HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/19/1989 KENT CITY COUNCIL
September 19, 1989 4: 00 PM
Committee Members Present Staff Present
Judy Woods, Chair Jim Harris
Steve Dowell Lois Ricketts
Jon Johnson Fred Satterstrom
Dan Stroh
Others Present Scott Williams
Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Garrett
Linda Martinez
Leona Orr
Planning Director Harris stated that Mr. and Mrs. Garrett had applied through
the Regulatory Review process to be allowed to have an A-frame structure in
their KOA campground on S. 212th Street. These structures are currently not
allowed in a Recreational Vehicle Park. The issue was considered by the
lanning Commission, who chose not to proceed with a hearing. The Garretts
nave appealed to the Planning Committee.
Councilwoman Woods asked if the two options in this request were to amend the
code for all Recreational Vehicle Parks or to request a variance through the
Board of Adjustment. Mr. Harris clarified that the Board of Adjustment
should not consider variances which vary rules and regulations. To allow A-
frame structures in the KOA campground would require an amendment of City
Linda Martinez stated that the Planning Commission might consider an
amendment to allow these structures as a conditional use but did not choose
to consider an amendment to allow the structures as outright permitted uses
across the board. The conditional use process would allow some control over
the type of structure that would be permitted.
Mr. Harris stated design considerations might be an option to allow such
structures. He added that the Planning Commission would be considering next
month an application to allow recreational vehicle parks in the GC, General
commercial, zoning district. Perhaps the Planning Commission could look at
the whole ordinance on recreational vehicle parks to consider other changes
which could be made. Linda Martinez agreed.
Mrs. Garrett stated that the KOA campground is a franchise operation with
strict franchise agreements. The Kent location has been asked to put in the
-abins which have been incorporated into the KOA franchise system to provide
_or tour bus camping marketing in Europe. Mrs. Garrett added that the
franchise system differentiates the KOA campground from other types of
campgrounds; she believes franchises could be considered differently in the
Mr. Harris stated that the franchise operations are not treated differently
under the code. He believes all campgrounds should be treated equally.
According to Mrs. Garrett, these cabins are being considered like tents in
the KOA system. The cabins will have electric lighting and a smoke alarm
only. They will be located in the tenting area and will use the water
facilities outside. Thurston County has approved these structures within the
KOA campground system.
Councilman Johnson MOVED and Councilman Dowell SECONDED the motion to
recommend that the Planning Commission review the Recreational Vehicle Park
code in light of the KOA request for cabins, with an eye toward amending that
ordinance but also looking at the design features.
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett requested that they be allowed to put a roof on the one
structure that has been started so that the forthcoming rains would not
damage the wood. Councilwoman Woods and Mr. Harris suggested the Garretts
contact the Building Department in this regard. Mrs. Garrett passed around
-a picture of the cabin.
Planning Director Harris requested input on staff alternatives A through F
related to the Council High Priority Target Issue #6, "Plan for Kent's Future
Land Use and Development. . .Comprehensive Plan: Update. " The alternatives
range from a brief clean-up to a complete redo of the plan.
Chairwoman Woods requested a staff recommendation, stated that she believes
a mere clean-up effort is inadequate, and asked if the plan could be updated
incrementally. Mr. Harris believes that an incremental approach is what has
been taken over the past several years and the full plan update is never
completed. Senior Planner Dan Stroh briefly described the alternatives.
Councilman Johnson favors a combination of C, D, and E, focussing on specific
issues, elements and geographic areas. Instead of reinventing the wheel,
this approach would focus on the heart of the plan. In addition, with a
complete rewrite the lead time is so great that by the time the plan is
finished it is outdated. Councilman Dowell favors D or F, an update of
specific elements or a complete rewrite. Chairwoman Woods stated that
originally she favored a complete rewrite, but she now believes such a
request is unrealistic after considering manpower and budget restrictions.
Mr. Harris stated staff would like to consider A, B and C which would combine
all subdocuments into one overall plan. Also it is important to look at
specific issues and elements. This would take approximately ten to fourteen
months. To request a complete update would require additional resources,
including consultants, citizen advisory committees, and staff. Harris added
that the Transportation Plan update to be considered by the Public Works
Department should be accomplished in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan
Assistant City Administrator Hansen believes that time would be well spent
in asking citizens what they envision for Kent. Discussion occurred on the
report of the Kent 2000 Committee and its consideration in the Comprehensive
Plan update.
Staff will bring back a more detailed scope of work in two weeks.
Planning Commission Chairwoman Martinez requested that when the Planning
Commission is asked to review an issue it be given a very clear indication
of why the issue is being reviewed.
Senior Planner Stroh stated the County Elections Division recommended that
the City have written procedures for making ballot committee appointments.
Proposed procedures were in the agenda packet. Mr. Stroh added that the
ayor has nominated Ed Heineman, Dee Eklund and Dee Moschel for the Pro
Committee. No one has come forward for the Con Committee and in that case
there is no need for that committee.
Councilman Dowell MOVED and Councilman Johnson SECONDED the motion to
recommend approval of the written procedures for making ballot committee
appointments and approval of Ed Heineman, Dee Eklund and Dee Moschel to the
Pro Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harris stated that this issue came to the whole Council as a
recommendation from the Public Works Committee. The Planning Department was
not involved in this proposed change to Title 15, which is the Zoning Code.
Planning staff do not favor this change because it would force the Planning
Department rather than the Police Department to issue tickets to trucks and
trailers parked in the street. Staff will work with the City Attorney's
office regarding this issue.
Mr. Harris related that the State Legislative Committee is meeting at the Red
Lion this Saturday to consider the future of the PSCOG organization. In the
meantime, PSCOG is moving forward with its regional development plan.
`4r. Satterstrom stated that the Puget Sound Council of Governments is
updating the regional transportation plan and regional development strategy.
PSCOG hopes to get transportation planning in sync with a regional
development strategy and hopes to vote on a new plan by Fall of 1990.
There are four major visions for the Puget Sound area: A) Growth is
concentrated in major centers with high investments in transit. Seattle,
Everett, Bellevue, Tacoma, Bremerton, and a point between Renton, Kent and
Tukwila would be high growth areas. B) Growth is concentrated in a number
of centers with a high investment in transit and a low or moderate investment
in highways. C) There is a high investment in roads and low or moderate
investment in transit. D) Dispersed growth with high investment in roads and
little investment in transit. PSCOG sees their future more in transportation
planning than land use.
Mr. Harris stated that the City of Kent needs to be on record at some point
in this process and staff will advise the Council in this regard.
Linda Martinez reported on the status of the West Hill and East Hill housing
studies. The Planning Commission is considering four aspects of housing:
A) Do we want a designated single family area? B) Do we want to have a new
oning category called R1-5.0 which will promote affordable housing? There
are many things to consider in this issue. There is a call to review single
family housing building standards. C) Look at Comprehensive Plan Map
housekeeping items. D) Look at what can be done in each of the areas. By
December all areas should be passed through the Planning Commission.
Councilman Dowell expressed confusion about the overlays referred to in the
Planning Commission minutes. Mr. Stroh stated that the single family overlay
to the Comprehensive Plan is designed to clearly indicate the City' s
intention in a planned approach to an area; the single family overlay would
indicate the City's intent to promote single family housing.
Ms. Martinez stated the overlay allows the Planning Department to consider
an entire area in light of the plans that an individual brings. In addition,
the Planning Commission is considering a zoning change to specific areas.
Mr. Satterstrom added that the interim ordinance that controls multifamily
density will control until the City Council has adopted all three area-by-
area studies. Mr. Stroh commented there had not been much opposition to the
single family overlay. However, there is opposition to the R1-5.0 proposal
and the site-specific rezones.
Ms. Martinez invited the City Council members to the Planning Commission
social on October 7th at 3 : 00 PM at the Battelle Center in Seattle.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:25 PM.
September 19, 1989 4: 00 PM
Committee Members Present Staff Present
Judy Woods, Chair Jim Harris
Steve Dowell Lois Ricketts
Jon Johnson Fred Satterstrom
Dan Stroh
Others Present Scott Williams
Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Garrett
Linda Martinez
Leona Orr
Planning Director Harris stated that Mr. and Mrs. Garrett had applied through
the Regulatory Review process to be allowed to have an A-frame structure in
their KOA campground on S. 212th Street. These structures are currently not
allowed in a Recreational Vehicle Park. The issue was considered by the
Planning Commission, who chose not to proceed with a hearing. The Garretts
have appealed to the Planning Committee.
Councilwoman Woods asked if the two options in this request were to amend the
code for all Recreational Vehicle Parks or to request a variance through the
Board of Adjustment. Mr. Harris clarified that the Board of Adjustment
should not consider variances which vary rules and regulations. To allow A-
frame structures in the KOA campground would require an amendment of City
Linda Martinez stated that the Planning Commission might consider an
amendment to allow these structures as a conditional use but did not choose
to consider an amendment to allow the structures as outright permitted uses
across the board. The conditional use process would allow some control over
the type of structure that would be permitted.
Mr. Harris stated design considerations might be an option to allow such
structures. He added that the Planning Commission would be considering next
month an application to allow recreational vehicle parks in the GC, General
Commercial, zoning district. Perhaps the Planning Commission could look at
the whole ordinance on recreational vehicle parks to consider other changes
which could be made. Linda Martinez agreed.
Mrs. Garrett stated that the KOA campground is a franchise operation with
strict franchise agreements. The Kent location has been asked to put in the
cabins which have been incorporated into the KOA franchise system to provide
for tour bus camping marketing in Europe. Mrs. Garrett added that the
franchise system differentiates the KOA campground from other types of
campgrounds; she believes franchises could be considered differently in the
Mr. Harris stated that the franchise operations are not treated differently
under the code. He believes all campgrounds should be treated equally.
According to Mrs. Garrett, these cabins are being considered like tents in
the KOA system. The cabins will have electric lighting and a smoke alarm
only. They will be located in the tenting area and will use the water
facilities outside. Thurston County has approved these structures within the
KOA campground system.
Councilman Johnson MOVED and Councilman Dowell SECONDED the motion to
recommend that the Planning Commission review the Recreational Vehicle Park
code in light of the KOA request for cabins, with an eye toward amending that
ordinance but also looking at the design features.
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett requested that they be allowed to put a roof on the one
structure that has been started so that the forthcoming rains would not
damage the wood. Councilwoman Woods and Mr. Harris suggested the Garretts
contact the Building Department in this regard. Mrs. Garrett passed around
a picture of the cabin.
Planning Director Harris requested input on staff alternatives A through F
related to the Council High Priority Target Issue #6, "Plan for Kent' s Future
Land Use and Development. . .Comprehensive Plan: Update. " The alternatives
range from a brief clean-up to a complete redo of the plan.
Chairwoman Woods requested a staff recommendation, stated that she believes
a mere clean-up effort is inadequate, and asked if the plan could be updated
incrementally. Mr. Harris believes that an incremental approach is what has
been taken over the past several years and the full plan update is never
completed. Senior Planner Dan Stroh briefly described the alternatives.
Councilman Johnson favors a combination of C, D, and E, focussing on specific
issues, elements and geographic areas. Instead of reinventing the wheel,
this approach would focus on the heart of the plan. In addition, with a
complete rewrite the lead time is so great that by the time the plan is
finished it is outdated. Councilman Dowell favors D or F, an update of
specific elements or a complete rewrite. Chairwoman Woods stated that
originally she favored a complete rewrite, but she now believes such a
request is unrealistic after considering manpower and budget restrictions.
Mr. Harris stated staff would like to consider A, B and C which would combine
all subdocuments into one overall plan. Also it is important to look at
specific issues and elements. This would take approximately ten to fourteen
months. To request a complete update would require additional resources,
including consultants, citizen advisory committees, and staff. Harris added
that the Transportation Plan update to be considered by the Public Works
Department should be accomplished in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan
Assistant City Administrator Hansen believes that time would be well spent
in asking citizens what they envision for Kent. Discussion occurred on the
report of the Kent 2000 Committee and its consideration in the Comprehensive
Plan update.
Staff will bring back a more detailed scope of work in two weeks.
Planning Commission Chairwoman Martinez requested that when the Planning
Commission is asked to review an issue it be given a very clear indication
of why the issue is being reviewed.
Senior Planner Stroh stated the County Elections Division recommended that
the City have written procedures for making ballot committee appointments.
Proposed procedures were in the agenda packet. Mr. Stroh added that the
Mayor has nominated Ed Heineman, Dee Eklund and Dee Moschel for the Pro
Committee. No one has come forward for the Con Committee and in that case
there is no need for that committee.
Councilman Dowell MOVED and Councilman Johnson SECONDED the motion to
recommend approval of the written procedures for making ballot committee
appointments and approval of Ed Heineman, Dee Eklund and Dee Moschel to the
Pro Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harris stated that this issue came to the whole Council as a
recommendation from the Public Works Committee. The Planning Department was
not involved in this proposed change to Title 15, which is the Zoning Code.
Planning staff do not favor this change because it would force the Planning
Department rather than the Police Department to issue tickets to trucks and
trailers parked in the street. Staff will work with the City Attorney's
office regarding this issue.
Mr. Harris related that the State Legislative Committee is meeting at the Red
Lion this Saturday to consider the future of the PSCOG organization. In the
meantime, PSCOG is moving forward with its regional development plan.
Mr. Satterstrom stated that the Puget Sound Council of Governments is
updating the regional transportation plan and regional development strategy.
PSCOG hopes to get transportation planning in sync with a regional
development strategy and hopes to vote on a new plan by Fall of 1990.
There are four major visions for the Puget Sound area: A) Growth is
concentrated in major centers with high investments in transit. Seattle,
Everett, Bellevue, Tacoma, Bremerton, and a point between Renton, Kent and
Tukwila would be high growth areas. B) Growth is concentrated in a number
of centers with a high investment in transit and a low or moderate investment
in highways. C) There is a high investment in roads and low or moderate
investment in transit. D) Dispersed growth with high investment in roads and
little investment in transit. PSCOG sees their future more in transportation
planning than land use.
Mr. Harris stated that the City of Kent needs to be on record at some point
in this process and staff will advise the Council in this regard.
Linda Martinez reported on the status of the West Hill and East Hill housing
studies. The Planning Commission is considering four aspects of housing:
A) Do we want a designated single family area? B) Do we want to have a new
zoning category called R1-5.0 which will promote affordable housing? There
are many things to consider in this issue. There is a call to review single
family housing building standards. C) Look at Comprehensive Plan Map
housekeeping items. D) Look at what can be done in each of the areas. By
December all areas should be passed through the Planning Commission.
Councilman Dowell expressed confusion about the overlays referred to in the
Planning Commission minutes. Mr. Stroh stated that the single family overlay
to the Comprehensive Plan is designed to clearly indicate the City's
intention in a planned approach to an area; the single family overlay would
indicate the City's intent to promote single family housing.
Ms. Martinez stated the overlay allows the Planning Department to consider
an entire area in light of the plans that an individual brings. In addition,
the Planning Commission is considering a zoning change to specific areas.
Mr. Satterstrom added that the interim ordinance that controls multifamily
density will control until the City Council has adopted all three area-by-
area studies. Mr. Stroh commented there had not been much opposition to the
single family overlay. However, there is opposition to the R1-5.0 proposal
and the site-specific rezones.
Ms. Martinez invited the City Council members to the Planning Commission
social on October 7th at 3 : 00 PM at the Battelle Center in Seattle.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 5: 25 PM.