HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/15/1993 CITY OF YOF�IIYTT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES June 15, 1993 5: 30 PM Commit ee embers Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Tony McCarthy Betsy Czark Alana McIalwain Jim Harris Charlie Lindsey Margaret Porter Helen Wickstrom Fred Satterstrom Other Guests Stacey Hendrickson Larry Kennedy GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that the June 8, 1993 Capital Facilities Seminar that was led by Henderson and Young was extremely successful. The firm was contracted to lead the different departments in Capital Facilities Planning for the City and teach the City how to do this kind of capital facilities planning ourselves. Fred stated the City has the following options: 1) Do the Capital Facilities Planning ourselves; 2) Contract with consultants to do the complete Capital Facilities Planning for us. After discussions with various people from various departments, Fred reported a feeling that staff would like to have some guidance by Henderson and Young but be able to do some of the work themselves. This firm is very experienced at Capital Facilities Planning under the Growth Management Act. FUNDING FOR GROWTH MANAGEMENT/CAPITAL FACILITIES AND EIS - (L. Orr) Chair Orr attended the seminar. She expressed her reason as to why she asked for requesting the funding issue be put on the agenda. She believes the City can actually save money by using Henderson and Young to assist the City with this project. Her concern was that this project be consistent between departments and that all the plans fit together. She said this is critical. Henderson and Young have experience and knowledge; they know the loopholes and challenges; they know the legalities; they would be able to save the City money over the long haul. She had spoken with Tony McCarthy and May Miller prior to this meeting and they concurred on the issue. Chair Orr said she would like the Committee to recommend that the funding for Capital Facilities and EIS be sent to the full council or the Budget Committee. Chair Orr stated there is approximately $100, 000 in unreserved capital funds that is not targeted this year that could possibly be utilized. Chair Orr feels the CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 15, 1993 PAGE 2 City needs to look at funds in the 1994 budget to continue on with this project. Planning Director Jim Harris recommended setting up a meeting with Henderson and Young, Tony McCarthy, Fred Satterstrom, and himself to talk about the complexities of this project. Mr. Harris sees Henderson and Young doing a piece of this project such as the Capital Facilities part of the project. Mr. Harris recommended that Henderson and Young assist the City in getting this project into concurrency and consistency in regards to the capital facilities part, which is a crucial. Mr. Harris stated he would not want Henderson and Young to be the coordinators of the Planning effort in how to bring the Plan together, but to show the City how to work the capital facilities side of the whole project. Chair Orr added that Henderson and Young could look at what the City has already done and ask them to help us put the whole project together and ask how much this would cost. Chief Administrative Officer Tony McCarthy stated he personally feels Henderson and Young could be a big help to the City. The only concern he has is where the funding comes from. He said he knows there is money in the capital fund. He mentioned using the Growth Management money that the City is now using for some operating expenses. Tony expressed concern that Growth Management funds be used for legitimate tasks in order to show to the State that Growth Management Funds are being used related to this kind of issue. He said he feels it is important to have coordination between departments. Tony also said the City needs to have a lot of consistency and concurrency and perhaps Henderson and Young could act as the umbrella to coordinate this whole project. This doesn't eliminate departments from doing a lot of work on their own but pulls a lot of pieces together. Mr. McCarthy also mentioned that perhaps a mini Council Workshop with Henderson and Young could be done soon. Helen Wickstrom from the Parks Department stated at the meeting the importance of them being involved. Helen may need to get some special expertise in the Park area. Mr. McCarthy stated he agreed with Jim Harris. Mr. McCarthy recommended that this issue go to the Budget Committee on June 28, 1993 for them to approve the funding. Mr. Harris explained that the EIS is a separate funding item that will need to be done in the fall that will also require some expertise. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to send the funding for Capital Facilities and the EIS to the Budget Committee on June 28, 1993 . Motion carried. 1994-1996 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT (ICA) - (L. Ball) Manager Lin Ball reported that this agreement governs the City's participation in the Community Development Block Grant Consortium, the vehicle by which Kent obtains its federal Block Grant funds. The Mayor needs to sign this agreement in order for us to participate in the consortium. Manager Ball reported there is no new changes in the agreement that was brought to the Committee in April 1993 . At that time, CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 15, 1993 PAGE 3 Ms. Ball went over the five(5) major changes in the new ICA, which were outlined in the memo of the agenda packet. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Recommend approval of the 1994-1996 Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. 2 . Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at its June 15, 1993 meeting, with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1994-1996 CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Ms. Ball explained the necessity to take this item directly forward to the full City Council the same day (June 15th) because the agreement must be signed by our Mayor and returned to the County before June 25, 1993 . Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. 1994-1996 DRAFT HOME INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT (ICA) - (L. Ball) Manager Ball reported this agreement governs the City' s participation with the County and other King County cities in the HOME partnership, which are federal funds again that are received and are used to provide permanent affordable housing for low-income populations, families, and individuals. Again, we need to enter into this agreement in order to be able to have any of that funding allocation to go to a project that would be located within the City of Kent. This is a three(3) year agreement. Since the Cities of Federal Way and Bellevue have decided to join the HOME Consortium, it was necessary to create a separate ICA for HOME. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Recommend approval of the 1994-1996 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. 2 . Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at its June 15, 1993 meeting, with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1994-1996 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Ms. Ball explained the necessity to take this item directly forward to the full City Council the same day (June 15th) because the agreement must be signed by our Mayor and returned to the County before June 25, 1993 . Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. WAY BACK INN AGREEMENT (WBI) - (B. Czark) The Way Back Inn, a nonprofit organization, is proposing to pay for and perform all those City-cited necessary repairs in exchange for free rent for a set period of time. The organization is only eighteen months old, but already has an 80% success rate in helping families make the transition from homelessness to a permanent home. WBI 's course of action is to provide housing rent free for three months to homeless families with children. Their philosophy is that freeing a family of housing CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 15, 1993 PAGE 4 costs allows them to save enough money to pay first, last and deposit on their own apartment. For many families, this is all that is needed to move them out of homelessness into a permanent housing situation. The property is known as the Campus Park House at 9815 S. 252nd, located behind Kent Meridian High School. In addition, the City's Code Enforcement Department inspected the house and identified further repairs needed to bring the building up to code. The bid agreement in the packet is about $26,000 to repair the house which exceeds the potential gross rental revenue for the house over the next four years of $24,000 (based on a $500 market rental rate for all four years) . Since this bid, some additional repair and insurance costs increased the repair and maintenance costs to $40, 000. The $40, 000 amount is equivalent to five years free rent at a market value rental rate of $500 per month. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approval for City to enter into a lease agreement with the Way Back Inn on the Campus Park House to house homeless families for five years. The lease, in legal terms, will express the City of Kent's intent for the Way Back Inn to pay for and perform specified repair, maintenance, and insurance costs on the Campus Park House in order for the WBI to house homeless families rent free in the house for five years. Lease agreement is to be substantially in the form presented. 2. Forward this proposed agreement to the full City Council for consideration at its July 6, 1993 meeting. Administrative Manager Alana Mclalwain mentioned that at the Council's 1993 retreat, family issues was a high priority and stated this project seems to be a win/win situation. Chair Orr and Tony McCarthy both stated this seems to be an exciting project. Mr. McCarthy indicated this item did not need to go to the Operations Committee. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS: The item entitled Funding for Growth Management - Capital Facilities and EIS was moved to the top of the agenda. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6: 05 p.m. PC0615.MIN