HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/25/1991 KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1991 MEETING PAGE 3 Shelter Program which will be available through the remainder of 1991. Motion carried. Chairman Eckfeldt thanked Tamara Brown for her excellent administration of the program. Tamara indicated that she has received numerous positive comments on what a great job the City of Kent is doing in terms ' of Social Services and how much further ahead the City is from other areas. Tamara indicated CCS has sent letters to local motels requesting one free night for every 15 nights purchased. To date, they have received two positive responses. Chairman Eckfeldt suggested that as a reinforcement, a letter from the Mayor be sent to the motels who are donating a free night. He also suggested articles be placed in the newspaper and the Kent Chamber of Commerce newsletter regarding the motels who are donating space. DAWN SOUTH KING COUNTY CONFIDENTIAL SHELTER FACILITY The United for Shelter Forum was held on April 4 , 1991 at the Renton Good Neighbor Center. The DAWN staff gave a presentation on what they are doing to secure funding and some of the programs they have in place to acquire the matching funding they need for their shelter. Another topic discussed was the use of common application forms. Lin Ball indicated the topic of common application forms is on the agenda for the June meeting of the Human Services Roundtable South King County permanent staff. Diane Evergreen, Executive Director of DAWN, presented a request for funding in the amount of $30, 000 for the DAWN shelter to be located in Kent. They have a financing gap of $56, 000 and are looking to the cities in South King County to secure the funds. They have received a Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF) grant from King County. It is a HOF requirement to secure a substantial financial commitment from the city that the shelter is to be located in. DAWN plans to locate the shelter in Kent. The remaining funds will be solicited from the surrounding cities. Diane presented statistics on the need for DAWN's services. She indicated there have been more people from Kent coming to DAWN than any other city. This is due in part to the population of the City of Kent and the fact that DAWN's offices and many of their services are physically located in Kent. Diane Evergreen presented certificates of appreciation to Judy Woods, Marvin Eckfeldt, and Lin Ball for their exceptional support of DAWN. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1991 MEETING PAGE 2 are welcome to come to the May 8 and May 29 meetings. 'The meetings will be held in the Council Chambers. AGENCY TOUR - MAY 1 Rachel McCurdy presented the schedule for the human services agencies tour on May 1. ' We will meet at the Hungry Bear at 12 :15 p.m. for lunch. From there the Commission will go by van to the Food Bank from 1: 15 - 1: 30 p.m. ; Children Is Therapy from 2 :15 -2:30 p.m. ; and King County Sexual Assault from 3 : 15 - 3 : 30 p.m. Peter Duggan and Judy Woods will not attend the tour. Peter Mourer and Dee Moschel will not be present at the third agency tour. NEW BUSINESS EMERGENCY SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER PROGRAM: FUNDING FOR REMAINDER OF 1991 Tamara Brown of Catholic Community Services Emergency Assistance Program advised the Commission that the program started on January 15, 1991 with a budget of $15,418 and ended on April 15, 1991 after spending $8 , 357 . A total of 227 individuals were served; 76 single men, 64 children, and 38 families. Of the total, 33 percent were single men and 28 percent were children. She noted that CCS is the only agency in South King County that provides this type of service for single men, women or couples without children. During the period of January 15 through April 15, there were 45 cold weather days, which is on target with the National Weather Service average of 50 cold weather days per year. The current trend in December for the past four years has been for increasingly cold weather with an average of 13 days of low temperatures under 35 degrees. In December 1990 there were 15 days of uninterrupted cold weather with lows of 20 degrees and below. In addition, motel costs are expected to increase and the number of requests for shelter will increase as public knowledge of the program grows. Given these facts, CCS is asking the City of Kent for an additional $2 , 500 to cover shelter costs in the event of long term severe weather conditions in late 1991. Lin Ball clarified that this is a contingency request and any monies not used would be returned to the general fund. Vice Chairwoman Moschel MOVED and Alla Mironyuk SECONDED the motion that an emergency allocation of $2 , 500 be requested from the Kent City Council as a contingency fund for the Emergency Severe Weather KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1991 MEETING PAGE 3 Shelter Program which will be available through the remainder of 1991. Motion carried. Chairman Eckfeldt thanked Tamara Brown for her' excellent administration of the program. Tamara indicated that she has received numerous positive comments on what a great job the City of Kent is doing in terms •`of Social Services and how much further ahead the City is from other areas. Tamara indicated CCS has sent letters to local motels requesting one free night for every 15 nights purchased. To date, they have received two positive responses. Chairman Eckfeldt suggested that as a reinforcement, a letter from the Mayor be sent to the motels who are donating a free night. He also suggested articles be placed in the newspaper and the Kent Chamber of Commerce newsletter regarding the motels who are donating space. DAWN SOUTH KING COUNTY CONFIDENTIAL SHELTER FACILITY The United for Shelter Forum was held on April 4 , 1991 at the Renton Good Neighbor Center. The DAWN staff gave a presentation on what they are doing to secure funding and some of the programs they have in place to acquire the matching funding they need for their shelter. Another topic discussed was the use of common application forms. Lin Ball indicated the topic of common application forms is on the agenda for the June meeting of the Human Services Roundtable South King County permanent staff. Diane Evergreen, Executive Director of DAWN, presented a request for funding in the amount of $30, 000 for the DAWN shelter to be located in Kent. They have a financing gap of $56, 000 and are looking to the cities in South King County to secure the funds. They have received a Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF) grant from King County. It is a HOF requirement to secure a substantial financial commitment from the city that the shelter is to be located in. DAWN plans to locate the shelter in Kent. The remaining funds will be solicited from the surrounding cities. Diane presented statistics on the need for DAWN's services. She indicated there have been more people from Kent coming to DAWN than any other city. This is due in part to the population of the City of Kent and the fact that DAWN's offices and many of their services are physically located in Kent. Diane Evergreen presented certificates of appreciation to Judy Woods, Marvin Eckfeldt, and Lin Ball for their exceptional support of DAWN. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1991 MEETING PAGE 4 Vice Chairwoman Moschel MOVED and Peter Mourer SECONDED a motion to recommend to the Kent City Council that a $30,000 emergency allocation be made to the DAWN safe house capital funding project to be located within the Kent city limits. Motion carried. This request will go the Planning Committee on May 21, to the Operations Committee on'May 28, and to the City Council on June 4. Janet Shull will put together a summary of the funding request for the City Council. Lin Ball will notify Linda Rasmussen, DAWN Shelter Project Coordinator, of the three meeting dates. Chairman Eckfeldt will call the absent Commission members to see who will be available to attend the meetings. 1992 APPLICATIONS/MEETINGS/INTERVIEWS ,To date there have been 19 general fund and 10 block grant applications handed out to human service agencies. There are eight new agencies that have picked up applications. All meetings for the application review process will be held at St. Anthony' s Church library as follows: 1. Thursday, May 23 , 9: 30 a.m. - 1: 30 p.m. Commissioners will bring a brown bag lunch. The first 45 minutes of the meeting will be for regular Commission business. 2. Monday, June 10, 1: 00 - 5:00 p.m. for the first set of interviews. 3 . Friday, June 14, 9 : 30 a.m. - 5: 30 p.m. for interviews and, if time allows, workshop sessions. Lunch will be provided by the City. 4 . Thursday, June 27, 2: 00 - 5: 00 p.m. The workshop will be first and the regular monthly business meeting will follow. Applications are due on Thursday, May 2 , and will be available for Commission members to pick up on Tuesday, May 7, after 12 : 00 noon. Vice Chairwoman Moschel suggested, given the increase in applications, asking the City Council for an increase of the one percent of the City' s budget for humaniservices needs. DEBRIEF ON APPLICATION WORKSHOP There was a good representation of human service agencies at the application workshop. The questionnaire/evaluation form had some good comments which can be used in planning next year's workshop.