HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 10/24/1988 (3) KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 24, 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Badger, Chairman Linda Martinez, Vice Chairman Elmira Forner Greg Greenstreet Carol Stoner Gabriella Uhlar-Heffner Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Anne Biteman, absent Albert Haylor, excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Carol Proud, Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1988 Commissioner Martinez MOVED that the minutes of the September 26, 1988 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Harris suggested that the November workshop be changed to a continuation of Central Business District Plan Amendments (Downtown Kent) . AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION CODE Carol Proud presented the proposed new section to the Subdivision Code regarding lot line adjustments which are currently exempt from the provisions of the Subdivision Code. The Planning Director currently approves or denies lot line adjustments based on Planning Department policy rather than specific code requirements. In order to clarify lot line adjustments and to facilitate the review process, the staff proposed the following amendments to the Subdivision Code. The words "providing for the modification of lot lines;" has been added to the beginning paragraph. A code of the City of Kent, Washington providing for the. . . variation and exception thereto in hardship cases; providing Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 for the modification of lot lines; . . . Under Section 1.2 PURPOSE the words "or adjusting lot lines" has been added. The section now reads: The purpose of this code is to provide rules, regulations, requirements, and standards for subdividing land or adjusting lot lines in the City of Kent. . . Under Section 1.3 SCOPE "and to the modification of lot lines between adjoining parcels" had been added. The paragraph would read: This code shall apply to the division of land for sale or lease into two (2) or more parcels and to the modification of lot lines between adjoining parcels. Under SECTION 1.4 DEFINITIONS the following definition of lot line adjustment has been added as Number 19: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: A lot line adjustment is the adjusting of common property line(s) or boundaries between adjacent lots, tracts, or parcels for the purpose of rectifying a disputed property line location, freeing such a boundary from any differences or discrepancies or accommodating a minor transfer of land. The resulting adjustment shall not create any additional lots, tracts or parcels and all reconfigured lots, tracts or parcels shall contain sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for zoning and building purposes. Under Number 27 Piggyback or Accumulative Short Subdivision the words "application submittal" has been added. The last sentence would read: Ownership for purposes of this section shall mean ownership as established at the application submittal date of the initial short subdivision approval. Under SECTION 1.5 STATE ENABLING LEGISLATION AS IT APPLIES TO THIS CODE add the words "adjusting lot lines. " The paragraph would read: This code is in conformance with Chapter 58. 17 of the Revised Code of the State of Washington regulating platting, subdivision, adjusting lot lines, and the dedication of land. Under SECTION 1.8 EXCEPTIONS Number 3 has been removed because the provisions of the Subdivision Code will apply if the changes are 2 Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 accepted. The following four-step procedure for processing a lot line adjustment application has been added: Section 2. 1.2 Application for Subdivision - General Overview Of procedures 3) Lot Line Adjustment The general procedures for processing applications for a lot line adjustment are as follows: a) The completed application is filed with the Planning Department; b) The application is reviewed by the Planning Department staff; c) The adjustment is either approved, modified, or denied by the Director and/or designee; d) The approved lot line adjustment is recorded by the applicant at King County Department of Assessments. The following major additions proposed by staff clarify existing policy. Section 2 .4 DETAILED PROCEDURES FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS Section 2.4 . 1 Purpose The purpose of a lot line adjustment is to accommodate a minor transfer of land between adjacent legally created lots, to rectify a disputed property line location or to clarify exempt parcel status (per RCW 58. 17.040 (6) ) . Section 2 .4 .2 Principles of Acceptability Lot line adjustments shall be consistent with the following principles of acceptability: 1) Adjust lot lines including the elimination of a common lot line in order to correct property line or setback encroachments; 2) Create better lot design, or improve access; 3) Conform to applicable zoning, subdivision and other code requirements pertaining to lot design, building 3 Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 location, and development standards; 4) Avoid creation of an additional lot parcel and tract; 5) Lots created or combined for tax purposes do not constitute a legal lot of record. Section 2 .4. 3 Application Reauirements 1) Lot line adjustment applications shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Planning Department and shall include the following: a) Four (4) copies of a legible map, drawn to scale on a minimum 8 1/2" x il" sheet of paper showing when applicable: (1) Existing lot lines (2) Proposed new lot lines and distance it has been moved (3) Adjacent streets (4) Type, location and dimensions of existing and/or proposed easements (5) Existing structures and distance to property lines (6) Total square footage of revised lots (7) Ground floor square footage of all structures (8) Location of on-site parking, landscaping, and other significant site features affected by the change (9) Indicate north (10) Identify parcels as Lot A. Lot B, etc. b) The signature of all property owners having interest in the lot line adjustment, indicating approval of the proposal; c) A title report documenting the ownership and title 4 Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 of all interested parties of the property and listing all encumbrances; d) A copy of the existing legal description for both parcels; e) A metes and bounds description of the proposed new lots if other than a platted lot. Section 2 .4.4 Administrative Review 1) The Planning Department will review and approve this proposed lot line adjustment within ten (10) working days of receiving a completed application. 2) Action: The Planning Director may approve, approve with modifications, or deny the application for a lot line adjustment a) Approval: If approved all four (4) lot line adjustment maps shall be stamped "approved" and signed and dated by the Planning Director. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision. Additional copies of the approval notification and map shall be distributed to the King County Assessor's Office and to the City of Kent Property Management Department. b) Approval with Modification(s) : If modification(s) are deemed necessary by the Planning Director, they may be added to the original lot line adjustment map or a revised map may be required. The applicant will be notified of any such modification action. If a modification of the original lot line adjustment map, legal description or other information is necessary, the projected approval date may be extended. c) Denial: If denied, the lot line adjustment shall be marked "Denied" and the applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision, stating the reasons therefore. 2 .4.5 Final Recording A lot line adjustment does not become effective until it is recorded with the King County Assessor's Office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to record the approved map and new legal descriptions. A copy of the 5 Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 recorded documents shall be submitted to the Planning Department by the applicant. The recording of a lot line adjustment does not constitute a transfer of title. Separate deeds to this effect must be recorded with the Assessor's Office and are not subject to these provisions. Under SECTION 2.2 DETAILED PROCEDURES FOR SHORT SUBDIVISIONS Section 2.2 .2 Principles of Acceptability staff suggests that the words "which comply with all provisions of the City of Kent Zoning Code" be added and "with respect to zoning and" be eliminated. The paragraph would read: 1) Create legal building sites which comply with all provisions of the City of Kent Zoning Code and health regulations. Section 2 .2.4 Preliminary Map Review staff suggests "one (1) week" be changed to "ten (10) days. " The sentence would read: The staff shall review this map within ten (10) days and inform applicant of any obvious concerns and recommendations for revisions. . . Discussion followed regarding the transfer of title for lot line adjustments. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that the Planning Commission recommend for adoption the Lot Line Adjustment additions to the Subdivision Code and the two measures for the short plat portion of the code which has been recommended by the Planning staff. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. DOWNTOWN KENT PLAN (Central Business District Continued) Mr. Satterstrom referred to the six goals which were approved at the last public hearing and felt that two meetings in November would be helpful toward completing the Central Business District Plan Update. Harold Vaughn, 203 Madison Avenue, has a licensed photography business at this location but is not allowed adequate signage. He urged the Commission to zone the area for commercial/office/multi- use purposes rather than for multifamily dwellings. Chairman Badger admitted his letter dated October 24, 1988 to the record. 6 Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 Len McCaughan, 623 Titus, recently purchased a home in the area. The Comprehensive Plan shows the area as commercial even though the zoning is Multifamily. He expressed concern about the Mixed Use Office Multifamily designation which he felt is very indefinite. Commission Martinez MOVED that the Commission adopt the Chamber Committee's Overall Goal and Goals 1-3 as follows: OVERALL GOAL: Provide for safe, efficient and identifiable access to and movement within the planning area by planned routes for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, recognizing the necessity of relating circulation to land-use and associated activities. GOAL 1: Provide for safe and efficient vehicular traffic and other modes of transportation to and within the planning area. GOAL 2: Provide for safe, efficient pedestrian movements into and within the planning area. GOAL 3 : Establish and maintain a close coordination between all state, regional, county, city and private planning and construction activities. Commission Ward SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Forner expressed concern about implementing Goal 3. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Greenstreet expressed concern about senior housing. Commissioner Forner conveyed concern about the quality and attractiveness of housing and environmental amenities in Kent. Discussion followed. Commissioner Forner MOVED that the Commission accept the Chamber's Housing Goals and Policies Overall Goal substituting the word "attractive" for the word" quality. " Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion which would state: OVERALL GOAL: Acknowledge the importance of creating and maintaining sound, viable, attractive, residential neighborhoods within and around the planning area. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that the Planning Commission adopt Goals 11 2 and 3 as written by the Chamber Committee. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. 7 Kent Planninng Commission Minutes October 24, 1988 GOAL 1: Encourage the redevelopment and retention of residential area in and around the planning area. GOAL 2 : Encourage a high quality living environment for residential areas in and around the planning area. GOAL 3 : Encourage the provision of housing units for individuals and families of varied income levels. Motion carried unanimously. The Overall Goal of the Economic Goals and Policies was discussed. Concern was communicated regarding the historical style of buildings versus contemporary urban form of buildings. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to table the discussion of the Economic Goals and Policies until the next hearing. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to continue the hearing of the Downtown Kent Plan to Monday, November 21, 1988. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Badger adjourned the meeting at 9: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jiaes P. Harr' s, gecretary 8