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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 09/15/1998 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING
SEPTEMBER 15, 1998
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Woods, Chair, Sandy Amodt, Tim Clark
STAFF PRESENT- May Miller, Brent McFall, Roger Lubovich, Sue Viseth, John
PUBLIC PRESENT: Linda Johnson.
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Judy Woods at 3:32PM.
Approval of Minutes of Sept. 1. 1998
Committee Member, Tim Clark, moved to approve the minutes of the Sept. 1, 1998
Operations Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded and carried.
Approval of Combined Check-Detail Vouchers Dated 9/15/98
Finance Director, May Miller, recommended approval of the vouchers that totaled
$2,321,026.26. Committee Member, Sandy Amodt, moved to approve the vouchers. The
motion was seconded and carried.
Downtown Partnership Quarterly Report
Linda Johnson, Director of the Downtown Partnership, presented a summary of the
Downtown Partnership Quarterly Report. Ms. Johnson recounted the many new projects
such as the train station,the Market, sidewalk phases, and new merchants. She said
things are going very well. Tim Clark asked how the fund raising was going for the
expansion of the Market. Ms. Johnson shared with the Committee the plan to sell tiles to
offset costs.
Ms. Johnson explained that the tiles are 6x6 mahogany granite that is a deep, rich, red
color. Individual tiles cost $50, family tiles are $75, and either may be customized.
Business tiles cost$100 and corporate tiles start at$500. These tiles are a darker, black
granite and are 11 '/z x 11 '/z inches and also have customized messages. Ms. Johnson
said she feels the tiles really show support for the community. The problem, she stated,
is getting the word out, but The Kent Reporter and The South County Journal are helping
with that. Ms. Johnson said the tiles make great gifts, and also may be used as memorial
plaques. Judy Woods asked how long the tiles would be available for purchase. Ms.
Johnson said they would be available until the end of October.
Tim Clark asked if the RTA Board had made a decision on the garage location. Ms.
Johnson said the location had not been determined yet. She said a Public Hearing was
scheduled for Sept. 24`h, and the actual decision should be made by the board on that
date. The recommendation is for Site#1, which Ms. Johnson feels has more potential
than Sites #2 and#3 as they would be more difficult to deal with from a traffic situation.
Multi-Departmental Permit Process Study
Employee Services Director, Sue Viseth, brought the Committee up to date with a
reminder that in 1997 the City Council adopted a Target Issue which specifically
addressed Service and Stang Review and Direction. The Council asked to review and
explore alternative methods of service delivery, determine current staffing situations and
future staffing needs, and to develop a service staffing strategic plan. Again in 1998, the
Council adopted another Target Issue that dealt specifically with productivity
improvement and performance measurement.
Employee Services worked with Administration and requested funding in the 1998
budget to address the Council target issues. Council approved the funds for a
departmental organizational study, department by department. The Planning department
volunteered to be the first department to participate in the study, and a committee was
formed that included representatives from Planning, Public Works, and Fire Prevention.
This committee helped develop the request for proposal and also helped to select the
consultant for the project.
The scope of the project had to be scaled back due to budgetary limitations. There was
not enough funding to complete an entire departmental study and so the scope was
narrowed to focus on the multi-departmental permit process. The Committee selected
Zucker Systems to conduct the study. Zucker Systems is a consulting firm out of San
Diego, CA with 16 years of experience. With a niche in this particular market, they
specialize in areas of management,planning, and developing the environment. Zucker
Systems has worked with governmental development processes in 15 different cities in
15 different states throughout the country. They have excellent references.
Initially,the work plan is to review goals and objectives for the study. The consultant
will conduct external interviews and meetings, which will include department heads,
managers, and members of the City Council to get input and thoughts about the
permitting process. Focus groups from the community will be brought together to elicit
customer perception of the City's permitting process. This will include builders,
developers, professionals, and also one-time applicants who go through the permitting
process. Staff will be very involved and will conduct staff orientations and also put
together a confidential staff survey to get input, ideas, and feedback.
Organizational issues evaluating organizational structure, management oversight, and
staffing in relation to the permitting process to achieve efficiency, will also be addressed.
Help will be given to develop new processing and policies if needed, or recommendations
will be made in those areas. A final report will be provided to Administration. If the
project is approved, the timeline is to commence in early October with a report date in
early January. The cost for the study is $25,000 which amount has already been
authorized within the budget.
Sandy Amodt asked about implementation after study is completed in January. Ms.
Viseth said the department would be working with Operations Manager,Brent McFall,
and the Administration. Part of the contract states that the consultants will make a formal
presentation to talk about implementation of the recommendations and to make
clarification with those issues that deal with space.
Tim Clark moved that the Operations Committee recommend to the Council
authorization for the Mayor to sign the consultant services contract with Zucker Systems
in the amount of$25,000 to conduct an organizational evaluation of the City's multi-
departmental permit process. The motion was seconded and carried.
Real Estate Excise Tax Ordinance Correction
City Attorney, Roger Lubovich, explained that the Ordinance already passed by the
Council incorrectly referenced the wrong Vice Code of Washington provision and he
proposed to make a correction to that referring to the right statutory provision and also to
establish November 1, 1998 as the beginning date for assessments.
Tim Clark moved that the Operations Committee recommend to the Council adoption of
the Ordinance correcting the Real Estate Excise Tax ordinance, Chapter 3.24. The
motion was seconded and passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55PM.