HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/17/1992 CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES V7RRCT NOVEMBER 17, 1992 4: 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Judy Woods, Council President COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Bennett PLANNING STAFF Sharon Clamp James Harris Margaret Porter Alice Shobe GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (F. SATTERSTROM) No report was given. HOUSING FOR SINGLE HOMELESS MEN (A. SHOBE) Planner Alice Shobe reported that Catholic Community Services (CCS) and the Archdiocesan Housing Authority (AHA) were recently notified that the housing for single homeless men project scheduled to open in the fall of 1993 was denied federal McKinney funding. It was stated that the cost of rehabilitation per person served was too high. CCS and AHA have decided to reapply for McKinney funds in 1993 . The purchase agreement contract for the site (206 Naden) has lapsed, however, the project development team hopes the site will remain available in 1993 . The team is looking at increasing the number of men served in the facility from 10 to 12 and reducing some of the construction costs. The development team also plans to seek additional funds from neighboring cities and King County. These changes should create a more favorable McKinney application in 1993. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES (J. HARRIS) Planning Director Harris presented a summary of the current short plat process and offered two proposed changes. Mr. Harris CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1992 PAGE 2 recommends Change No. 2 and stated if the Committee agrees with the proposed change an ordinance will be written and presented at the Committee's December 15 or January 5, 1993 meeting. He stated that this topic originated through a concern expressed by Gregg and Ellen Ward who were notified of today's meeting. The Wards will also be advised of the next meeting when this topic will be discussed. Council President Woods MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to accept Change No. 2 to the short plat procedures. Motion carried. Chair Orr added that staff needs to be sure that more than one property owner is notified when a large property is being short platted. METRO SEA TAC ANNEXATION/DEANNEXATION (T. BRUBAKER) Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker restated that Metro wishes to expand a park and ride lot on the west hill. The lot, which is inside the Kent city limits, will expand into the City of Sea Tac (shown as "A" on the map) . As it now stands, two sets of building, construction, and grading permits will be required and there will be the question of who is the agency of authority. After the lot is constructed, if a thief or other criminal action occurs there will be jurisdictional problems. Therefore, it is proposed that Sea Tac deannex the portion shown as "A" and Kent annex it. In addition, property shown as "B" was an island of unincorporated county which the boundary review board required Sea Tac to take during a prior annexation. This island totally invades Kent on all sides, and it is proposed that Kent take this property back. Property shown as "C" is a portion of Grandview Park within the city limits of Kent. Within three years Sea Tac will take over ownership and maintenance of the park. It has been requested that Kent deannex this section to Sea Tac so that when Sea Tac owns the park, they will also have city jurisdiction over the entire park. Council President Woods MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the resolution for annexation/deannexation as stated above on the condition that a DNS is issued (SEPA is in process) . Motion carried. This item will go to Council on January 5, 1993 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4: 26 p.m. PC1117.92 CITY OF )"tK1AIT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES v7EC2k NOVEMBER 17, 1992 4:00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Judy Woods, Council President COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Bennett PLANNING STAFF Sharon Clamp James Harris Margaret Porter Alice Shobe GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (F. SATTERSTROM) No report was given. HOUSING FOR SINGLE HOMELESS MEN (A. SHOBE) Planner Alice Shobe reported that Catholic Community Services (CCS) and the Archdiocesan Housing Authority (AHA) were recently notified that the housing for single homeless men project scheduled to open in the fall of 1993 was denied federal McKinney funding. It was stated that the cost of rehabilitation per person served was too high. CCS and AHA have decided to reapply for McKinney funds in 1993 . The purchase agreement contract for the site (206 Naden) has lapsed, however, the project development team hopes the site will remain available in 1993 . The team is looking at increasing the number of men served in the facility from 10 to 12 and reducing some of the construction costs. The development team also plans to seek additional funds from neighboring cities and King County. These changes should create a more favorable McKinney application in 1993. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES (J. HARRIS) Planning Director Harris presented a summary of the current short plat process and offered two proposed changes. Mr. Harris CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1992 PAGE 2 recommends Change No. 2 and stated if the Committee agrees with the proposed change an ordinance will be written and presented at the Committee's December 15 or January 5, 1993 meeting. He stated that this topic originated through a concern expressed by Gregg and Ellen Ward who were notified of today's meeting. The Wards will also be advised of the next meeting when this topic will be discussed. Council President Woods MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to accept Change No. 2 to the short plat procedures. Motion carried. Chair Orr added that staff needs to be sure that more than one property owner is notified when a large property is being short platted. METRO SEA TAC ANNEXATION/DEANNEXATION (T. BRUBAKER) Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker restated that Metro wishes to expand a park and ride lot on the west hill. The lot, which is inside the Kent city limits, will expand into the City of Sea Tac (shown as "A" on the map) . As it now stands, two sets of building, construction, and grading permits will be required and there will be the question of who is the agency of authority. After the lot is constructed, if a thief or other criminal action occurs there will be jurisdictional problems. Therefore, it is proposed that Sea Tac deannex the portion shown as "A" and Kent annex it. In addition, property shown as "B" was an island of unincorporated county which the boundary review board required Sea Tac to take during a prior annexation. This island totally invades Kent on all sides, and it is proposed that Kent take this property back. Property shown as "C" is a portion of Grandview Park within the city limits of Kent. Within three years Sea Tac will take over ownership and maintenance of the park. It has been requested that Kent deannex this section to Sea Tac so that when Sea Tac owns the park, they will also have city jurisdiction over the entire park. Council President Woods MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the resolution for annexation/deannexation as stated above on the condition that a DNS is issued (SEPA is in process) . Motion carried. This item will go to Council on January 5, 1993 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m. PC1117.92