HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 12/03/1991 (3) CITY OF ��uV NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF MEETING CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE THIS I$ TO INFORM YOU THAT TM CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE 8E VVGREG0L4RLYSCHEDU[W FOR TUE8D44y N0V4 l#, 1991 HASBEEN CANNCELLED. THE NEXT MEETING W LL BE DECEMBER 3, I991. Committee Members Jon Johnson, Chair Christi Houser Leona Orr figL - - 220 4th AVE SO, /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 I TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX N 859-3334 CITY OF )1Lf!2� J� d�esII��� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1991 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Jon Johnson, Chair Leona Orr Judy Woods, Council President for Christie Houser Planning Staff OTHER CITY STAFF Charlene Anderson Roger Lubovich Lauri Anderson Alana McIalwain Lin Ball Sharon Clamp OTHERS James Harris Margaret Porter Don Rust - Bagman Cafe Carol Proud Fred Satterstrom HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) Lin Ball updated the Committee on the Roundtable's family violence project. This regional plan has two top priorities; the first being the establishment of two new shelters, one in south King County and one on the East Side. DAWN has acquired a shelter in unincorporated south King County and hopes to open it January 1992. They have an operating gap of $56, 000 out of a budget of $248, 000 for the shelter. The East Side shelter is at approximately 70% of its capital goal with a $100, 000 operating gap. The second priority, the community advocate system, has $1 million dedicated for 1992 by Roundtable member jurisdictions. A date has still not been set for the housing levy. The housing levy may be placed on the ballot in the spring or fall of 1992. An opinion poll to determine voter interest is being conducted. This will help the Roundtable get a feel for when to schedule the levy and how to proceed with their campaign. A consultant has been hired to analyze the data, do a campaign plan and a feasibility study. Judy Woods added that the school districts do not want the housing levy on the ballot with the school levy in February. A draft revenue partnership document, a compilation of all funding sources for human services for all member jurisdictions is being reviewed by the Roundtable. They hope to use it as a tool to see priorities, fill gaps, and help members focus their funding. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1991 PAGE 2 The Roundtable voted to approve the Tier I items on the legislative agenda for 1992. The Roundtable's 1992 work program is to continue monitoring and advocating for the legislative agenda's support on human services issues. Continued implementation of the family violence plan is one of the Roundtable's priorities on the work program. Also in 1992, the Roundtable will be studying models for a county wide housing resource and referral for housing services. The Roundtable will use the year to educate themselves on children and youth issues before deciding what direction to take. GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (L. Anderson) Lauri Anderson advised the Committee that the video for the Community Participation Program will be shot the week of December 16. The dates scheduled for the community forums are from February 8 to March 1, 1992 . Group leaders will be trained the end of January. She indicated the Chamber of Commerce, the Responsible Urban Growth Group, and approximately 20 individuals have signed up to participate. Administration has approved the interdepartmental work plan. The Planning Department work program for growth management is nearly final. Comprehensive Plan development will begin in January 1992. Administration is reviewing the Resource Lands and Critical Areas regulations. This item is expected to go to the Planning Commission in January 1992 . BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE (C. Proud) Carol Proud explained that the Planning Department inherited the administration of business licenses approximately four years ago, and the current ordinance still indicates that business licenses are a function of the Finance Department. At that time it seemed that Planning had the greatest interest in how business licenses were being administered from a regulatory standpoint. The problem with the old ordinance is that once a business license is issued it is very difficult to get compliance for any outstanding land use or other regulatory infractions. Planning holds the license until the business is in compliance. The new ordinance formally puts responsibility for business license administration in the Planning Department, and changes how licenses will be appealed if denied or revoked. Another reason for the new ordinance is that it will provide a mechanism to obtain employee counts, which are needed by CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1991 PAGE 3 the Public Works Department. The new ordinance contains strong language which states that businesses must comply with the laws and regulations of the City of Kent. After a business license is issued, a copy of the application will be routed to Public Works, Planning, Code Enforcement, and Police. Any time a business is found not be in compliance with zoning code requirements, fire safety issues, etc. we have a more formal handle to clear up problems. Roger Lubovich noted the current code states, "it shall be unlawful for any person either directly or indirectly to conduct any business for which a license or permit is required. " The problem is it does not say when it is required, creating a loophole which has already been challenged. Carol Proud pointed out a correction to Section 5.02 .220 (B) , that business licenses will be granted annually rather than to continue for one year from date of issuance. Also Section 5.20.360 (A,2) is changed from 30 to 90 days. The Committee agreed to change the fee for operating without a license and to reinstate a license revoked through nonpayment of a renewal to a flat fee of $500. 00. Councilmember Leona Orr MOVED to accept the new ordinance as amended and recommend approval by the City Council. Council President Judy Woods SECONDED. Motion carried. HEARING EXAMINER ORDINANCE (C. Proud) Carol Proud explained this ordinance is being amended to comply with State law requiring the Hearing Examiner's written decision be rendered within 10 working days following the conclusion of the hearing rather than 14 calendar days as the ordinance currently reads. Multi-Family Design Review and business license denials and revocations are being added to the duties of the Hearing Examiner. Councilmember Orr MOVED to accept the revisions to the Hearing Examiner Ordinance and recommend approval by the City Council. Council President Judy Woods SECONDED. Motion carried. COUNTY WIDE PLANNING POLICIES FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT (F. Satterstrom) Fred Satterstrom explained in response to the Growth Management Act, the legislature requires that county planning policies be ratified or adopted by July 1992. He presented the proposed interlocal agreement to establish a Growth Management Planning Council of King County. This council will be composed of representatives from the City of Seattle, King County, and suburban cities, and they will work with the County on the development of county-wide planning policies that will ultimately help shape the overall County comprehensive plan and the City's comprehensive plan. In response to the Growth Management Act, all County CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1991 PAGE 4 planning policies are due to be ratified or adopted by July 1992 . Membership will be the City of Seattle with three voting members, suburban cities will have six members to exercise three votes, and King County will have six members and six votes. Mr. Satterstrom pointed out that Page 2 of agreement defines the function and authority of the council. Staff recommends that the City of Kent be a party to this agreement. We will designate a member of our staff to help staff the planning council. Councilmember Leona Orr MOVED to recommend approval of the planning policies agreement. Council President Judy Woods SECONDED. Motion carried. This items will be forwarded to the City Council on December 17 under other business. ADDED ITEM In response to Don Rust's question on the status of the sandwich board signs, Fred Satterstrom explained that the item is scheduled to be placed on the Planning Commission's agenda after the Commission completes the downtown zoning and wetlands discussions. This will be approximately March 1992. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. PC1203.MIN