HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/19/1992 CITY OF UL�� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 4:00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Jim Bennett Ed Chow Jon Johnson Rob Dreblow Alana McIalwain May Miller PLANNING STAFF GUESTS Sharon Clamp Travis L. DeLayhder Jim Harris Bill Doolittle Kevin O'Neill Rae Reitan, City Historian Margaret Porter Gregg & Ellen Ward Fred Satterstrom Anne Watanabe GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (K. O'NEILL) At the May 5, 1992 meeting Planner Kevin O'Neill presented an overview of the draft Countywide Planning Policies as recommended by the Growth Management Planning Council. In response to Chair Orr' s request for clarification on several items, Mr. O'Neill distributed a document of explanation and further expounded on the issues. He also presented the schedule for adoption and ratification of the Countywide Planning Policies. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES (J. HARRIS) Gregg and Ellen Ward are concerned about the public notification procedure for short plats. Mrs. Ward stated that the process of notifying the public by letter is required only if the plat involves more than nine lots. A small sign, which is difficult to see, is posted for nine or less lots. The Wards feel there should be a better notification procedure and the procedure should be the same regardless of how many lots are involved. Planning Director Harris informed the Committee that State law directs the City to have an administrative procedure in which to handle short plats. The City of Kent has a short plat committee made up of key department heads or their staff. Because short plats are administrative, the committee does not go through the same process as issues that go to the Hearing Examiner or Planning Commission. It is not treated the same as a public hearing. Mr. Harris stated that the Law Department would need to be involved in CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 PAGE 2 any process to change the structure of how the short plat committee operates. Chair Orr asked staff to develop recommendations for changing the short plat procedures so the public is better notified. The Ward's will be notified when the recommendations are sent back to Planning Committee for discussion. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM ORDINANCE (SMP-90-1) (A. WATANABE) Planner Anne Watanabe presented revisions to the Kent Shoreline Master Program Amendments. The amendments were approved by the Council in the form of a resolution of intent to adopt on May 21, 1991. Since that time the Planning Department has been waiting for approval of the amendments from the Department of Ecology. The revisions to the amendments were requested by the Department of Ecology as conditions of approval of the amendments. She explained that under the State Shoreline Management Act, all shoreline plans and plan amendments must be approved by the Department of Ecology. The Department of Ecology recently conducted a public hearing at Kent City Hall to gather testimony regarding the amendments. Ms. Watanabe reviewed the revisions which were mainly changes to definitions and to the wetlands language. Ms. Watanabe clarified that only wetlands associated with the Green River are affected by the shoreline program. In response to a question regarding wetlands by Councilmember Bennett, Planning Director Harris stated that staff could present the City's wetland procedures to the Committee at it June 2 or June 16 meeting. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to recommend Council approval of the amendments to the Shoreline Master Program. Motion carried. FEDERAL WAY PLAN UPDATE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RESOLUTION (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that King County is proposing a community plan update in Federal Way. Federal way has incorporated since the last community plan was done in 1980. However, there is still a large amount of incorporated land to the east between Federal Way and Auburn which both cities are claiming in their urban growth areas. There is also some land in the Star Lake area that Kent may include in its urban growth area. Mr. Satterstrom stated the Committee will be asked to approve the interlocal agreement at its June 2, 1992 meeting. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 PAGE 3 MUSEUM SERVICES AGREEMENT (J. HARRIS) Planning Director Jim Harris stated that Linda Van Nest, President of the White River Historical Society, is asking that the City of Kent approve the Museum Services Agreement drawn up by the City of Auburn. The agreement specifies that one member of the Board of Directors may be appointed by the City of Kent provided that the level of annual funding by Kent does not fall below $2, 500 for the maintenance and operation of the museum. City Historian Rae Reitan stated she does not feel the City of Kent should take part in the agreement. She does not feel that Kent has been served by the White River Historical Society since Auburn began providing a paid director to the Society. She feels that Kent should form a historical society of its own and asked for the moral backing of the City of Kent and the Arts Commission. Ms. Reitan pointed out that Des Moines, Renton, Maple Valley, Enumclaw, and Buckley all have their own historical societies. A meeting of "old timers" interested in forming a Kent historical society will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 22, at Mom's Kitchen. Planning Director Jim Harris pointed out there are two different philosophies being presented to the Committee and recommended Planning Staff work with Administration to present options for the Committee to review. Planning Director Harris suggested continuing this discussion to the June 2 meeting as an information item. ADDED ITEMS STATE GRANT FOR A SHORELINE TRUST FUND (J. HARRIS) At the May 5 meeting the Committee passed a motion to recommend City Council acceptance of a $10,000 grant from the State Department of Ecology for a shoreline trust fund. The grant was awarded on a 50/50 match basis. Planning Director Harris advised the Committee that staff proposes to match the grant with $5, 000 from the Growth Management/Wetlands Fund and $5, 000 of staff time to be provided by Planner Ann Watanabe. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5: 11 p.m. PC0519. 92 CITY OF )71 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 4:00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Jim Bennett Ed Chow Jon Johnson Rob Dreblow Alana McIalwain May Miller PLANNING STAFF GUESTS Sharon Clamp Travis L. DeLayhder Jim Harris Bill Doolittle Kevin O'Neill Rae Reitan, City Historian Margaret Porter Gregg & Ellen Ward Fred Satterstrom Anne Watanabe GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (K. O'NEILL) At the May 5, 1992 meeting Planner Kevin O'Neill presented an overview of the draft Countywide Planning Policies as recommended by the Growth Management Planning Council. In response to Chair Orr's request for clarification on several items, Mr. O'Neill distributed a document of explanation and further expounded on the issues. He also presented the schedule for adoption and ratification of the Countywide Planning Policies. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES (J. HARRIS) Gregg and Ellen Ward are concerned about the public notification procedure for short plats. Mrs. Ward stated that the process of notifying the public by letter is required only if the plat involves more than nine lots. A small sign, which is difficult to see, is posted for nine or less lots. The Wards feel there should be a better notification procedure and the procedure should be the same regardless of how many lots are involved. Planning Director Harris informed the Committee that State law directs the City to have an administrative procedure in which to handle short plats. The City of Kent has a short plat committee made up of key department heads or their staff. Because short plats are administrative, the committee does not go through the same process as issues that go to the Hearing Examiner or Planning Commission. It is not treated the same as a public hearing. Mr. Harris stated that the Law Department would need to be involved in CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 PAGE 2 any process to change the structure of how the short plat committee operates. Chair Orr asked staff to develop recommendations for changing the short plat procedures so the public is better notified. The Ward's will be notified when the recommendations are sent back to Planning Committee for discussion. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM ORDINANCE (SMP-90-1) _(A. WATANABE) Planner Anne Watanabe presented revisions to the Kent Shoreline Master Program Amendments. The amendments were approved by the Council in the form of a resolution of intent to adopt on May 21, 1991. Since that time the Planning Department has been waiting for approval of the amendments from the Department of Ecology. The revisions to the amendments were requested by the Department of Ecology as conditions of approval of the amendments. She explained that under the State Shoreline Management Act, all shoreline plans and plan amendments must be approved by the Department of Ecology. The Department of Ecology recently conducted a public hearing at Kent City Hall to gather testimony regarding the amendments. Ms. Watanabe reviewed the revisions which were mainly changes to definitions and to the wetlands language. Ms. Watanabe clarified that only wetlands associated with the Green River are affected by the shoreline program. In response to a question regarding wetlands by Councilmember Bennett, Planning Director Harris stated that staff could present the City's wetland procedures to the Committee at it June 2 or June 16 meeting. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to recommend Council approval of the amendments to the Shoreline Master Program. Motion carried. FEDERAL WAY PLAN UPDATE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RESOLUTION (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that King County is proposing a community plan update in Federal Way. Federal Way has incorporated since the last community plan was done in 1980. However, there is still a large amount of incorporated land to the east between Federal Way and Auburn which both cities are claiming in their urban growth areas. There is also some land in the Star Lake area that Kent may include in its urban growth area. Mr. Satterstrom stated the Committee will be asked to approve the interlocal agreement at its June 2, 1992 meeting.