HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/26/1988 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 26, 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Badger, Chairman Linda Martinez, Vice Chairwoman Anne Biteman Elmira Forner Albert Haylor Carol Stoner Gabriella Uhlar-Heffner Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: Greg Greenstreet PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kathy McClung, Senior Planner Carol Proud, Planner T.ois Ricketts, Recording Secretary KENT CITY STAFF: Norm Angelo, Chief, Kent Fire Department and Fire District 37 APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 22 . 1988 Commissioner Martinez MOVED that the minutes of the August 22, 1988 Planning Commission meeting be approved as submitted. Commissioner Biteman SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. HEIGHT REGULATIONS RELATING TO HEIGHT OF POLICE AND FIRE TRAINING TOWERS (KCC 15.08. 190) (#ZCA-88-8) Mr. Harris presented the proposed amendment to KCC 15. 08. 190 to except police and fire training towers from height limitations. He stated that training towers are necessary in order for police and fire personnel to have exposure to emergency training in buildings whose structures are similar to those structures encountered in the city. Depending on the location of the training facility, the training tower may or may not meet height restrictions of the zoning district in which it is located. He suggested the following amendment: Kent Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 Zoning Code 15.08. 190 Exceptions to Height Regulation The height limitations of the various districts shall not apply to spires, flag poles, belfries, cupolas, noncommercial antennas, ventilators, chimneys, or other appurtenances usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy. The height limitations shall not apply to barns and silos provided that they are not located within fifty (50) feet of any lot line. Elevated reservoirs, water tanks, police and fire training towers and standpipes are exempt from height restrictions. Chief Angelo pointed out that the proposed tower will be located on the south side of the nine-acre site at SE 248th and 116th Avenue SE. The base of the tower will be approximately 55 feet by 70 feet. Much of the tower will be two stories high, but it will be no more than four stories, with a maximum of 45 feet, when completed. A fifth story might be added at a later date. The tower will have pitched roofs, which will harmonize with the architecture of the fire station. The 25,000 square foot administrative headquarters for the Kent Fire Department and Police Training Station will be architecturally compatible with the surrounding residential area. Behind this one- story headquarters building will be a one-story shooting range which will be enclosed. The tower will be erected behind these structures. Chief Angelo has had numerous meetings with the neighbors and a church representative. When asked about fumes, he responded that the smoke will be white and nontoxic in nature. There will be no flames or black smoke coming out of the building. All the drainage will be funnelled inwardly and removed. There will be no smoke or water marks on the outside of the tower. Loudspeakers will be located at the back side of the station and will be in use only during normal working hours. There will be no scheduled outside drills which would create undue noise during scheduled church services. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Discussion followed. Commissioner Haylor MOVED that Kent Zoning Code Section 15.08.190 Exceptions to Height Regulations be changed to add police and fire training towers to the sentence: Elevated reservoirs, water tanks, police and fire training towers and standpipes are exempt from height restrictions. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 2 Kent Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 SIGNS PERMITTED IN DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. IDENTIFICATION SIGNS (KCC 15. 06. 050 C) Ms. McClung presented the proposal stating that this would give multi-tenant buildings in the Downtown Commercial zone an option of having either a freestanding sign or a building identification sign. The size of the signs would be the same as is allowed currently for single-tenant buildings in the Downtown Commercial zone, a freestanding sign with a limit of 100 square feet for all sides or a total of 50 square feet per side, restricted to 30 feet in height. The proposed freestanding sign for multi-tenant buildings would be restricted to 15 feet and individual tenants could not be listed on the sign. This sign is primarily to identify the building. Each tenant is allowed to have their identification sign on the building. The current regulations allow building identification signs only. Staff suggests the following amendments: Cl. Aggregate sign area. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated below shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. a. Aggregate sign area. Multi-tenant buildings. Each multi-tenant building may have one (1) identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage Said sign shall not exceed a total if five (5) percent of the facade to which it is attached. Said sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multi-tenant building will have the option of the sign described above or the following identification sign. Freestanding Identification sign: Multi-tenant building. Each building may have one (1) freestanding sign on each street frontage. Said sign may not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. The maximum sign area permitted for the freestanding sign is one hundred (100) square feet for the total of all faces; no one face shall exceed fifty (50) square feet. Multi-tenant freestanding signs shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Under b. Identification signs: Occupancies. The last sentence "No freestanding sign shall be permitted" should be omitted. 3 Kent Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 Discussion followed regarding the size and location of signs. Commissioner Martinez MOVED and Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that the Commission accept the changes as proposed by the Planning Department for the zoning code amendment to allow owners of multi-tenant buildings in the Downtown Commercial zone to have the option of a freestanding or building identification sign. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Stoner amended the motion to include the word "square" in paragraph 1. Aggregate sign area, line five, "exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of street. . . " Commissioner Ward SECONDED the amendment. Discussion followed. Motion carried. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN AMENDMENTS (Continued) Mr. Satterstrom presented the Central Business District Plan Land Use Goals and Policies which compared the existing plan with the suggestions of the Mayor's Task Force and the Chamber Committee. He presented a map showing the proposed land uses within the CBD, which included the pedestrian-oriented commercial area, the core area, the auto-oriented commercial area, the office area, the manufacturing area and the public area. He explained that alleyways are used for deliveries or access to properties. If property owners were to consolidate properties on a block and a unified development plan were to be offered to the city, alleyways could be eliminated. Ms. Proud presented a map showing current uses on specific sites. Bill Kramer, Plant Manager of Borden Chemical, 421 First Avenue North, stated that he has become aware that the Borden plant needs to be more visually compatible with the neighborhood. Borden will present a plan which details their efforts, but the plan depends on their ability to continue to do business in the area. Any plans for enhancement would require approval by his superiors. Employees at Borden are aware of the need for visual improvements but wonder if those with less resources would be able to provide the necessary improvements. Mr. Kramer mentioned that some sites that need improvement are residential and commercial sites. Chuck Howard, President of Howard Manufacturing Company, 421 6th Avenue North, entered into the record a letter from Northwest Metals dated September 19, 1988, and a map showing the three manufacturing properties of Howard Manufacturing, Northwest Metals and Borden Chemical. 4 Kent Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 Commissioner Stoner MOVED to accept into the record the map and letter submitted by Mr. Howard. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chairman Badger referred to the letter stating that the Planning Area should be referred to as the "Downtown Kent Planning Area" rather than the "Central Business District Planning Area. " Mr. Harris felt that people call this area "Downtown" and the term could be changed without any problems. Commissioner Haylor MOVED to change the term "Central Business District Planning Area" to "Downtown Kent Planning Area". Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to approve the Overall Goal, "Promote the use of the Planning Area land for the present and future needs of the citizens of Kent for living, recreation, working, and shopping and create an environment for future growth and development. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed regarding the concept of managing and planning the future of Kent. Commissioner Martinez restated the motion for the Overall Goal, "Promote the planned use of the Kent Downtown Area for the present and future needs of the citizens of Kent for living, recreation, working, and shopping and create an environment for future growth and development. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to accept the expanded boundaries of the Downtown Area as mapped on the CBD Task Force Preferred Alternative. Commissioner Biteman SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 1 state "Promote and maintain an attractive and functionally effective shopping, living, working and playing environment. " Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed. Motion was denied. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that Goal 1 state "Promote and maintain an attractive and functional shopping, living, working and playing environment. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to adopt Goal 2 "Establish Uses in the Kent Downtown Planning Area which draw people to the area both day and night. " Goal 3 should state "The land area within the Downtown Planning Area should be as intensively used as possible, without creating adverse environmental effects. " Commissioner Haylor SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Stoner amended Goal 2 to change 5 Kent Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1988 the word "draw" to "attract". Commissioner Haylor SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to accept Goal 4 "All buildings within the area should be safe for human occupancy. The City's codes and ordinances should be diligently enforced in the Downtown Planning Area. " Commissioner Haylor SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed on the term "occupancy". Jack Strother, attorney representing Northwest Metal Products and Howard Manufacturing suggested that the buildings should be safe for their intended use. Commissioner Martinez changed the motion to read "All buildings within the Downtown Kent Planning Area should be safe for their intended use. The City's codes and ordinances should be diligently enforced in the Downtown Planning Area. Commissioner Haylor SECONDED the motion. The revised motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Forner MOVED that the Commission accept Goal 5 "Follow this document as the overall plan for the Planning Area. " Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed regarding need for and placement of this goal. Commissioner Stoner felt it should be either Goal 6 or Goal 1. Motion carried. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that the Commission accept Goal 6 "Provide incentives for good development. " Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commission Stoner MOVED that the order of Goals 5 and 6 be reversed. Goal 5 will become Goal 6, Goal 6 will become Goal 5. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that the discussion on the Kent Downtown Planning Area be continued to the next regularly scheduled meeting. (October 24) Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chairman Badger adjourned the meeting at 10: 20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ja es P. Harr' s, Secretary 6