plan may
identify these areas, but the actual
implementation should not occur until annexation
agreements with the cities and facilities are in
place. In addition, municipal service agreements
with King County should be developed to include
provisions that cities are the preferred service
providers in future annexation areas and
mechanisms that tie services to annexation.
* Urban design plans should be developed for
commercial centers that are expected to remain in
unincorporated King County. These plans should
provide for a coordinated approach to development,
facility provision and design standards, thus
enhancing the quality of development and sense of
community in areas not planned for annexation or
incorporation in the future.
* Special care should be given to environmentally
sensitive lands. Within the Urban Areas, plan
designations, zoning and regulations should
provide long term protection to hillsides, rivers,
streams, and wetlands.
1985 Comprehensive Plan Designations
Rural Areas Areas to remain in rural land uses, where rural public
facility and service standards apply.
Urban Areas Areas planned for growth at a range of residential
densities (from very high to very low), where urban public facility
and service standards will apply.
Transitional Areas To remain In low density land uses as a reserve
for future urban development or designation as Rural Areas
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