HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/05/1998 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 5, 1998 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Woods, Chair, Tim Clark, Sandy Amodt STAFF PRESENT: Joe Lorenz, Charlie Lindsay, John Hodgson, Marty Mulholland, Becky Fowler, John Hillman PUBLIC PRESENT- David Nixon The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Judy Woods Approval of Combined Check-Detail Vouchers Dated April 30, 1998 John Hillman presented the vouchers to the Committee. Committee Member, Tim Clark, moved to approve the combined check—detail vouchers dated April 30,1998. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3-0. Replace carpet at Senior Center—Authorize purchase Charlie Lindsay presented to the Committee the proposal to purchase new carpeting for the Senior Center. This proposed carpet is manufactured by Interface, and consists of carpet tiles. It has a patented anti-microbial solution integral to the carpet fiber, which will meet the need for accommodations to chemical sensitivity It also uses a minimal amount of glue to install and has a 15-year wear warranty as opposed to 5-year warranties on other carpets. The cost to re-carpet the Senior Center is $65,000 and is already in the budget. Council Member, Sandy Amodt, recommended the purchase of ADA required carpeting for the Senior Center under King County directors Contract in the amount of $65,000 including state sales tax. The motion carried with a vote of 3-0 Blue Cross/Group Health Contract Renewal for 1998 Becky Fowler presented the Blue Cross and Group Health Cooperative contract for 1998. Ms. Fowler said that last year we paid 26.54 so we're looking at a 20% increase of 5.23 for the admin group for which we provide Blue Cross. We provide payment for our own claims through a wire transfer weekly. With Group Health there was a 3% increase. Group Health increases have been consistent from 3-5% over the last 5 years. Retained earnings are now at $2,404,000 according to the last Actuarial Study performed by William Mercer, Inc. That firm recommended that the City have 15% for IB&R, incurred but not reported, and retained earnings in the fund, which would equate to estimated claims of about $3,462,000 in claims extent. The City is well over the requirement by the firm for retained earnings. Ms. Fowler said that she and John Plummon will be working together to set up another actuarial study to be done this year. It's been 3 years since the last actuarial study. Tim Clark moved that the committee recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Blue Cross and Group Health Cooperative contract for 1998 The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. Network Backbone-Authorize Purchase Marty Mulholland reiterated that last month the City Council accepted Information Service's technology plan for the next 3 years. She said a very key part of that plan has been identified as the need to rebuild the City's network, and today's Committee subject was the purchase of the device that will serve as the backbone of the network. Ms. Mulholland informed the Committee that the plan was to implement technology known as ATM, which stands for Asynchronous Transfer Mode. Ms. Mulholland Introduced Joe Lorenz,the City Network Manager Mr. Lorenz related that the Information Services Department had looked at a number of technologies and identified ATM with the help of network consultant, Moss Bay Group, Inc. During the research, Moss Bay Group also identified the Washington State Processing Information Cooperative bid for purchase of Newbridge equipment offered at 40% discount off of the list price. Newbndge was further verified as a technology for the ATM solution through a conference called the Gartner Group. The Gartner Group pointed out that the new bridge allowed for software updates to the internal operating system of the product rather than hardware component updates. Other vendors were offering hardware replacements for emerging standards. Newbridge ATM solution meets the technical criteria identified by the Moss Bay Group and the Information Services Staff. Tim Clark asked for clarification that this is a hardware purchase, and if the issue then becomes the City's capability to reach the outlying areas which we are not currently connected with. Mr. Lorenz answered that they had met with TCI who is providing fiber to a number of the sites. It has been identified that we currently have fiber existing between City Hall and Firestation 74. Part of the implementation of this plan includes pushing the ATM out to Firestation 74. Marty Mulholland added that it is important to note that Information Services will be back to ask for additional componentry for some of the other outlying areas. This would cover the Campus Facility, which is City Hall, the Centennial Building, Police, and Firestation 74. When fiber is in the other facilities, additional equipment will need to be purchased to bring them as part of the ATM backbone. Tim Clark asked if this would then connect the City to ValleyCom? Mr. Lorenz answered that there is currently a connection to ValleyCom that is not utilized yet because of the need to finish printing the hardware. Tim Clark asked for a reprisal of the back-up plan for downtime and electrical outage. Joe Lorenz responded that with UPS and the generator they have identified that there is sufficient electrical back up Sandy Amodt moved to authorize the purchase of the Network Backbone Equipment from New Bridge Networks, Inc. in the amount of$370,122.54 plus applicable sales tax and to initiate an ongoing hardware maintenance contract in the amount of$59,518.91 plus applicable sales tax. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 3.55 PM