HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/27/1995 (3) CITY OF II'KABIT Jim White, Mayor PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Public Hearing November 27, 1995 The regular meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Russ Stringham at 7:00 PM on November 27, 1995, in Chambers West, Kent City Hall. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Russ Stringham, Vice Chair Connie Epperly Robert Maclsaac Edward Heineman, Jr. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Pattison, excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Matt Jackson, Planner APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 23, 1995 MINUTES Commissioner Epperly MOVED to approve the minutes from the October 23 meeting. The motion was SECONDED by Commissioner Maclsaac. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Mr. Harris announced the City Council Workshop on school impact fees. The meeting will be held on Tuesday,December 5 at 7:00 p.m. in Chambers West, Kent City Hall. 1 #ZCA-95-9 GWC Amendment #CPZ-95-2 Zoning Map Amendments 220 41h A VE SO /KENT W ASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE 006)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Planning Commission Minutes November 27, 1995 #CPZ-95-2 PHASE II-VALLEY FLOOR&WEST HILL ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS TO IMPLEMENT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (M. Jackson) Planner Matt Jackson explained that the Growth Management Act requires consistency between the Comprehensive Plan land use map and the zoning map. The Comprehensive map was adopted by the City Council on April 18, 1995. This is the second phase of a two phase project. Phase II focuses on the Valley Floor and West Hill. Staff has identified seven sites where a rezone is warranted to bring the zoning in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning staff outlined each individual site and gave a brief description: Area 1 Current zoning: R1-7.2 Staff recommended zoning: GC This site is approximately four and a half acres located on West Hill at the intersection of the Kent- Des Moines Road and Military Road. The property slopes up to a 15 percent grade. Area 2 Current zoning: RA Staff recommended zoning: R1-12 This property has been referred to as the Kent Highlands and is owned by the City of Seattle. The site is approximately 200 acres and is located on West Hill. The parcel has significant development constraints up to 40 percent slopes. The applicant has expressed a desire to market the property as a unified master planned development. Vice Chair Stringham clarified that the Comprehensive Plan designation of SF-3 represents the maximum density allowed. Mr. Jackson confirmed that the zoning can be up to the Comprehensive Plan designation. Area Current zoning MHP Staff recommended zoning: GC This lot is surrounding by GC and MHP zoning. It is a small lot; approximately one half acre in size. The parcel is currently occupied by a single family dwelling. Vice Chair Stringham questioned whether the property owner had a specific project in mind when they requested the GC zoning. Mr. Satterstrom indicated that the owner had several interests for developing the property commercial; however, nothing specific was indicated. 2 #ZCA-95-9 GWC Amendment #CPZ-95-2 Zoning Map Amendments Planning Commission Minutes November 27, 1995 Area 4 Current zoning: MRM Staff recommended zoning: GC This site consists of two parcels located north of James Street and west of SR 167. The parcels together are approximately two and a half acres. Commissioner MacIsaac questioned the reasoning for taking both pieces of property into consideration. Mr. Satterstrom explained that general commercial designation would be compatible with the multi-family usage. The plan is to designate commercial zoning all along James Street. Area Current zoning: CM-II, R1-7.2 Staff recommended zoning: CM-II This parcel is approximately one and a half acres located just east of Central Avenue on the valley floor. This site currently has a split zoning. Steep slopes are evident on the eastern portion of the site as well as to the north and south of the property. The property is currently being used solely for commercial uses. Area Current zoning: CM-II Staff recommended zoning: MRG This parcel is just shy of an acre located east of Central Avenue and south of S. 259th. The property is currently being used for residential uses. Commissioner MacIsaac questioned the low density multi-family designation. Mr. Jackson was unsure of the exact reason for this but hypothesized that it was probably due to the slender lot size. Area 7 Current zoning: R1-7.2 Staff recommended zoning: CM-II This parcel is located directly north of area 6 and is approximately an acre in size. The property is adjacent to a mobile home park to the north and east. This is the only parcel in the area with a single family designation. Vice Chair Stringham opened the public hearing. Public TestimoU: Mr. Raymond Frey (R. Frey & Associates), 1075 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 117, Bellevue, WA 98004. Mr.Frey represents Weight Watchers of Greater Washington state who is one of the property owners included in area 4. Mr. Frey explained their continued involvement in this process and supports staff recommendation for GC zoning. 3 #ZCA-95-9 GWC Amendment #CPZ-95-2 Zoning Map Amendments Planning Commission Minutes November 27, 1995 Mr. Frank Hollis(Church by the Side of the Road),27235 51 st Place S. The Church by the Side of the Road owns property in area 2. Mr. Hollis questioned if a change in the zoning would still allow a church to built in the area. Vice Chair Stringham reassured Mr. Hollis that churches were a permitted use in all single family residential zones. Ms. Starlene Strickland, 21636 35th Avenue S, SeaTac. Ms. Strickland had several questions regarding development in area 2. Vice Chair Stringham informed Ms. Strickland that cluster development is still in the planning stages and that with any development in the City of Kent the neighbors within a 200 foot radius would be notified. Ms. Grace Chen, City of Seattle. Ms. Chen conveyed the City of Seattle's support for the staff recommendation of R1-12.0 designation for area 2. Mr. Paul Morford, P. O. Box 6345. Mr. Morford recommended keeping the existing RA zoning in area 2 and without owner representation for the developed portion of area 4 that parcel should also remain with existing zoning (MRM). Commissioner Epperly MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Dozier SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Dozier MOVED to accept the staff recommendations for Phase II zoning map amendments to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Epperly SECONDED the motion. Commissioner Epperly questioned whether there was a group attempting to purchase the property in area 2. Ms. Chen explained that the City of Seattle is attempting to market the property as a whole and the Steel League Little League has made an offer on a portion of the property and therefore their offer had been rejected. Commissioner MacIsaac questioned whether the City had plans for using this property (area 2) for more City parks. Mr. Harris, Planning Director, explained that purchasing this particular parcel is not in the capital facilities plan at this time. Commissioner Epperly questioned whether or not the property owners of area 4 had been notified. Mr. Satterstrom explained that a public notice had been sent to all concerned. Vice Chair Stringham questioned whether the existing multifamily unit in area 4 would be protected from the non- conforming use problems. Mr. Satterstrom confirmed that the property would not be constrained by the non-conforming restrictions. Motion to accept staff recommendation carried. 4 4ZCA-95-9 GWC Amendment #CPZ-95-2 Zoning Map Amendments Planning Commission Minutes November 27, 1995 #ZCA-95-9 (KOSNOSKI) GWC AMENDMENT (F. Satterstrom) This was a regulatory review request filed by Mr. Ed Kosnoski who owns some property in the GWC zone on East Valley Highway. It is Mr. Kosnoski's opinion that the GWC zone is too narrow in the range of uses that it permits. Mr. Kosnoski is requesting the following uses be allowed in the GWC zone: • construction storage/mobile units • mechanical repairs • cabinet shops • storage of automobiles • auto repair • auto sales • new and/or used tooling • light industrial • computer repair Some of the above uses (computer and mechanical repairs) are already allowed in the GWC zone as long as the repairs are completed within an enclosed building. Auto repairs are permitted with a conditional use permit. The outside storage of construction mobile units and the sales and storage of automobiles are inconsistent with the zone's objectives. The GWC zone was developed to create opportunities for business but within enclosed buildings rather than creating a lot of outside storage. The staff is recommending that the GWC zone be expanded to allow the following uses: 1. Contractor shops where most of the work is done on call, and which do not rely on walk-in trade, but where some incidental storage or semi- manufacturing work is done on the premises, such as carpentry, heating, electrical or glass shops,printing,publishing, or lithographic shops, furniture upholstery, dry cleaning and exterminators. 2. Small scale,light industrial or manufacturing operations where the building, structure or total operation does not encompass more than 10,000 square feet of area. The 10,000 square feet total shall include all indoor and outdoor storage areas associated with the manufacturing operation. Only one of these uses shall be allowed per lot. 3. Mini-warehouses. Commissioner Dozier questioned whether Mr. Kosnoski has an existing building on the property. Mr. Satterstrom explained that Mr. Kosnoski has a building and a small storage in the back. 5 #ZCA-95-9 GWC Amendment #CPZ-95-2 Zoning Map Amendments Planning Commission Minutes November 27, 1995 Commissioner Epperly questioned whether the building was setup for auto repairs. Mr. Satterstrom commented that Mr.Kosnoski has had auto repair business there before, although he is not sure how the building is set up. Commissioner MacIsaac asked for the definition of a mini-warehouse. Mr. Satterstrom explained that at this time we do not have a detailed definition of a mini-warehouse. Vice Chair Stringham opened the public hearing. No member of the audience chose to speak on the matter. Commissioner Dozier MOVED to close the public hearing. The motion was SECONDED by Commissioner Epperly. Motion carried. Commissioner Dozier MOVED to adopt staff recommendation for the changes to the GWC zone as mentioned above. Commissioner Epperly SECONDED the motion. Commissioner MacIsaac questioned Mr.Kosnoski's request to allow auto repairs as a principle use. Mr. Satterstrom explained that at this time auto repair is permitted but requires a conditional use permit. Motion carried to accept staff recommendation. Commissioner Epperly moved to adjourn the public hearing. Commissioner Dozier SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The public hearing adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, jes P. Harris c:\users\doc\minutes.925 6 #ZCA-95-9 GWC Amendment #CPZ-95-2 Zoning Map Amendments