HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/22/1995 (3) KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Public Hearing May 22, 1995 The regular meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Russ Stringham at 7:00 p.m. on May 22, 1995 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Russ Stringham, Vice Chair Gwen Dahle Kenneth Dozier Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Janette Nuss Mike Pattison PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Kent Morrill, Chair (Excused) PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: _ James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Betsy Czark, Planner NanSea Potts, Administrative Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF APRIL 24, 1995 MINUTES It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the April 24, 1995 meeting. The motion CARRIED unanimously. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS None COMMUNICATIONS There were none from Staff. Vice Chair Stringham outlined specific Parliamentary Procedures he intends to following during the meeting. #ZC4-95-4 MA, Industrial Agricultural, Zoning Change NZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes May 22, 1995 _ Page 2 NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None MA, INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL, ZONING DISTRICT CHANGE - #ZCA-95-4 Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager gave the background concerning the origin of this proposed zoning code amendment. He said the KOA Campgrounds (Mr. Garrett) requested a rezone due to a minor expansion, into an area south of 212th Street, near the Green River which is zoned MA. Mr. Satterstrom said the City of Kent is the primary land owner of much of the MA-zoned area in the City. MA zoning was originally intended as a transitional zone for manufacturing and most of it has already been rezoned. Mr. Satterstrom said staff recommends approval of two small wording changes to both the Zoning Code (Title 15) and the Recreational Vehicle Code (Chapter 12.06). They are to add to Section 15.04.160 (A) "4. Recreational vehicle parks", and to Chapter 12.06.070:, "(G) Recreational vehicle parks may be permitted in the MA (Industrial Agricultural) zone as a principally permitted use, and shall be subject to the development standards and procedures of this chapter." Vice Chair Stringham opened the public hearing for comments. There was no testimony given by the public. It was MOVED and SECONDED to close the public hearing. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Commissioner Dozier MOVED to accept the changes recommended by staff to the zoning code. Commissioner Nuss SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. ACCESSORY HOUSING ORDINANCE - #ZCA-95-3 Betsy Czark, Planner, presented material on the proposed zoning code amendment. She defined accessory housing, the benefits to the owner and the community, and explained why the City is writing the ordinance. She said the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring that cities of 20,000 persons or more adopt a housing ordinance by December 31, 1994, to allow accessory housing or accessory dwelling units (ADU), in single family zones. Ms. Czark reviewed the draft ordinance, specifically noting the changes to the draft since the last Planning Commission workshop. These changes include: Intent of the ordinance; Standards limiting ADU's to single family zones; Percentage of floor space allowable for the ADU compared to the principle unit's square footage; Parking requirements; Notification of adjacent neighbors of an accessory housing unit. #ZCA-95-4 MA, Industrial Agricultural, Zoning Change #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes May 22, 1995 Page 3 Vice Chair Stringham opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING - Bunny Arntzen, 25207 36 Place South, Kent, testified that she fully supports accessory housing and stated a variety of reasons why accessory housing units are important to the property owner as well as the renter. Ms. Arntzen shared photos of a unit she has developed in her home, and stressed the importance of strict adherence to the Building Code during the development process. Paul Morford, PO Box 6345, Kent, testified that he was familiar with accessory housing, and agreed that it was an affordable means of housing. He questioned the requirement that ADU's have a private entrance, recalling a unit he resided in during college which did not have a separate entrance. Mr. Morford said he was invited by staff to attend an accessory housing meeting. He asked considerations be made to allow non-private entrances, flexibility in the allowable percentage of square footage of the accessory unit to the primary unit, and to include duplexes in the ordinance. He asked the Commission and staff to tour his sons's North Park duplex project, to see firsthand the opportunities for accessory housing. He urged the ordinance not be adopted until due consideration is given to the downtown duplex project. Comments and questions followed from the Commissioners regarding the allowable percentage of square footage, the differences between accessory units and duplexes. It was MOVED and SECONDED to close the public hearing. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Vice Chair Stringham MOVED to adopt staff's recommendation. Commissioner Epperly SECONDED the motion. Deliberations and Comments continued. Issues included: allowable percentage of floor space of an ADU; consideration of allowing garage floor space as a part of the primary unit; Additional criteria for detached accessory units; flexibility in the ordinance so as to utilize a variety of resources to create affordable housing in Kent; entrance requirements. Ms. Czark said other jurisdictions have simply not designated a percentage and have used other methods for monitoring the size, such as setback requirements and building height restrictions. Mr. Satterstrom said issues relating to lot standards, such as lessening setbacks should be held until cluster development issues are addressed by the Planning Commission in the next few months He also responded to the question if parking for accessory housing units needed to be paved, saying it is required for all new housing, and that an alternative all-weather surface, upon approval of the Engineering Department, may be allowed in case of hardship situations. Mr. Harris added it may be possible to relax the requirements slightly, from those of the primary unit. #ZCA-95-4 MA, Industrial Agricultural, Zoning Change #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes May 22, 1995 _ Page 4 The requirement of owner occupancy of the unit for six months was questioned, and how this requirement would be enforced. Ms. Czark said this issue is a Code Enforcement problem, and that it would probably need complaints by neighbors to enforce. It was also suggested that the law department assist the applicants for an ADU by preparing the necessary statements to file to simplify the processing of accessory housing permits. Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney agreed, stating subsequent property owners would need to be aware of the ordinance and development standards. Mr. Satterstrom said it could be a part of the application process, and that ADU's permits would be recorded and become part of the title Vice Chair Stringham invited a friendly amendment. There were none. The motion FAILED. Vote: Yea -Commissioners Dahle and Pattison. Nay- Commissioners Dozier, Dahle, Epperly, Heineman, MacIsaac, Nuss, Stringham. Commissioner Dozier MOVED to continue the public hearing to June 26, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Epperly SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Commissioner Nuss suggested the commissioners visit some potential accessory housing units before the next hearing. Mr. Satterstrom suggested Mr. Morford's and Ms. Arntzen's units could be seen just prior to the next meeting. It was decided by the Commissioners to research examples of ADU's on their own, rather than involving staff. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion CARRIED unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,�Tamej IV. Harris LRe rding Secretary #ZCA-95-4 MA, Industrial Agricultural, Zoning Change #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance