HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/22/1988 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 22, 1988 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Martinez, Acting Chairman Greg Greenstreet Albert Haylor Nancy Rudy Raymond Ward COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Badger, absent Anne Biteman, excused Elmira Forner, excused Carol Stoner, excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Carol Proud, Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1988 Commissioner Ward asked that the motion on Page 5 of the July 25, 1988 minutes be changed to show Ward as opposed to the motion. Commissioner Rudy asked that her vote be changed in favor of the motion as stated, which did not change the total count for the vote. Chairman Ward MOVED that the minutes of the meeting be approved as corrected. Commissioner Greenstreet SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN AMENDMENTS (Continued) Fred Satterstrom expressed appreciation to Borden Chemical, Howard Manufacturing and Northwest Metals for the tour of the facilities and explanation of activities that were provided for the Planning Commission and Planning staff on August 15, 1988. It was felt that the Commission should thoroughly discuss the goals, objectives and policies in addition to the measures needed to implement the plan. The Commission should look at all the changes being proposed--those by the CBD Task Force, those by the Chamber of Commerce and those by the Mayor. These will be discussed at the workshop at the close of this hearing. 1 Kent Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 1988 Dee Eklund, 23616 58th Street, Kent, President, Kent Chamber of Commerce, requested the Commission to draw up a new preferred alternative map which conforms to the downtown Kent planning area document, and requested that all changes to this plan be referred back to the Chamber's Local Government Committee Task Force for final approval. If changes are made, the Chamber would like an opportunity to be informed of the changes. Acting Chairman Martinez suggested that Ms. Eklund note the changes as they are brought up at the workshop following this hearing. Bill Kramer, Plant Manager, The Borden Company, submitted to the record the Local Government Committee's proposed changes to the CBD report. These were compiled by Dee Moschel and Bill Kramer and adopted by the Local Government Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. One suggestion was to have fewer limitations on development. Commissioner Greenstreet asked if Mr. Kramer felt more manufacturing should be allowed into the area. Mr. Kramer responded they would like to maintain the current M-2 zoning. This would not allow for expansion of manufacturing unless approved by the Planning Department. The remaining M-2 area could be zoned to another classification. Another suggestion was to place emphasis on making the entire area more visually attractive (place focus on outside aesthetics) and making sure that buildings are safe from fire and built for the safety of people. Another suggestion was to increase the number of pedestrian-oriented parks. If parks are replaced with park-and-ride lots, they should be replaced and/or more sites acquired for passive parks in the area. It was felt that Goal 5 should be reinstated. He presented to the record a letter regarding the Mayor's proposal. Dee Moschel, 448 Alpine Way, Kent, felt that the plan dated August 81 1988, presented by the Chamber of Commerce, is an acceptable alternative to the amended CBD Plan that had been proposed originally. The Chamber would like the plan amended to retain zoning for only those manufacturers currently engaged in business. When an existing manufacturer ceased to do business on the site currently occupied, no new manufacturing should be allowed to locate on the site. Appropriate zoning should be prepared in advance which would be put into effect automatically when the manufacturer chooses to sell or relocate his business. She urged consideration of additional passive parks in downtown Kent. If parking lots are placed on land that is currently being used as a park, equal or greater space should be developed to replace the park. Green space is especially important in the downtown area. She felt there should be more emphasis on safety and aesthetics of property, including sidewalks, alleyways, buildings, land and vacant lots. Ms. Moschel submitted to the record a postal card of Downtown Kent showing Meeker Street as it appeared 10-15 years ago. 2 Kent Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 1988 Commissioner Rudy MOVED to continue the public hearing. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. The public hearing was continued to September 26, 1988, the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO KCC 15. 04 . 170 RELATING TO INTRODUCING GYMNASTIC SCHOOLS AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE M-1 AND M-2 DISTRICTS AND KCC 15. 04. 180, INTRODUCING HEALTH AND FITNESS CLUBS AS A PERMITTED USE (ZCA 88-7) . Mr. Harris suggested that gymnastic schools and similar uses be permitted outright in the M-1 and M-2 zones because activities of this type require buildings with pillars or vaulted ceilings in order to accommodate the apparatus that is used. These uses are difficult to locate in other zones. He also suggested that health and fitness clubs and facilities be added to the principally permitted uses in the M-2 zone. He pointed out that in the M-2 zone principally permitted uses would be limited to 25 percent of the gross floor area of any single or multibuilding development. In response to a question about karate schools, he felt these would be included. Commissioner Rudy MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Greenstreet SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Rudy MOVED to accept this proposal and permit gymnastic schools and similar uses in M-1 and health and fitness clubs and facilities and gymnastic schools in M-2 as permitted outright. Commissioner Greenstreet SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. EAST HILL PLAN Mr. Harris stated that the East HIll Plan was adopted on September 71 1982. On December 3 , 1984 Resolution #1040 was adopted which revised zoning in the area of South 240th/104th Avenue (Fred Meyer) and authorized study of South 256th/104th Avenue. In December 1985 the Planning Department published the East Hill Commercial Study which recommended there be no expansion of commercial zoning at the 256th/104th area. On February 25, 1986 the Planning Commission recommended 13 sites (70+ acres) for commercial zoning. On April 21, 1986 Resolution #1100 was adopted which referred these amendments to commercial zoning back to the Planning Commission for reconsideration. The Commission was given six months to report back to Council. On September 15, 1986 Kent City Council granted a three-month extension for the Commission to report findings. On 3 Kent Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 1988 December 1, 1986 Resolution #1123 was adopted which directed the Planning Commission to defer action on East Hill commercial amendments until the overall subarea plan was updated and declared an intent to achieve an average density reduction of 20 percent on all undeveloped multifamily zoned lands throughout the city. On July 5, 1988 Ordinance #2788 reduced density in multifamily zones. Resolution #1172 directed an update of the Housing Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan including an area-by-area analysis of residential density. Staff will address the East Hill Plan issue at the Planning Committee meeting on September 6 in order to obtain guidance from them. Mr. Harris stated that staff will recommend that any work on the East Hill Plan be done in the context of Resolution #1123 and Ordinance #2788. The Planning Department has been authorized to hire an extra person for the study of this area over a one-year period. There will be hearings on the housing element aspects of the various plans. CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT Acting Chairman Martinez presented to Commissioner Haylor the Certificate of Appointment to the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Rudy MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Greenstreet SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Acting Chairman Martinez adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ja es P. Har is, ecretary 4