HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/21/1988 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 21, 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Badger, Chairman Linda Martinez, Vice Chairman Anne Biteman Elmira Forner Carol Stoner Gabriella Uhlar-Heffner Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Greg Greenstreet, excused Albert Haylor, excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Dan Stroh, Senior Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24. 1988 Commissioner Biteman pointed out that she was excused, not absent, from the October 24 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that the minutes of the October 24, 1988 meeting be approved as corrected. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chairman Badger opened the public hearing. DOWNTOWN KENT PLAN (Central Business District Continued) Mr. Satterstrom introduced the continuation of the Central Business District Plan Update and suggested postponing any section that needed extensive contemplation until the next hearing, November 28. Commissioner Martinez and Chairman Badger presented proposals for the Economic Overall Goal. Commissioner Forner MOVED that the Overall Goal for the Economic Goals and Policies be stated as follows: Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 Promote the economic health and the planned growth and development of Downtown Kent. Through joint private/public partnerships, encourage innovative options for downtown development of retail, office, financial and governmental activities while at the same time recognizing the need to support the unique specialty uses in the area. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Ward MOVED that Goal 1 of the Economic Goals and Policies be expressed as follows: "Create an atmosphere conducive to developing and maintaining a viable retail trade function which provides the goods and services required by the area residents, and which attracts shoppers from the larger region. " Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed regarding specialty shops in the area. Commissioner Stoner amended the motion to include "specialty uses" . Goal 1 would stated as follows: Create an atmosphere conducive to developing and maintaining a viable retail trade function which provides the goods and services required by the area residents and specialty uses which attract shoppers from the larger region. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the amended motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Ward suggested that the word "offices" be deleted from Goal 2. Commissioner Ward MOVED that Goal 2 be stated as follows: Create an atmosphere conducive to developing and maintaining an entertainment, cultural and civic function. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Ward suggested that the word "offices" be added to Goal 3 . Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 3 be stated as follows: Create an atmosphere conducive to continuance and expansion of the financial, office, business, governmental and other service functions. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 4 be stated as follows: 2 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 Provide for the most appropriate use of the land in the planning area. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chairman Badger stated that all the goals had been decided and asked how the objectives and policies should be handled. Commissioner Stoner suggested that the objectives and policies be handled as one unit. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that Land Use Goals and Policies Goal 1, Objective 1 be accepted with the deletion of Policy 2 and Policy 3 becoming Policy 1, Policy 1 becoming Policy 2, and Policy 4 becoming Policy 3. These would be stated as follows: Objective 1: The Planning Area should continue to contain a mixture of compatible uses all of which contribute to the vitality of the area. Policy 1: Encourage mixed-use development as a means of diversifying and revitalizing downtown. Policy 2: Recognize that the existing manufacturers are a vital part of the Planning Area and should be encouraged to participate in the development and growth of the Planning Area. Policy 3 : Create linkages between areas of downtown which are bisected by the railroad track. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed. Motion carried with Commissioners Forner and Uhlar-Heffner opposing. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 1, Objective 2 and Policies 1 and 2 be accepted as presented. These would be stated as follows: Objective 2 : The pedestrian oriented commercial area shall be preserved and enhanced. Policy 1: New development and expansion of existing development in the retail core should be designed to promote pedestrian orientation. Policy 2 : All governmental actions within the pedestrian areas should be reviewed in light of potential 3 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 impacts to pedestrian circulation and convenience. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 1, Objective 3 and Policy 1 be approved as reworded: Objective 3: The Planning Area should be visually attractive Policy 1: The visual appearance of all buildings and properties within the Planning Area should be enhanced, upgraded and maintained. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed. Motion carried. There was discussion regarding the addition of "and facilities" in Objective 1 and "and expand" in Policy 2. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that Goal 2, Objective 1 and Policies 1, 2 and 3 be stated as follows: Objective 1: Encourage entertainment, cultural, recreational and civic activities and facilities to locate within the Planning Area. Policy 1: The city, in conjunction with others, should sponsor entertainment/cultural events on a continuing basis in the Planning Area. Policy 2: Preserve and develop and expand multi-use, park-type green belts and open space around the fringes of and within the Planning Area. Policy 3: Support efforts to rehabilitate the railroad depot. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. It was suggested that Goal 2, Objective 2 include the additional words, "and multi-use, " and that Policy 2 be deleted. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that this section be stated as follows: Objective 2 : Encourage office use and multi-use development in the Planning Area. 4 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 Policy 1: A vigorous program should be formulated which points out the advantages of the Planning Area as an office, retail and multi-use area. Policy 2: The City should support and promote the establishment and expansion of the medical/dental office district in the Planning Area. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 3, Objective 1 and Policies 1, 21 3 and 4 be stated as follows: Objective 1: Promote good design to aid in overcoming poor site development. Policy 1: Require proper site design for all new structures. Policy 2 : Encourage redevelopment of existing "dead space. " Policy 3 : Provide off-street parking in areas of the Planning Area that do not disrupt established, vital-use patterns. Policy 4: Site design should take into consideration existing environmental amenities, preventing environmental deterioration. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Ward MOVED that Goal 4, Objective 1 and Policies 1, 2 and 3 be stated as follows: Objective 1: Achieve compliance with the standards of the Uniform Fire Code, National Electrical Code, zoning code, and other ordinances and regulations. Policy 1: Establish a program to make all buildings meet the "no deficiency" standard of the Fire Code. Policy 2: The City shall take all legal steps necessary to eliminate buildings not brought up to codes within a specified period of time. 5 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 Policy 3 : All necessary steps shall be taken by the City to eliminate land use violations in the area of safety and aesthetics. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Ward MOVED that Goal 5, "Provide Incentives For Good Development, " Objective 1 and Policies 1 and 2 be stated as follows: Objective 1: Encourage development to higher-than-minimum standards. Policy 1: Amend City codes and recommend the modification of State and Federal codes where possible to include such incentives. Policy 2 : Provide City staff when necessary to coordinate development in the Planning Area to maintain the integrity of existing plans, ordinances and codes. Commissioner Stoner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Commissioner Forner MOVED that Goal 6, "Adopt and follow this document as the overall plan for the Planning Area, " Objective 1 and Policies 1, 2, and 3 be stated as follows: Objective 1: Use this document to guide decision-making for the Planning Area's growth and development. Policy 1: Adopt and implement this Planning Area plan as an amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. Policy 2 : Coordinate existing plans and codes to eliminate conflicts with this plan. Policy 3 : Familiarize all Planning Area merchants and property owners with this plan. Commissioner Biteman SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Under Circulation Goals and Policies Goal 1, Objective 1 and Policies 1, 21 3 and 4, Commissioner Ward MOVED that the following be adopted: 6 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 Objective 1: Recognize and accommodate both "local" and "through" traffic. Policy 1: Provide necessary improvements as needed to accommodate the separation of "local" and "through" traffic. Policy 2: Promote and support efforts to integrate the use of the railroad lines into the overall transportation network serving downtown. Policy 3: Support and encourage public transportation to link the Planning Area to adjacent commercial and industrial areas, as well as residential areas. Policy 4: Periodically review the functioning of the "local" and "through" system to determine their safety and effectiveness. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 1, Objective 2, and Policies 1,2 and 3 be tabled until the next meeting. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Stoner suggested that a policy regarding bicycle access in Kent be added to this section. Motion carried. The Commission discussed Policy 2 regarding the extension of Smith Street. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Goal 1, Objective 3 and Policy 1 be approved with the deletion of Policy 2 . This would be stated as follows: Objective 3: Regularly identify, analyze and integrate with the adopted Planning Area plan and any other adopted plan, all proposed circulation and traffic projects which will affect circulation within the Planning Area. Policy 1: Complete such analyses prior to adoption of any circulation or traffic proposal. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The Planning Commission discussed the location of pedestrian walkways in the Downtown Area. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to 7 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 table Goal 2, Objective 1 and Policies 1-5 until the next meeting. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Stoner MOVED that Goal 3, Objective 1 and Policies 1 and 2 be adopted as follows: Objective 1: Coordination of all circulation and traffic planning which affects the Planning Area. Policy 1: Inform State, Regional, County, and private concerns of this objective and establish a continuing communication between all groups. Policy 2: Actively pursue and support the City's and Planning Area's interest in circulation and traffic projects and policies with State, Regional and County agencies, and private groups. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed. Commissioner Stoner amended the motion to include Policy 3 : Policy 3: Promote interjurisdictional cooperation to solve transportation issues. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the amendment. Motion carried. Under Housing Goals and Policies Goal 1, Objective 1 and Policies 1-4 were discussed. It was suggested that the words "attractive and" be added to Policy 1. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to adopt the following objective and policies: Objective 1: Increase the residential population in and around the Planning Area. Policy 1: Encourage attractive and quality residential development. Policy 2: Encourage the mixing of residential and commercial and/or office uses where appropriate. (Tabled) Policy 3: (Tabled for the following meeting. ) Policy 4: Improve all public rights-of-way and utility services as needed. 8 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1988 Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Forner suggested that a buffering zone be considered for Policy 2. Discussion followed. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to amend the motion to table both Policy 2 and Policy 3. The amended motion included Objective 1, Policy 1 and Policy 4. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the amended motion. Motion carried. Policies 2 and 3 will be presented at the next hearing. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner suggested that "or adjacent to residential areas without a buffer" be added to Objective 2. Commissioner Uhlar-Heffner MOVED to adopt Goal 1, Objective 2 and Policy 1 of the Housing Goals and Policies as follows: Objective 2 : Discourage and prohibit where possible, uses incompatible with residential activities from locating in the residential areas or adjacent to residential areas without a buffer. Policy 1: Provide City staff when necessary to review proposed residential development to insure proper site design, the retention or replacement of natural vegetation, etc. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Discussion followed regarding the buffer. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to continue the public hearing to the next meeting, November 28, 1988. Commissioner Forner SECONDED the motion. The possibility of amending the By-Laws will be considered at the next public hearing. Commissioner Stoner MOVED to close the meeting. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ja es P. Harris", Secretary 9