HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 06/15/2004 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 15, 2004 Committee Members Present: Chair Tim Clark and Bruce White Julie Peterson was absent, however, had previously concurred with Chair Tim Clark on agenda items 1, and 2. The meeting was called to order by Tim Clark, Chair at 4:02 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MAY 18, 2004 Bruce White moved to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2004, Operation Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Tim Clark and passed 3-0. Julie Peterson previously concurred on this agenda item. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED MAY 31, 2004 Chief Administrative Officer Mike Martin presented the vouchers for May 31, 2004, for approval. Bruce White moved to approve the vouchers dated May 31, 2004. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Julie Peterson previously concurred on this agenda item. POLICE MDC REPLACEMENTS Information Technology Director Stan Waldrop presented the Police MDC Replacements request to purchase 34 semi-ruggedized laptop computers from CDW*G to replace existing mobile data computers in Police vehicles. The Police Department has 47 mobile data computers (MDCs). These are semi-ruggedizd laptop computers used for data communication with Valley Communication Center which have a normal replacement interval of 4 years. These workstations are on a 3-year replacement cycle due to the more strenuous environment in which they operate. The laptops would be paid from the 2002 Technology Plan in the amount of $76,000. Bruce White moved to recommend the Council authorize the Mayor to sign purchase orders for replacement MDCs, payable to CDW*G, not to exceed $76,000. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. QWEST PBX MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Information Technology Director Stan Waldrop presented the Qwest PBX Maintenance Contract. A competitive RFP process was conducted to procure a vendor to maintain the City’s PBX telephone system. The City received responses from seven (7) vendors and Qwest Interprise Services was the successful vendor from this process. The process resulted in a reduction of the City’s PBX maintenance costs by over $15,000. Mr. Waldrop advised the budget impact would be approximately $33,000 annually, which is currently included in the 2004 Operating Budget, depending on equipment placed in or removed from service. 2 Bruce White moved to recommend the Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract renewal with Qwest Interprise Services PBX Maintenance Services subject to City Attorney approval of the contract documents. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR SPECIAL ELECTION ORDINANCE AND THE BALLOT PROPOSITION – REAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY RATE ORDINANCES Chief Administrative Officer Mike Martin presented the Budget Appropriation For Special Election Ordinance together with the Ballot Proposition – Real Property Tax Levy Rate Ordinances. He advised that the King County Department of Records and Election Bureau has estimated that the cost of a special election for the purpose of the consideration of a Levy Lid Lift for the City of Kent will cost approximately $100,000. There are no funds currently in the budget for this purpose. This ordinance will appropriate that amount from the fund balance in the General Fund. As a potential exists of a significant reduction in the property tax levy of the City, the administration recommends that we make contingency plans in the event this occurs. This planning may include this special election and potentially planning for a second election in November depending on other events that may occur in early July. The administration believes that this planning is a prudent step given the potential impact that could occur to governmental services. This budget ordinance will reduce the General Fund balance by $100,000. Mr. Martin further advised the Operations Committee that if approved at the November 2, 2004, general election, proposed Initiative 864 would reduce the City’s income tax revenue by twenty- five (25) percent, which will cause a reduction in the City’s general fund budget of over $5 million. If Initiative 864 is approved, the City will be forced to implement further significant reductions in its labor force and in the services the City provides. However, if Kent voters were to vote to permanently increase the City’s maximum allowable regular real property tax levy rate by about one cent per $1,000 of assessed value—from $2.76 to $2.77—the City’s property tax rate and revenues will then be exempt from the twenty-five (25) percent reduction proposed by Initiative 864. In order for the proposition to be put before the voters at the September 14, 2004 special election and the November 2, 2004 general election, the City Council must pass a separate ordinance for each election directing the City Clerk to submit the proposition to the King County Records and Elections Division. The budget impact is estimated at $100,000 reduction in the general fund balance. Committee members had numerous questions and comments regarding agenda items 5 and 6 and wished to discuss both in further detail with the full Committee present. Bruce White moved to delay action on Items 5 and 6 of today’s agenda and move them to the next Operations Committee of June 6, 2004, with the intention that they would be placed on Other Business for the July 6th Council meeting, without a recommendation from the Operations Committee. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:28 p.m. Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary 3