HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/23/1995 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Special Meeting January 23, 1995 The special meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Kent Morrill at 8:00 p.m. on January 23, 1995 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Morrill, Chair Gwen Dahle Kenneth Dozier Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Russ Stringham PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Janette Nuss PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager NanSea Potts, Administrative Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Roger Lubovich, City Attorney APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 12,1994 MINUTES The minutes of the December 12, 1994 meeting were tabled until next meeting. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager said only agenda items could be heard at special meetings, however, other items could be discussed by the Commission. He said no action could be taken on added agenda items. Commissioner Dozier asked to discuss proposed amendments to the land use policies concerning property rights of the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan. Chair Morrill said the purpose of tonight's meeting was to discuss future rules and procedures the Commission will follow. 1 Discussions followed regarding why the special meeting was called. Commissioner Stringham said the formal request did concern the comprehensive plan, specifically an improper vote at the December 12, 1994 meeting which sent forth the comp plan for consideration and adoption to the City Council. Chair Morrill restated the events concerning the motion made by Commissioner Ward, and debated Roberts Rules of Order with several commissioners. Roger Lubovich, City Attorney stated legal aspects of the Commission's actions, saying since the last meeting was adjourned without voicing procedural violations to the motion, the commission waived their right to withdraw it's recommendation. Jim Harris, Planning Director, said per RCW 35 A, the City Council cannot give the Comprehensive Plan back to the Planning Commission for further deliberation. Mr. Harris said the Council has started deliberations, by planning workshops, tours, and has scheduled a public hearing for February 7, 1995. Commissioner Epperly said she felt the commissioners had remaining recommendations they wished to be considered in the Comp Plan. Discussions followed concerning the allowance of additional input by the Commissioners at the public hearing. Mr. Harris said the Council has already said the Council will remand the Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Committee for deliberation at the February 7th City Council meeting. Several discussions continued regarding the Commissions breach of Roberts Rules, and how they can avoid future situations. Mr. Lubovich emphasized that the rules are a guideline for procedure, and the focus of the action should not be diminished by them. He also explained the role of the Planning Commission as the body that makes recommendations to the Council. Commissioner Dahle suggested a minority report be submitted to the Council. Mr. Harris said the Comprehensive Plan is out of the Commission's hands, and that the Commissions efforts are now needed for the Jones/Hobbs annexation zoning and Adult Use zoning. Commissioner MacIsaac questioned the timing of the special meeting, stating his displeasure with the procedure of cancellation for the January 9th meeting. Discussions followed regarding the procedure of future meeting cancellations and closer adherence to Roberts Rules. Commissioner Dahle asked who was responsible for calling a meeting of the Planning Commission in the event the first meeting of the month is not a workshop. Chair Morrill, with assistance from Mr. Lubovich said either staff, three or more members of the Planning Commission or the Chair could request the meeting. Also, he said a cancellation of a meeting can be initiated by the Chair. Mr. Harris said workshop meetings were generally cancelled when staff informs the Chair that there is no workshop agenda. 2 Commissioner Dahle asked the Planning Commission By-Laws be revisited, previously discussed last summer. Chair Morrill agreed. Commissioner Stringham asked for a point of clarification regarding the Planning Commission's ability to schedule a meeting to address comprehensive plan issues to be forwarded to the City Council. Chair Morrill responded that the Planning Commission can do anything they wanted. Mr. Harris stated the Planning Commission should consider staff constraints to handle the extra work required to continue the comprehensive plan deliberations, and that he did not wish to create undue stress and grief on this issue. Mr. Harris outlined the process of the deliberations and reiterated that the Plan was in the Council's hands now. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the special meeting. The motion CARRIED unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jam . Harris R ording Secretary 3