HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/26/1995 (3) KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Public Hearing June 26, 1995 The regular meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Kent Morrill at 7:00 p.m. on June 26, 1995 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Morrill, Chair Russ Stringham, Vice Chair Gwen Dahle Kenneth Dozier Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Janette Nuss Mike Pattison PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Betsy Czark, Planner Linda Phillips, Planner NanSea Potts, Administrative Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF MAY 22, 1995 MINUTES There were two corrections in the minutes of May 22, 1995. On page three, relating to Accessory Housing, it was noted that Mr. Morford's North Park project was not a duplex project, as recorded. Also, Commission Dahle said she only voted "nay" on accepting staff's recommendation for the Accessory Housing Ordinance. It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the May 22, 1995 meeting as corrected. The motion CARRIED. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Dahle questioned if a public hearing was scheduled for accessory housing, or if only a vote was to be taken. Jim Harris said the public hearing on Cluster Housing and related #ZCA-95-2 Cluster Housing&Related Development Techniques #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 1995 Page 2 Development Techniques would be first, followed by the continuation of the public hearing last month for Accessory Housing. COMMUNICATIONS - There were none. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS - There were none. CLUSTER HOUSING AND RELATED DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES - #ZCA-95-2 & #SCA-95-1 Linda Phillips, Planner, said this evening's discussions will be on the basic zoning standards for single family development, which need to be resolved before creating the cluster ordinance. Ms Phillips said the purpose of the recommended changes is to achieve consistency between the zoning code and the comprehensive plan, as required by Washington State. As stated in the Goals and Policies of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, she said the basic goal of the proposed change is to provide a climate for land owners and developers to build the needed housing as Kent grows, in single family neighborhoods, without resorting to additional multifamily zoning. Another goal is to encourage single family housing for a variety of family types, to accommodate the diversified housing needs. Ms. Phillips reviewed four zoning code issues to be considered for revision. They are: 1) Minimum lot width; 2) Minimum setbacks from front property lines; 3) Inability to achieve the stated Comprehensive Plan densities because of the area required for roads and utilities; 4) Maximum building coverage/maximum impervious surface coverage. Ms. Phillips referened the density and dimension requirement chart included in her memo dated June 26,. 1995. The information included Kent's existing requirements, King County's requirements, and proposed changes to Kent's requirements. She said the chart indicates the residential capacities in both units per acre as well as the minimum lot square footage. She said that in the future density should be calculated using the comprehensive plan units per acre standard. Ms. Phillips said lowering the street setback requirements from 20 feet to 10 feet was another area Kent is proposing to coordinate with King County, to provide the opportunity for innovative site plans and larger back yards. Also discussed was the importance of limiting the impervious surface and building coverage, so as to lessen problems of floods resulting from stormwater. She said consideration was given to requests made by developers and individuals who attended community forums, who asked that Kent's requirements resemble King County's standards. Ms. Phillips answered questions raised by the Commissioners. She said ADU's (Accessory Dwelling Units) would be allowed on small residential lots, providing the balance of the requirements are also met. In response to a comment regarding the difficulty a 20 foot garage setback with a house setback of only 10 feet would cause, she said by using alleys and through #ZCA-95-2 Cluster Housing&Related Development Techniques #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes _ June 26, 1995 Page 3 design modifications, this standard could be met, which would also help to alleviate cars parked 2-deep in driveways from extending on to the public right-of-way. Mr. Harris added that this proposed change would allow flexibility and some options to current zoning restrictions. Another issue raised was recommended maximum building coverage for larger lot sizes. Commissioner Stringham was concerned that larger homes may be designed, but not be allowed to build because they exceed the allowable square footage coverage. The question was asked how minimum lot width determinations are made with smaller and odd shaped lots. Ms. Phillips said a specific method for the City has not been set, however lot width averaging and building "footprints" have been used. She said a circle of varying diameters is proposed to determine minimum lot widths. Chair Morrill opened the public hearing. No one present wished to speak. It was MOVED and SECONDED to close the public hearing. The motion CARRIED. Commissioner Heineman MOVED to accept Planning Department's recommendation as summarized on the staff report. Commissioner Nuss SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Nuss read a section from the Seattle Solid Waste Utility stating in part "basing on density rather than lot size in the key building block necessary to secure the goals of the Kent Comprehensive Plan." She also stated that she learned after the comprehensive plan had moved on from the Planning Commission to the Planning Committee of the City Council, there was a potential discrepancy as to what Kent's housing density really is, between what was proposed and what we really need to have. She also said there must be concurrency with Olympia, as to what they say we need and what is happening in Kent, before we start working on issues as density for cluster housing. Mr. Harris clarified that tonight's action is related only to building setbacks and single family residential standards, and that cluster housing will be discussed at a later time. Commissioner MacIsaac said existing standards should remain in the A-1 and RA Zones, rather than using the proposed percentages for Maximum Building Coverage/Impervious Surface. Discussions continued regarding adding a friendly amendment to change the A-1 and RA standards. A vote was taken on the original motion without a friendly amendment. The motion was DEFEATED. Vote: Yea - Commissioners Nuss, Dahle, Heineman. Nay - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Stringham, MacIsaac, Pattison, Chair Morrill. Commissioner Stringham MOVED to adopt staff's recommendation, changing the lot coverage in A-1 and RA to 30 percent, and changing the impervious surface in the same classifications to 40 percent. Commissioner Dozier SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED. Vote: Yea - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Stringham, MacIsaac, Pattison, Chair Morrill. Nay - Commissioners Dahle, Nuss, Heineman. #ZCA-95-2 Cluster Housing &Related Development Techniques #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 1995 Page 4 ACCESSORY HOUSING ORDINANCE - #ZCA-95-3 Betsy Czark, Planner, said several meetings have been held on this issue so she would not review the ordinance in its entirety, but would discuss the basic potential changes since the May 22, 1995 meeting. She said the two changes involved surface parking and the size limitation of the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). Ms. Czark said the proposed ordinance has no size limitation for an attached unit, other than by the normal setback requirements, and a detached unit is limited to 800 square feet or 33 percent of the principal unit, whichever is smaller. She explained 33 percent was used because other jurisdictions used anywhere from 30 to 40 percent. A size limit is recommended for detached ADU's so that a person with a large lot could not put two full sized houses on that single lot. When asked if ADU's would be allowed a zero lot line considerations, discussions continued regarding possibly excluding ADU's from the development standard. Chair Morrill opened the public hearing. Rodger Anderson, Seattle-King County Association of Realtors, 12015 115 Avenue NE, Kirkland testified that he was pleased that Kent is also allowing accessory housing and wanted to know if the Commission had considered allowing a grace period for non-complying properties to meet the permit requirements. Mr. Anderson said Federal Way recently adopted a one year grace period. Ms. Czark said this concept was proposed at a Planning Commission workshop. Commissioner Stringham added he felt the reason the grace period was not pursued was because in the City of Seattle, only one person applied. Mr. Harris said staff would look favorably on a one year grace period. It was MOVED and SECONDED to close the public hearing. The motion CARRIED. Commissioner Nuss MOVED to accept accessory units as written by the Planning Department with the exception of the size, to be 40 percent or less, with a one year grace period to comply with necessary permits necessary. Commissioner Dahle SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Stringham asked if the 40 percent for meant for detached units or attached units. Commissioner Nuss said it would apply to both. Commissioner Nuss read a statement to supports the 40 percent of the principal square footage limitation for accessory units. She gave reasons as depletion of the housing variety and affordability for students and seniors. Commissioner Nuss said her decision was based on several ADU's she has visited throughout western Washington. Comments continued concerning the 40 percent limitation for ADU's. Commissioner Stringham added that market demand would dictate the percentage, and no limitations on attached ADU's would allow further flexibility and smaller units could still be built. Commissioner Nuss debated that there is enough multifamily housing and all that would separate an ADU from a duplex is that an ADU must be owner occupied in one unit. Commissioner Heineman agreed with #ZCA-95-2 Cluster Housing&Related Development Techniques #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 1995 Page 5 Commissioner Nuss' position, stating that removing the limitation of the size of the ADU creates a duplex, and that staff's original size limit was 50 percent of the principal unit's square footage, the same as King County's limit. Commissioner MacIsaac added that every structure is different and that the City should allow as much flexibility as possible for attached units. Ms. Czark confirmed that staff's original recommendation was 50 percent, but removed the limitation on attached units per the Commission's request. The motion was restated. Commission Nuss MOVED to accept staff's recommendation on accessory housing, #ZCA-95-3, Accessory Housing Ordinance, as written, with the exception of the size limitation to be changed to 40% or less of the principal unit, with a one year grace period, in order to comply with necessary permits. Commissioner Pattison asked for a ten minute recess to review the report. A recess was declared at 8:10 pm. The motion was DEFEATED. Vote: Yea - Commissioners Nuss, Heineman, Pattison Nay - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Dahle, Stringham, MacIsaac, Chair Morrill. Commissioner Stringham MOVED to accept staff's recommendation with the exception of adding language allowing a one year grace period. Commissioner Epperly SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Nuss said she wished to go on record as saying this is an abuse of our citizens and students ability to establish affordability. The motion CARRIED. Vote: Yea - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Dahle, Stringham, MacIsaac, Pattison. Nay - Commissioners Nuss, Heineman. Abstained - Chair Morrill GOOD OF THE ORDER - There were no items. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 9 J P. Harris Recording Secretary #ZCA-95-2 Cluster Housing &Related Development Techniques #ZCA-95-3 Accessory Housing Ordinance