HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/06/1991 (3) CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE August 6, 1991 4:45 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Christie Houser Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson, Chair Carol Morris Leona Orr Planning Staff Other City Staff Laurie Anderson Alana McIalwain, Administration Lin Ball Sharon Clamp Guests Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bill Doolittle Anne Watanabe Kent Morrill Linda Rasmussen, DAWN Don Rust, Bagman Cafe Russ Stringham, Hungry Bear DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WOMEN'S NETWORK (DAWN) FUNDING (L. Ball) Lin Ball stated on June 4, 1991 the City Council allocated $10, 000 to DAWN to acquire a confidential safe shelter for battered women and their children. The Council's action was conditioned on the shelter being located within the City of Kent. DAWN has been having difficulty finding a suitable site in Kent due to the zoning restrictions for group homes. They have explored the possibility of a single family residence in a commercially zoned area in Kent but have not been able to find a suitable site. The most desirable location for the shelter is a single family neighborhood, which helps to ensure the safety and anonymity of the shelter. While they will continue their search in Kent, they are expanding their search to unincorporated south King County where they can shelter more people in a single family zoned area. Lin pointed out that the shelter has always been proposed as a south King County shelter, so the critical thing is that it be located somewhere in south King County. The Human Services Commission and staff recommend amending the City Council's June 4 action to remove the contingency that the DAWN confidential shelter be located in the City of Kent in order to receive the City's $10,000 contribution. Councilmember Orr MOVED to approved the recommendation to remove the requirement that the DAWN shelter be located within the city limits of Kent. Councilmember Houser SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. This item will be forwarded to the City Council on August 20, 1991. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1991 PAGE 2 SOOS CREEK RESOLUTION (L. Anderson) At the July 2, 1991 meeting, the Planning Committee endorsed a resolution dealing with road adequacy standards in the Soos Creek planning area. The Planning Commission reviewed this resolution the next week and endorsed it with the recommendation that level of service E be improved to level of service D. Councilmember Orr stated the Public Works Committee felt level of service D is not obtainable and that level E is more logical and realistic. Chair Johnson suggested at tonight's City Council meeting, under Soos Creek Plan other business, adding wording to Section 2 of the resolution stating that service level E would have to be achieved prior to any future development in a Phase I unincorporated area. Councilmember Orr MOVED to reapprove the resolution as written with level of service E and to have Chair Johnson's recommended additional wording to Section 2 be incorporated into the resolution. Councilmember Houser SECONDED. Motion carried. GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (L. Anderson) Lauri Anderson distributed a bulletin on the Growth Management Act of 1990 and 1991 giving a complete summary of where the legislation stands to date. She pointed out that three state hearings boards have been formed that will hear appeals of local comprehensive plans which will go to them in 1993 . The Governor now has the authority to impose sanctions if local governments fail to meet the goals of the act. The Growth Management Committee met through March 1991. They requested all City departments come together at a mid-manager level to develop a comprehensive city-wide strategy for meeting the requirements of the Growth Management Act. This mid-level managers group has been working on an outline of tasks, identifying the departments that will be responsible for preparing the information, and setting out a timeline. The goal for completion is early September at which time the information will be presented back to the Growth Management Committee, the Mayor, and the City Council. As a city, Kent is mandated to identify and regulate critical areas (wetlands, steep slopes, etc. ) , and to designate and regulate agricultural, forest and mineral resource lands. The City has requested that the September 1 deadline be extended to March 1992 with the hope to have more formal information ready to present by November. Ms. Anderson stated it is important to have community participation and backing for the city-wide comprehensive plan. Staff has been reviewing a model used by the City of Redmond where videos are produced and distributed to community groups rather than holding large public meetings which often do not get people's attention. The City of Redmond has had CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1991 PAGE 3 a terrific response to this approach. Another idea is to bring in a facilitator at a large public meeting forum and give citizens the opportunity to tell the City what they see for the community. Jim Harris commented that evening public meetings often are not productive because of the low public turnout. He commented the City of Redmond's idea catches public interest and makes them more comfortable in working with the city on issues. Councilmember Houser commented the idea of tying it into the town hall is a good idea, and Jim Harris suggested Alana McIalwain relay that comment to the mayor. Councilmember Orr also agreed that these are all good ideas for encouraging public participation. SPECIAL AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN (SAMP) (A. Watanabe) Ms. Watanabe explained the City of Kent, City of Auburn, King County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are currently developing a Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) for wetlands within the Mill Creek Basin. A SAMP is a comprehensive plan that identifies which wetlands are appropriate for development and those which should be preserved, enhanced, or restored. The goal is to issue a comprehensive plan as well as a regional permit. Permits are now issued on a site by site basis. If someone wants to fill in less than an acre of wetland, they are covered by Nationwide Permit 26 which the Corps of Engineers administers, but they would also have to deal with the local government. If someone wants to fill in more than an acre of wetlands, not only do they still need to deal with the local government, but they also obtain a Corps 404 permit. Because the Corps 404 process takes years in some cases, there has been some attention on trying to do all the planning up front. The Planning and Public Works Departments are currently attending meetings with other agencies to make scientific assessments of these wetland areas and to develop management recommendations. A public workshop will be held on August 28 at Auburn City Hall at 6:30 p.m. The target for a regional permit and a completed plan is September 1992 . RESOLUTION FOR NOTIFICATION ACTIONS TO HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT SITES (L. Anderson) On July 16 the Planning Commission endorsed a resolution establishing standards for Planning Department notification of proposed actions to certain historically significant properties within the City. Ms. Anderson stated that upon receiving additional information from the Department of Ecology, it became clear that the City does, in fact, have a regulatory mechanism, SEPA, to look at historical sites. At the suggestion of Carol Morris, the resolution has been revised to outline what this authority entails. The revised resolution states that the City of Kent has adopted SEPA policies which will give us the authority to regulate historic CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1991 PAGE 4 structures. We have comprehensive plan policies adopted telling us to preserve historic sites, and we have preliminary sites that might have historic significance. The revised resolution recommends we reaffirm those comprehensive plan policies and say these are the policies we would look to when considering action, demolition or destruction under SEPA. Ms. Anderson explained that policies #1-5 on page 2 are taken verbatim from the comprehensive plan, and policy #6 is a modification of a comprehensive plan policy saying we can delay action on a property for up to two months to discuss alternatives. The Law Department felt we should attempt to protect properties and prevent their destruction by working with individual property owners, not by delaying action for a specified time period. Section 2 asks that a preliminary list be adopted, and a review be conducted by the Planning Department of demolition or destruction proposals. The last section has to do with how we would approach a review through SEPA. Before we would make a recommendation under SEPA, we would need to do findings, mini historic reviews on properties, as they come in. The criteria listed for these reviews were taken from the draft interlocal agreement with King County that came out as result of the Historic Preservation Committee's work. The revised resolution itself is stronger. The City will use its SEPA authority to look at actions to these properties and make conditions or approve permits based on findings. Councilmember Houser MOVED to accept the revised resolution. Councilmember Orr SECONDED. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS Since the City of Kent is in the process of considering a change to the ordinance regarding the use of sandwich board signs, the Committee felt that Don Rust's August 18, 1991 court date for sign violations be put in abeyance until the Planning Commission comes back with a recommendation on how to regulate sandwich board signs on private property. Councilmember Houser MOVED to recommend to the City Attorney's Office, if they cannot get a continuance to Don Rust's August 18, 1991 court date, to drop the case. Councilmember Orr SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chair Johnson MOVED to recommend the issue of sandwich board signs on private property be referred to the Planning Commission for resolution. Councilmember Orr SECONDED the motion adding at the earliest possible date. Motion carried. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 61 1991 PAGE 5 The Planning Committee requests the Public Works Committee place the issue of sandwich board signs on public right-of-way on the agenda of their next meeting. Carol Morris cautioned that anyone placing sandwich board signs on public right-of-way between now and when we have an ordinance, does so at his own risk. Councilmember Orr added that if an ordinance is passed, it will be 30 days before it becomes effective. LOCATION CHANGE FOR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1991 (L. Ball) Lin Ball requested due to the annual Human Services Social to be held in the Council Chambers East Room on November 5, 1991, the Planning Committee meeting of that date be moved to another location. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. PC0806.MIN CITY OF L"LOY� J� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE August 6, 1991 4:45 PM IId9l�IIC�9P�` Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Christie Houser Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson, Chair Carol Morris Leona Orr Planning Staff Other City Staff Laurie Anderson Alana McIalwain, Administration Lin Ball Sharon Clamp Guests Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bill Doolittle Anne Watanabe Kent Morrill Linda Rasmussen, DAWN Don Rust, Bagman Cafe Russ Stringham, Hungry Bear DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WOMEN'S NETWORK (DAWN) FUNDING (L. Ball) Lin Ball stated on June 4, 1991 the City Council allocated $10,000 to DAWN to acquire a confidential safe shelter for battered women and their children. The Council's action was conditioned on the shelter being located within the City of Kent. DAWN has been having difficulty finding a suitable site in Kent due to the zoning restrictions for group homes. They have explored the possibility of a single family residence in a commercially zoned area in Kent but have not been able to find a suitable site. The most desirable location for the shelter is a single family neighborhood, which helps to ensure the safety and anonymity of the shelter. While they will continue their search in Kent, they are expanding their search to unincorporated south King County where they can shelter more people in a single family zoned area. Lin pointed out that the shelter has always been proposed as a south King County shelter, so the critical thing is that it be located somewhere in south King County. The Human Services Commission and staff recommend amending the City Council's June 4 action to remove the contingency that the DAWN confidential shelter be located in the City of Kent in order to receive the City's $10,000 contribution. Councilmember Orr MOVED to approved the recommendation to remove the requirement that the DAWN shelter be located within the city limits of Kent. Councilmember Houser SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. This item will be forwarded to the City Council on August 20, 1991. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1991 PAGE 2 SOOS CREEK RESOLUTION (L. Anderson) At the July 2, 1991 meeting, the Planning Committee endorsed a resolution dealing with road adequacy standards in the Soos Creek planning area. The Planning Commission reviewed this resolution the next week and endorsed it with the recommendation that level of service E be improved to level of service D. Councilmember Orr stated the Public Works Committee felt level of service D is not obtainable and that level E is more logical and realistic. Chair Johnson suggested at tonight's City Council meeting, under Soos Creek Plan other business, adding wording to Section 2 of the resolution stating that service level E would have to be achieved prior to any future development in a Phase I unincorporated area. Councilmember Orr MOVED to reapprove the resolution as written with level of service E and to have Chair Johnson's recommended additional wording to Section 2 be incorporated into the resolution. Councilmember Houser SECONDED. Motion carried. GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (L. Anderson) Lauri Anderson distributed a bulletin on the Growth Management Act of 1990 and 1991 giving a complete summary of where the legislation stands to date. She pointed out that three state hearings boards have been formed that will hear appeals of local comprehensive plans which will go to them in 1993 . The Governor now has the authority to impose sanctions if local governments fail to meet the goals of the act. The Growth Management Committee met through March 1991. They requested all City departments come together at a mid-manager level to develop a comprehensive city-wide strategy for meeting the requirements of the Growth Management Act. This mid-level managers group has been working on an outline of tasks, identifying the departments that will be responsible for preparing the information, and setting out a timeline. The goal for completion is early September at which time the information will be presented back to the Growth Management Committee, the Mayor, and the City Council. As a city, Kent is mandated to identify and regulate critical areas (wetlands, steep slopes, etc. ) , and to designate and regulate agricultural, forest and mineral resource lands. The City has requested that the September 1 deadline be extended to March 1992 with the hope to have more formal information ready to present by November. Ms. Anderson stated it is important to have community participation and backing for the city-wide comprehensive plan. Staff has been reviewing a model used by the City of Redmond where videos are produced and distributed to community groups rather than holding large public meetings which often do not get people's attention. The City of Redmond has had CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1991 PAGE 3 a terrific response to this approach. Another idea is to bring in a facilitator at a large public meeting forum and give citizens the opportunity to tell the City what they see for the community. Jim Harris commented that evening public meetings often are not productive because of the low public turnout. He commented the City of Redmond's idea catches public interest and makes them more comfortable in working with the city on issues. Councilmember Houser commented the idea of tying it into the town hall is a good idea, and Jim Harris suggested Alana McIalwain relay that comment to the mayor. Councilmember Orr also agreed that these are all good ideas for encouraging public participation. SPECIAL AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN (SAMP) (A. Watanabe) Ms. Watanabe explained the City of Kent, City of Auburn, King County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are currently developing a Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) for wetlands within the Mill Creek Basin. A SAMP is a comprehensive plan that identifies which wetlands are appropriate for development and those which should be preserved, enhanced, or restored. The goal is to issue a comprehensive plan as well as a regional permit. Permits are now issued on a site by site basis. If someone wants to fill in less than an acre of wetland, they are covered by Nationwide Permit 26 which the Corps of Engineers administers, but they would also have to deal with the local government. If someone wants to fill in more than an acre of wetlands, not only do they still need to deal with the local government, but they also obtain a Corps 404 permit. Because the Corps 404 process takes years in some cases, there has been some attention on trying to do all the planning up front. The Planning and Public Works Departments are currently attending meetings with other agencies to make scientific assessments of these wetland areas and to develop management recommendations. A public workshop will be held on August 28 at Auburn City Hall at 6:30 p.m. The target for a regional permit and a completed plan is September 1992 . RESOLUTION FOR NOTIFICATION ACTIONS TO HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT SITES (L. Anderson) On July 16 the Planning Commission endorsed a resolution establishing standards for Planning Department notification of proposed actions to certain historically significant properties within the City. Ms. Anderson stated that upon receiving additional information from the Department of Ecology, it became clear that the City does, in fact, have a regulatory mechanism, SEPA, to look at historical sites. At the suggestion of Carol Morris, the resolution has been revised to outline what this authority entails. The revised resolution states that the City of Kent has adopted SEPA policies which will give us the authority to regulate historic CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1991 PAGE 4 structures. We have comprehensive plan policies adopted telling us to preserve historic sites, and we have preliminary sites that might have historic significance. The revised resolution recommends we reaffirm those comprehensive plan policies and say these are the policies we would look to when considering action, demolition or destruction under SEPA. Ms. Anderson explained that policies 11-5 on page 2 are taken verbatim from the comprehensive plan, and policy #6 is a modification of a comprehensive plan policy saying we can delay action on a property for up to two months to discuss alternatives. The Law Department felt we should attempt to protect properties and prevent their destruction by working with individual property owners, not by delaying action for a specified time period. Section 2 asks that a preliminary list be adopted, and a review be conducted by the Planning Department of demolition or destruction proposals. The last section has to do with how we would approach a review through SEPA. Before we would make a recommendation under SEPA, we would need to do findings, mini historic reviews on properties, as they come in. The criteria listed for these reviews were taken from the draft interlocal agreement with King County that came out as result of the Historic Preservation Committee's work. The revised resolution itself is stronger. The City will use its SEPA authority to look at actions to these properties and make conditions or approve permits based on findings. Councilmember Houser MOVED to accept the revised resolution. Councilmember Orr SECONDED. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS Since the City of Kent is in the process of considering a change to the ordinance regarding the use of sandwich board signs, the Committee felt that Don Rust's August 18, 1991 court date for sign violations be put in abeyance until the Planning Commission comes back with a recommendation on how to regulate sandwich board signs on private property. Councilmember Houser MOVED to recommend to the City Attorney's Office, if they cannot get a continuance to Don Rust's August 18, 1991 court date, to drop the case. Councilmember Orr SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Chair Johnson MOVED to recommend the issue of sandwich board signs on private property be referred to the Planning Commission for resolution. Councilmember Orr SECONDED the motion adding at the earliest possible date. Motion carried. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 61 1991 PAGE 5 The Planning Committee requests the Public Works Committee place the issue of sandwich board signs on public right-of-way on the agenda of their next meeting. Carol Morris cautioned that anyone placing sandwich board signs on public right-of-way between now and when we have an ordinance, does so at his own risk. Councilmember Orr added that if an ordinance is passed, it will be 30 days before it becomes effective. LOCATION CHANGE FOR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5. 1991 (L. Ball) Lin Ball requested due to the annual Human Services Social to be held in the Council Chambers East Room on November 5, 1991, the Planning Committee meeting of that date be moved to another location. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. PC0806.MIN