HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/19/1991 (3) Planning Department City Council Planning Committee February 19, 1991 Ms. Anderson asked the Planning Committee to endorse the acceptance of the grant with this to go to full Council on March 5, 1991. Councilmember Leona Orr made the MOTION and Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED it. All were in favor. 1 RESOLUTION PROHIBITING OUTSIDE SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS (J. Harris) Councilmember Leona Orr first stated that the Resolution was presented at the Public ,Works Committee the morning of February 19 and unanimously approved it. Planning Director James P. Harris explained that this item has gone back and forth between the Public Works Committee and the Planning Committee as explained in the February 12 memo in your agenda packet. Mr. Harris commented that in the memo to the Committee he stated he supported this proposed resolution, but stated to the Committee that he supports this resolution with caution for the reason of bashing the County. Mr. Harris remarked that perhaps the County should be contacted ahead of time of what the City is planning to do. Mr. Harris still does not retract his approval but wanted to point out some cautions. Councilmember Leona Orr expressed that the Resolution would get to the whole entire issue and not just related to the 277th corridor or the County issuing too many permits. She said that it is not so much as we are bashing the County, but bashing ourselves by allowing things to happen in the County that couldn't happen without the City's support and then complaining about it when the City has facilitated them. This resolution does not affect anything that is already in the works or anything that has been promised. It relates to something that hasn't come through yet or something that is brand new until those Growth Boundaries are identified. Once these boundaries are identified, this can be lifted or altered. Senior Planner Lauri Anderson commented on the Section 2 which as follows: "The moratorium imposed on these services by this Resolution shall continue until such time as the "urban growth areas" are designated by the County, and any appeals of the City .therefrom are resolved, pursuant to RCW 36.70A. 110. " Ms. Anderson stated that this would remain in effect until such time the County recommends the urban growth area. One of the proposals before the County Council is the interim urban growth boundary. She was wondering whether it should be clarified here because the interim urban growth boundary may happen very soon and suggested the Resolution say, "not including any interim boundaries" . Attorney Carol Morris states that the language here that we would keep the moratorium in effect until any appeals 2 Planning Department City Council Planning Committee February 19, 1991 are resolved. She thought if there were any interim growth boundaries designated that we would immediately appeal. Attorney Morris said this could be changed. It was also pointed out at the meeting that Page 2 was not the same Page 2 that was 'at the Public Works Committee on February 19. Director Harris complained about this for the record. If the Planning Committee has something officially before its Committee and the staff of another Committee knows that, this Committee should have what the other Committee has got. The changed Page 2 was retrieved by from the Law Department and distributed to all the Committee members. There was much discussion by the Committee members about the change. The change occurred in Section 1 adding the following words (highlighted and underlined) : Section 1. Effective immediately , the City of Kent shall not accept new applications from any property owner for the extensions of water and/or sewer service to any property located outside of the City's incorporated limits for the purpose of development, platting, short platting and/or rezoning thereof. Councilmember Christi Houser asked all who all was in favor say "I" of this Resolution and for a letter be sent to the County and all said unanimously "I" with no opposed. ADDED ITEM - HUNGRY BEAR (Christi Houser) Councilmember received a letter regarding the use of this business using sandwich boards on the sidewalk which is not allowed. ADDED ITEM - LEANING PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD (Leona Orr) Councilmember Orr mentioned there is a public notice board that is leaning towards the road on the west side of 116th, north of 240th Street. Fred Satterstrom indicated that it was probably related to a proposed plat recently approved by the City. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. mp:c:pco219.min 3 ary of kenft _ CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE February 19, 1991 4:45 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Leona Orr Lauri Anderson Christi Houser Jim Harris Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Other City Staff Other Guests Carol Morris Tony McCarthy WETLANDS EDUCATION GRANT (Lauri Anderson) Senior Planner Lauri Anderson briefed the Committee on this item. Last - year the City Council approved money to do matching funds for a grant from Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) to do a Wetlands Management Plan, which is planned to be done this spring and will be completed by June 15th (the draft) , and then it would go into the Hearing process. Last fall, the Planning Department asked the DOE for more money to do a comprehensive public education campaign. The Planning Department wanted help in developing materials specifically about Kent and holding workshops for the public and others who are interested in the issue. The DOE then called and stated the Planning Department did not get the grant and we were number one below their cut-off line. At the end of January, the DOE called the Planning Department back and said they liked Kent, that we had a good proposal, and they couldn't fund us then but they will fund the Planning Department now. The DOE could not give the Planning Department as much money requested originally ($20, 000) but would give $8, 000, which would mean a $1,200 match from the City of Kent. A number of things would be done with this $8, 000 such as a creation of a movable display on Kent's wetlands and holding 5-7 workshops to educate citizens and the community on key wetlands issues. This item has been to IBC. With no additional City funds required, the IBC recommended acceptance of the $8, 000 grant with the $1, 200 as part of the existing 1991 Planning Department budget used to match this new grant. Ms. Anderson clarified this is money the Planning Department would have spent anyway through her salary, printing, and materials to get the word out that this management plan is happening. There is no additional money required because it is an in-kind match. 1 tanning Department _ity Council Planning Committee February 19, 1991 Ms. Anderson asked the Planning Committee to endorse the acceptance of the grant with this to go to full Council on March 5, 1991. Councilmember Leona Orr made the MOTION and Councilmember Christi Houser SECONDED it. All were in favor. RESOLUTION PROHIBITING OUTSIDE SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS (J. Harris) Councilmember Leona Orr first stated that the Resolution was presented at the Public Works Committee the morning of February 19 and unanimously approved it. Planning Director James P. Harris explained that this item has gone back and forth between the Public Works Committee and the Planning Committee as explained in the February 12 memo in your agenda packet. Mr. Harris commented that in the memo to the Committee he stated he supported this proposed resolution, but stated to the Committee that he supports this resolution with caution for the reason of bashing the County. Mr. Harris remarked that perhaps the County should be contacted ahead of time of what the City is planning to do. Mr. Harris still does not retract his approval -but wanted to point out some cautions. Councilmember Leona Orr expressed that the Resolution would get to the whole entire issue and not just related to the 277th corridor or the County issuing too many permits. She said that it is not so much as we are bashing the County, but bashing ourselves by allowing things to happen in the County that couldn't happen without the City's support and then complaining about it when the City has facilitated them. This resolution does not affect anything that is already in the works or anything that has been promised. It relates to something that hasn't come through yet or something that is brand new until those Growth Boundaries are identified. Once these boundaries are identified, this can be lifted or altered. Senior Planner Lauri Anderson commented on the Section 2 which as follows: "The moratorium imposed on these services by this Resolution shall continue until such time as the "urban growth areas" are designated by the County, and any appeals of the City therefrom are resolved, pursuant to RCW 36.70A. 110. " Ms. Anderson stated that this would remain in effect until such time the County recommends the urban growth area. One of the proposals before the County Council is the interim urban growth boundary. She was wondering whether it should be clarified here because the interim urban growth boundary may happen very soon and suggested the Resolution say, "not including any interim boundaries". Attorney Carol Morris states that the - language here that we would keep the moratorium in effect until any appeals 2 --lanning Department _ity Council Planning Committee February 19, 1991 are resolved. She thought if there were any interim growth boundaries designated that we would immediately appeal. Attorney Morris said this could be changed. It was also pointed out at the meeting that Page 2 was not the same Page 2 that was at the Public Works Committee on February 19. Director Harris complained about this for the record. If the Planning Committee has something officially before its Committee and the staff of another Committee knows that, this Committee should have what the other Committee has got. The changed Page 2 was retrieved by from the Law Department and distributed to all the Committee members. There was much discussion by the Committee members about the change. The change occurred in Section 1 adding the following words (highlighted and underlined) : Section 1. Effective immediately , the City of Kent shall not accept new applications from any property owner for the extensions of water and/or sewer service to any property located outside of the City's incorporated limits for the purpose of development, platting, short platting and/or rezoning thereof. Councilmember Christi Houser asked all who all was in favor say "I" of this Resolution and for a letter be sent to the County and all said unanimously "I" with no opposed. ADDED ITEM - HUNGRY BEAR (Christi Houser) Councilmember received a letter regarding the use of this business using sandwich boards on the sidewalk which is not allowed. ADDED ITEM - LEANING PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD (Leona Orr) Councilmember Orr mentioned there is a public notice board that is leaning towards the road on the west side of 116th, north of 240th Street. Fred Satterstrom indicated that it was probably related to a proposed plat recently approved by the City. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. mp:c:pco219.min 3