HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/07/1992 CITY OF )"Ltl CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 71 1992 4 : 00 PM dui®IICC`II'A� COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Ed Chow Jim Bennett Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tony McCarthy PLANNING STAFF Alana' McIalwain Sharon Clamp GUESTS Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Crisp Janet Shull Hugh Leiper Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated the King County Council passed the countywide planning policies on July 6, 1992 . The next step is for ratification of the planning policies by 30% of the jurisdictions representing 70% of the population. The City of Kent can pass a resolution ratifying the planning policies, disapprove the planning policies by legislative action, or if the City takes no action within 90 days, will assume to have ratified the planning policies. Mr. Satterstrom further explained that Section 7 of the ordinance states that the County Executive shall develop and propose to the County Council the process for entering into interlocal agreements relating to each city's potential annexation area. At the June 16, 1992 meeting, the Planning Committee discussed urban growth area boundaries. As requested by the Committee, various City departments have been asked to supply information on servicing the Covington area. It is anticipated that this information will be presented to the Planning Committee at its August 4 meeting. The framework goals for the comprehensive plan will be discussed at a Planning Commission workshop on Monday, July 13 . A Planning Commission hearing on those planning goals will be held in August, and in September the City Council will consider the urban growth area, planning goals which are the framework goals for the comprehensive plan, and ratification of the countywide planning policies. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the City of Kent is being asked to extend the term of the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) through a revised interlocal agreement. Kent approved the original agreement in December 1991 which provided for termination by July 1992 . The emerging countywide planning policies require that the GMPC continue to exist in order to perform certain functions related to regional planning. Therefore, the revised agreement would extend the duration until completion of the designated duties of the GMPC, which could be a few months or as long as a year or more. Planning Director Harris pointed out that if the GMPC continues into 1993 they will receive more State funding and local jurisdictions will receive less. Chair Orr asked to amend the interlocal agreement by setting a termination date of December 31, 1992. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to approve the interlocal agreement with the addition of an expiration date of December 31, 1992 . Motion carried. VISUAL PREFERENCE SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION RESOLUTION (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that Councilmembers Orr, White and Woods asked what could be done with the results of the Visual Preference Survey recently conducted by the Planning Department. Planning staff has drafted a resolution directing staff in the Planning, Public Works, and Parks Departments to review the contents of the Growth Management Community Participation Program Report and respond specifically on how the recommendations of the visioning section of the report can be implemented. The resolution directs the three departments to report back to the full Council with a coordinated response within 60 days. Each department would be requested to indicate how the recommendations can be implemented, which could be implemented immediately and which may be implemented by future �lanning efforts. Planner Janet Shull distributed a draft resolution and explained the contents. In response to Councilmember Bennett' s question about time impacts to the departments, Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that few of the items related to the Parks Departments. Public Works Director Don Wickstrom has requested the subject be presented to the Public Works Committee. Planning Director Harris explained that this is part of the growth management program, and within that program different departments will be called upon for input. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 3 Chair Orr stated she feels since the City has gone to the citizens and asked their opinions, it is important that some action be taken on the results of the survey. Chair Orr requested the following changes: 1. Section 1. Remove the parentheses around "Visioning Program" and insert the word "title" . 2 . Section 2, C. Add "parks" to "Kent's vision for. . . 3 . Section 4 . Change the time frame for presentation of the implementation plan to the full Council from 60 to 90 days. The resolution will be taken to the next Public Works Committee meeting. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to adopt the visual preference survey resolution with the above three changes. Motion carried. This item will go before the full Council on July 21 provided there are no major changes made by the Public Works Committee. In that case, the resolution will be brought back to Planning Committee. ADDED ITEMS Hugh Leiper stated the Renton School District is represented by 85% city limits and 15% county, and the Kent School District is made up of 40% city limits and 60% county. Mr. Leiper feels Kent is having trouble determining what makes this a community. He further stated that the Kent School District's mailings reach approximately 150, 000 people. He feels the Kent School District is the only agency of the community that totally has its act together because they are providing a service to all children within the area, not just the city limits. He pointed out that residents of the outlying areas think they live in Kent and they participate in many activities in Kent. Mr. Leiper further stated that Kent is the fifth largest in the U. S. in square footage of warehouse and manufacturing, second only to Seattle. Mr. Leiper presented a 1984 map of Kent 's trade area of influence representing a homogeneous community. He stated it is important to plan for the whole area. In reference to downtown Kent, Mr. Leiper does not feel Kent has a true focal point, that being an easily identified location which provides all the good and services needed for residents in the area. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 71 1992 PAGE 4 Mr. Leiper presented his plan for downtown Kent to include a mall, parking garage and relocation of shops from Meeker to Gowe Street. Mr. Leiper presented a copy of articles of incorporation for the New Destiny of Kent Association and a petition to get a regional center on the agenda. Chair Orr explained to Mr. Leiper that Team Downtown would be the appropriate organization for presentation of his ideas. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:20 p.m. PC0707. 92 CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 71 1992 4: 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Ed Chow Jim Bennett Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tony McCarthy PLANNING STAFF Alana McIalwain Sharon Clamp GUESTS Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Crisp Janet Shull Hugh Leiper Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated the King County Council passed the countywide planning policies on July 6, 1992. The next step is for ratification of the planning policies by 30% of the jurisdictions representing 70% of the population. The City of Kent can pass a resolution ratifying the planning policies, disapprove the planning policies by legislative action, or if the City takes no action within 90 days, will assume to have ratified the planning policies. Mr. Satterstrom further explained that Section 7 of the ordinance states that the County Executive shall develop and propose to the County Council the process for entering into interlocal agreements relating to each city's potential annexation area. At the June 16, 1992 meeting, the Planning Committee discussed urban growth area boundaries. As requested by the Committee, various City departments have been asked to supply information on servicing the Covington area. It is anticipated that this information will be presented to the Planning Committee at its August 4 meeting. The framework goals for the comprehensive plan will be discussed at a Planning Commission workshop on Monday, July 13 . A Planning Commission hearing on those planning goals will be held in August, and in September the City Council will consider the urban growth area, planning goals which are the framework goals for the comprehensive plan, and ratification of the countywide planning policies. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 71 1992 PAGE 2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the City of Kent is being asked to extend the term of the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) through a revised interlocal agreement. Kent approved the original agreement in December 1991 which provided for termination by July 1992. The emerging countywide planning policies require that the GMPC continue to exist in order to perform certain functions related to regional planning. Therefore, the revised agreement would extend the duration until completion of the designated duties of the GMPC, which could be a few months or as long as a year or more. Planning Director Harris pointed out that if the GMPC continues into 1993 they will receive more State funding and local jurisdictions will receive less. Chair Orr asked to amend the interlocal agreement by setting a termination date of December 31, 1992 . Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to approve the interlocal agreement with the addition of an expiration date of December 31, 1992 . Motion carried. VISUAL PREFERENCE SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION RESOLUTION (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that Councilmembers Orr, White and Woods asked what could be done with the results of the Visual Preference Survey recently conducted by the Planning Department. Planning staff has drafted a resolution directing staff in the Planning, Public Works, and Parks Departments to review the contents of the Growth Management Community Participation Program Report and respond specifically on how the recommendations of the visioning section of the report can be implemented. The resolution directs the three departments to report back to the full Council with a coordinated response within 60 days. Each department would be requested to indicate how the recommendations can be implemented, which could be implemented immediately and which may be implemented by future planning efforts. Planner Janet Shull distributed a draft resolution and explained the contents. In response to Councilmember Bennett's question about time impacts to the departments, Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that few of the items related to the Parks Departments. Public Works Director Don Wickstrom has requested the subject be presented to the Public Works Committee. Planning Director Harris explained that this is part of the growth management program, and within that program different departments will be called upon for input. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 3 Chair Orr stated she feels since the City has gone to the citizens and asked their opinions, it is important that some action be taken on the results of the survey. Chair Orr requested the following changes: 1. Section 1. Remove the parentheses around "Visioning Program" and insert the word "title" . 2 . Section 2, C. Add "parks" to "Kent's vision for. . . 3 . Section 4. Change the time frame for presentation of the implementation plan to the full Council from 60 to 90 days. The resolution will be taken to the next Public Works Committee meeting. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to adopt the visual preference survey resolution with the above three changes. Motion carried. This item will go before the full Council on July 21 provided there are no major changes made by the Public Works Committee. In that case, the resolution will be brought back to Planning Committee. ADDED ITEMS Hugh Leiper stated the Renton School District is represented by 85% city limits and 15% county, and the Kent School District is made up of 40% city limits and 60% county. Mr. Leiper feels Kent is having trouble determining what makes this a community. He further stated that the Kent School District's mailings reach approximately 150, 000 people. He feels the Kent School District is the only agency of the community that totally has its act together because they are providing a service to all children within the area, not just the city limits. He pointed out that residents of the outlying areas think they live in Kent and they participate in many activities in Kent. Mr. Leiper further stated that Kent is the fifth largest in the U.S. in square footage of warehouse and manufacturing, second only to Seattle. Mr. Leiper presented a 1984 map of Kent's trade area of influence representing a homogeneous community. He stated it is important to plan for the whole area. In reference to downtown Kent, Mr. Leiper does not feel Kent has a true focal point, that being an easily identified location which provides all the good and services needed for residents in the area. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 4 Mr. Leiper presented his plan for downtown Kent to include a mall, parking garage and relocation of shops from Meeker to Gowe Street. Mr. Leiper presented a copy of articles of incorporation for the New Destiny of Kent Association and a petition to get a regional center on the agenda. Chair Orr explained to Mr. Leiper that Team Downtown would be the appropriate organization for presentation of his ideas. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:20 p.m. PC0707.92 CITY OF M, CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 71 1992 4 : 00 PM pE4®II(�SCh� COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Ed Chow Jim Bennett Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tony McCarthy PLANNING STAFF Alana' McIalwain Sharon Clamp GUESTS Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Crisp Janet Shull Hugh Leiper Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated the King County Council passed the countywide planning policies on July 6, 1992 . The next step is for ratification of the planning policies by 30% of the jurisdictions representing 70% of the population. The City of Kent can pass a resolution ratifying the planning policies, disapprove the planning policies by legislative action, or if the City takes no action within 90 days, will assume to have ratified the planning policies. Mr. Satterstrom further explained that Section 7 of the ordinance states that the County Executive shall develop and propose to the County Council the process for entering into interlocal agreements relating to each city's potential annexation area. At the June 16, 1992 meeting, the Planning Committee discussed urban growth area boundaries. As requested by the Committee, various City departments have been asked to supply information on servicing the Covington area. It is anticipated that this information will be presented to the Planning Committee at its August 4 meeting. The framework goals for the comprehensive plan will be discussed at a Planning Commission workshop on Monday, July 13 . A Planning Commission hearing on those planning goals will be held in August, and in September the City Council will consider the urban growth area, planning goals which are the framework goals for the comprehensive plan, and ratification of the countywide planning policies. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the City of Kent is being asked to extend the term of the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) through a revised interlocal agreement. Kent approved the original agreement in December 1991 which provided for termination by July 1992 . The emerging countywide planning policies require that the GMPC continue to exist in order to perform certain functions related to regional planning. Therefore, the revised agreement would extend the duration until completion of the designated duties of the GMPC, which could be a few months or as long as a year or more. Planning Director Harris pointed out that if the GMPC continues into 1993 they will receive more State funding and local jurisdictions will receive less. Chair Orr asked to amend the interlocal agreement by setting a termination date of December 31, 1992 . Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to approve the interlocal agreement with the addition of an expiration date of December 31, 1992 . Motion carried. VISUAL PREFERENCE SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION RESOLUTION (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that Councilmembers Orr, White and Woods asked what could be done with the results of the Visual Preference Survey recently conducted by the Planning Department. Planning staff has drafted a resolution directing staff in the Planning, Public Works, and Parks Departments to review the contents of the Growth Management Community Participation Program Report and respond specifically on how the recommendations of the visioning section of the report can be implemented. The resolution directs the three departments to report back to the full Council with a coordinated response within 60 days. Each department would be requested to indicate how the recommendations can be implemented, which could be implemented immediately and which may be implemented by future planning efforts. Planner Janet Shull distributed a draft resolution and explained the contents. In response to Councilmember Bennett's question about time impacts to the departments, Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that few of the items related to the Parks Departments. Public Works Director Don Wickstrom has requested the subject be presented to the Public Works Committee. Planning Director Harris explained that this is part of the growth management program, and within that program different departments will be called upon for input. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 3 Chair Orr stated she feels since the City has gone to the citizens and asked their opinions, it is important that some action be taken on the results of the survey. Chair Orr requested the following changes: 1. Section 1. Remove the parentheses around "Visioning Program" and insert the word "title" . 2. Section 2, C. Add "parks" to "Kent's vision for. . . 3 . Section 4 . Change the time frame for presentation of the implementation plan to the full Council from 60 to 90 days. The resolution will be taken to the next Public Works Committee meeting. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to adopt the visual preference survey resolution with the above three changes. Motion carried. This item will go before the full Council on July 21 provided there are no major changes made by the Public Works Committee. In that case, the resolution will be brought back to Planning Committee. ADDED ITEMS Hugh Leiper stated the Renton School District is represented by 85% city limits and 15% county, and the Kent School District is made up of 40% city limits and 60% county. Mr. Leiper feels Kent is having trouble determining what makes this a community. He further stated that the Kent School District's mailings reach approximately 150, 000 people. He feels the Kent School District is the only agency of the community that totally has its act together because they are providing a service to all children within the area, not just the city limits. He pointed out that residents of the outlying areas think they live in Kent and they participate in many activities in Kent. Mr. Leiper further stated that Kent is the fifth largest in the U. S. in square footage of warehouse and manufacturing, second only to Seattle. Mr. Leiper presented a 1984 map of Kent's trade area of influence representing a homogeneous community. He stated it is important to plan for the whole area. In reference to downtown Kent, Mr. Leiper does not feel Kent has a true focal point, that being an easily identified location which provides all the good and services needed for residents in the area. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 7, 1992 PAGE 4 Mr. Leiper presented his plan for downtown Kent to include a mall, parking garage and relocation of shops from Meeker to Gowe Street. Mr. Leiper presented a copy of articles of incorporation for the New Destiny of Kent Association and a petition to get a regional center on the agenda. Chair Orr explained to Mr. Leiper that Team Downtown would be the appropriate organization for presentation of his ideas. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:20 p.m. PC0707. 92