HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/19/1993 (3) CITY OF 0\,L1!2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES 799CIZ JANUARY 19, 1993 4: 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT PLANNING STAFF Leona Orr, chair Lin Ball Jim Bennett Sharon Clamp Jon Johnson James Harris Margaret Porter Laura Yeats-Quilici OTHER CITY STAFF Fred Satterstrom Alice Shobe Norm Angelo Mary Berg Tom Brubaker Laurie Evezich Gary Gill Bob Hutchinson Alana McIalwain Tony McCarthy Larry Webb GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (L. YEATS OUILICI) Planner Laura Yeats Quilici informed the Committee of Countywide Planning Policy FW-2 which requires that several interim actions be taken by King County jurisdictions until Comprehensive Plans are updated. The policy addresses minimum residential densities, accessory units, and manufactured homes on individual lots. Several alternatives will be discussed at the Committee's February 2, 1993 meeting. SECTION 8 HOUSING DISCRIMINATION (A. SHOBEI As a follow up to the December 1, 1992 meeting where three citizens spoke to the Committee regarding discrimination against Section 8 voucher and certificate holders in the City of Kent, Planner Alice Shobe reported on the ordinances adopted by King County and the Cities of Seattle and Bellevue which prohibit Section 8 discrimination. She also presented information from the State of Massachusetts which prohibits public subsidy discrimination state- wide. Chair Orr requested staff research answers to the questions raised and report back to the Committee in the future. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1993 PAGE 2 HOMELESS UPDATE (A. SHOBE) Planner Alice Shobe reported that the Emergency Cold Weather Shelter Program run by Catholic Community Services (CCS) ran out of money the first of December 1992 . An additional $1, 000 allocated to the program in December lasted three days. As a result of an editorial published by the Valley Daily News regarding the homeless situation, money was sent to CCS by citizens; however, these funds ran out by Christmas and the Kent Police Department ran the program for the remainder of December. A task force of City staff and local churches was formed the first of January to develop a community response program in anticipation of a potential crisis situation which may occur as a result of the continuing cold weather. Staff will keep the Committee informed of the progress of this group. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES (J. HARRIS) Planning Director Harris presented a revision of the short subdivision regulations which addresses notification of the public, public response, and the appeal process. Further discussion on this revision will be held at the February 2, 1993 meeting. PERMIT CENTER (CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) Kent Chamber of Commerce spokesman Steve Burpee reported that the Chamber recommends the Planning Committee forward to the Council a recommendation to adopt in full the proposal from the Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Permit Process, including the plan for implementation of the needed reorganization. They feel these changes are needed to protect the economic health of the community. Mr. Burpee stressed that whatever plan is implemented, the Chamber does not feel safety should be compromised. The Chamber also has requested to the Mayor that a committee be appointed to select the personnel involved in the new process. Linda Martinez, speaking as an ordinary citizen, feels that a speeded up process managed by a political arm of our city does not have much to do with political accountability. The Mayor's Task Force plan is very accountable to a small group within the city; however, it is not aimed at the entire city. she is concerned that this process will be outside the authority of city officials who are mandated with this responsibility. Regulations exist to protect all citizens. This process focuses on small, high volume items without considering how they fit in with larger developments. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1993 PAGE 3 Ms. Martinez noted that the department heads proposal comes closer to looking at the whole system. There needs to be one intake place, but the City does not need two processes for essentially the same type of things. The recommendation that the project manager come from outside all the disciplines having anything to do with protecting public welfare and ensuring that the intents of the codes are enforced is the key element in the permit process which the Mayor's Task Force is missing. The people who are mandated to do this need to be part of the process to see that the future of the City is protected and that development is directed by order of ordinances adopted by the City Council rather than by order of City Administration. Ms. Martinez would like to see the Committee take a step to bring some cooperation as suggested by the department heads rather than to simply start all over again. Chair Orr requested the departments heads present their final proposal at the February 2 meeting so the Committee may decide which proposal to recommend to the full Council. Chair Orr stated her personal concerns as follows: 1. The safety issue. 2 . There is room for improvement in customer service. 3 . Reasonable timelines need to be set due to decreased staff levels. 4. Predictability and consistency need to be addressed on code interpretation issues. ADDED ITEM Planning Commission Chair Linda Martinez reported that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the wetlands issue on February 22, 1993 . The ordinance will go the full Council in March or April. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:26 p.m. 930119.PC