HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/27/1997 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 27, 1997 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson, Chair, Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Tom Brubaker, Jim Harris, Brent McFall, May Miller, Susan Narick, Kelli O'Donnell, Ron Spang, Sue Viseth MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Linda Johnson -Kent Downtown Partnership The meeting was called to order at 5 30 p in by Chairperson Johnson Approval of 4/30/97 Vouchers Committeemember Orr moved to approve the vouchers of April 30, 1997 Johnson seconded and the motion carried with a vote of 2-0 Kent Downtown Partnership Quarterly Report Linda Johnson, Executive Director of the Kent Downtown Partnership (KDP), reviewed the Washington State Downtown Revitalization Services report with the Committee noting that the Kent downtown had the most jobs created In reviewing the report distributed,Ms Johnson noted this year has the lughest grant match She noted the partnership is working with the Kent Planning Department on the 20 year strategic plan and that the Market has been as full on Sunday as Saturday During further comments the Commmttee was informed that the grant application is in the final round and that the partnership will be developing their goals and objectives on the 17th of June Director of Operations Brent McFall asked if activity in the downtown had increased with the Regional Justice Center Opening Ms Johnson responded that it has been mixed with Wednesday the busiest day, She added that it was hoped as more courts open foot traffic will increase and that a walking map is in printing to distribute in the jury rooms, library and City Hail Group Health Contract Renewal Employee Services Director Sue Viseth presented the contract noting a 5 26% increase over last years cost which will be absorbed by the self-insured fund She noted that 10% of the city's workforce utilize Group Health and asked for authorization for the Mayor to sign the Group Health Cooperative contract for 1997 Orr so moved, Johnson seconded and the motion carried 2-0 Banking Services Contract Finance Director May Miller invited Susan Narick to join her in reporting on the item Miller reviewed the history of the Banking RFP process with the committee noting that two responses were received from U S Bank and Keybank The responses were evaluated by a five member team on 43 items using the criteria of cost, services provided, customer service, technology and a reference check U S Bank had a lower cost of$1,000 per month and references that reported customer satisfaction Susan Narick reported savings on costs from the previous contract and incentives to move ahead in technology After further discussion, Orr moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign a five-year banking services contract with U S Bank with optional two-year extensions Johnson seconded the motion that passed with a vote of 2-0 Del Mar Annexation Budget May Miller reviewed the report distributed with the Committee noting that it was substantially the same as previously reviewed with the exception of a vehicle purchase and census cost adjustments She stated that the capital fund balance would be utilized for the one time costs with repayment in years two and three May then reviewed the staffing p posed and the 1999 budget graph on page 3 While reviewing the department costs,May noted the hire dates are staggered due to revenue lags McFall added that this gives staff the ability to recruit and hire in a more practical time line also Commrtteemember Orr questioned the Public Safety Officer hiring status with three vacant positrons as of April 30 and 6 more identified to be hired by November Discussion ensued during which McFall noted the difficulty in recruiting and that one OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, CONT. Ma.v 2�71, 1997 or two officers hired haven't made it through probation Orr moved to recommend authorization to establish a budget for the Del Mar Annexation for 1997 per the attached exhibit Johnson seconded and the motion carried with a vote of 2-0 Added Item Del Mar Census Planning Director Jim Harris distributed information on the item and reported that he was requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign the census contract for the Del Mar Annexation He asked that it go on the Consent Calendar of the next Council meeting with the concurrence of the third committee member Hams noted that this would allow the company that is doing the Meridian Valley Census to begin the Del Mar census on June 8 Orr moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Robert Scribner to conduct a population census in the Del Mar annexation area for the amount of $38,923 11 Johnson seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 2-0 April Financial Report May Miller reviewed the report with the Committee noting on page 11 the sales tax revenue through April is 38% over budget in the amount of$1,194,850 While reviewing the general fund summary on page 38, May noted that the $1 nullion will not need to be transferred from the capital fund and it is projected that the fund balance will be increased from 9 1% to the 10% goal identified by Council by year end May concluded her report with a summary of the capital fund on page 36 Committeemember Orr asked what the status was on the Senior Center Roof McFall replied that a report will be given at the next Operations Committee as it will probably be done as part of the 1998 budget He explained that the consultant will make a report on why the bids came in higher than expected and the lost weather window of opportunity There being no further business, Committee Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 4 53 p in Page 2