HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 11/15/1990 CITY OF RENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS November 15, 1990 4:00 P.M. The City of Kent Civil Service Commission is scheduled to meet Thursday, November 15, 1990 at 4 : 00 p.m. , in the Council Chambers of Kent City Hall . The following information will be discussed: REPORTS City Attorney, Roger Lubovich Fire Chief, Norm Angelo Police Chief, Rod Frederiksen Personnel Director, Don Olson OLD BIISINESS Approval of minutes from October 18, 1990 Civil Service Commission meeting. (ACTION ITEM) Update of Rough Draft proposal for Civil Service Rules Revision. (ITEM FOR DISCUSSION) Update on proposal for Guidelines for hiring Part time and temporary employees. (ITEM FOR DISCUSSION) NEW BUSINESS Memo from Chief Frederiksen to Officer Peter Gaiser terminating his employment with Kent Police Department effective September 26, 1990. Due to Officer Gaisers failing to meet the requirements for graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy. (ACCEPT INTO RECORD) Letter dated October 24th, 1990 to Daniel L. Michael from Chief Frederiksen confirming his employment as a Corrections Officer 3 with the Kent Police Department effective November 19, 1990. (ACCEPT INTO RECORD) Memo from Chief Frederiksen requesting that Rule VI, Section 2 . 1, titled "Lateral Entry Requirements" be changed. (ACTION ITEM FOR DISCUSSION) page 2 Civil Service Agenda November 15, 1990 Memo from Captain Mitchell dated November 9, 1990 requesting that the changes to the current Entry Level Police Officer Job Announcement reflecting both Entry Level & Lateral Police Officers recruitment be ACCEPTED INTO RECORD. (ACTION ITEM FOR DISCUSSION) . Memo dated November 06, 1990 from Kip Ware, JATC Secretary informing that the JATC Committee has voted in favor of Firefighter Martin Smale taking his First Class test on or after January 25, 1991, six months earlier than his normal completion date. (ACCEPT INTO RECORD) KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 26, 1990 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OCT 2 21990 TO: Peter Gaiser FROM: Chief Rod Frederiksen k, If SUBJECT: Employment I have had the opportunity to review a letter from Mr. Carl Poschman, Training Center Director for the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, regarding your performance during the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy Session 362 . This letter and also a memorandum from Tac Officer R. Leavell and Officer L.J. Eddy point out in detail the deficiencies in your performance that were observed during the testing. I have also had the opportunity to review the letter that you have directed to me describing your failure of the Mock Scene testing. It is my determination that due to your failing to meet the • requirements for graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy Session, that your employment with the Kent Police Department and the City of Kent be terminated, effective this date. I regret the necessity of this decision and wish you the very best in your future endeavors. cc RHF:klr • Dan Kelleher, Mayor CITY OF ,. � Rod Frederiksen, Chief of Police The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION October 24 , 1990 OCT 241990 DANIEL L. MICHAEL 303 Gage Apt. 235 Richland, Washington 99352 Dear Mr. Michael, I am very pleased that you have accepted a position of employment with the Kent Police Department. I wish to confirm the salary offer and date of hire formally. As I indicated in our conversation, we are offering a position of Corrections Officer 3 at a base wage of $2136 per month. As agreed, your starting date • with the Kent Police Department will be November 19, 1990 at 8 : 00 a.m. Please report to Captain Dennis Byerly for duty assignment. Capt. Byerly' s office is located at the City of Kent Corrections Facility, 1230 South Central in Kent. I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, � od Frederiksen Chief of Police Kent Police Department cc: Capt. Dennis Byerly Civil Service Commission . RHF:klr L - 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3315 1 FAX#859-6572 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OCT 3 1 Ift • KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT OCTOBER 25, 1990 TO: Robert Jarvis, Civil Service Chairman / Catherine Dixon, Civil Service Chief Examiner✓ FROM: Rod Frederiksen, Chief of Police FROM: Request Change in Civil Service Rules During the past two testing processes for Lateral Police Officer we have experienced a continual decrease in qualified applicants for this particular position. As you are both aware, the hiring of experienced police officers is very desirable for our community and assists the Police Department in coping with the rapidly spiralling calls for service that we are currently experiencing. It is my request that as a catalyst for additional lateral entry applicants that Rule VI, Section 2 . 1, titled "Lateral Entry Requirements" be changed as follows: • The applicant shall have a minimum of two-E24- one (1) year-& year of college credits at an accredited institution (b4 30 semester hours or -90 45 quarter hours) . As we are currently preparing to recruit both Lateral Entry Police Officers as well as Entry Level Police Officers, it is imperative that this issue be addressed as soon as possible. To facilitate this timely change, I am requesting that consideration be given to conducting a special meeting to consider this rule change. Thank you for your consideration. cc: A/Capt. Bill Mitchell RHF:klr • CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS'" • MEMORANDUM NOV - 91990 DATE: November 9, 1990 TO: Civil Service Commission City of Kent RE: PROPOSED CHANGE IN CIVIL SERVICE RULE AND JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE POSITION OF POLICE OFFICER FROM: Lt. W. H. Mitchell At your meeting to be held on November 15, 1990, we are asking that first of all, a rule change be considered under Section VI. of the Civil Service Rules, Item 2, in regard to "Qualifications for Law Enforcement Officer - Open Entry and Lateral Entry" . We are asking that under Section II. , para. 2 . 1, a change be made to reflect that the applicant shall have a minimum of one year of college credits from an accredited institution, instead of two years. In regard to the Job Announcement, numerous changes are proposed . in order to bring the announcement in line with the qualifications for both Lateral and Entry Level Police Officers. Those changes will be discussed in detail at the meeting. A copy of the revised Job Announcement has been attached to this memorandum. It should be noted, under this new procedure, in the unlikely event more than thirty Lateral applicants become eligible for the Oral Board, they will be screened and only the thirty most qualified candidates will be invited to the Oral Board. Areas to be reviewed will include education, years of professional service, type of law enforcement assignments, and training, as well as professional achievements. We are most anxious to make these proposed changes so we can move forward with our planned testing procedure in the month of January. This will mean announcements will have to be sent out during the latter part of December. / (.✓cep Z4%L4 � Lt. W. H. Mitchell • WHM/gr DIXON,CATHERINE / KENT70/AD - HPDesk print. ------------------------------------------- age. Dated: 11/06/90 at 1354 . ect: EARLY TESTING Sender: Kip WARE / KENT70/FR Contents: 2 . TO: Catherine DIXON / KENT70/AD Part 1. FROM: Kip WARE / KENT70/FR TO: Catherine DIXON / KENT70/AD John ROBINSON / KENT70/FR Part 2 . THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT APPRENTICE FIREFIGHTER MARTIN ' SMALE HAS PETITIONED THE JATC COMMITTEE TO ALLOW HIM TO TAKE HIS FIRST CLASS TEST ON OR AFTER 1-25-91. THIS WOULD BE SIX MONTHS EARLY OF HIS NORMAL COMPLETION DATE. FIREFIGHTER SMALE HAS PROVIDED RECORDS TO INDICATE THAT HE HAS MET THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CIVIL SERVICE RULES WHICH ALLOWS APPRENTICES TO TEST EARLY. THE JATC COMMITTEE HAS VOTED IN FAVOR OF FIGHTER SMALES REQUEST TO TEST EARLY. WE FEEL THAT HE BE ALLOWED TO TEST (IF SCHEDULES ALLOW) ON OR AFTER THE DATE HE HAS REQUESTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS SEND ME A MESSAGE, OR CALL EXT 3310 THANK YOU KIP WARE JATC SEC. • MITCHELL,BILL / KENT70/PD - HPDesk print. ----------------------------------------- S ct: Officer testing Cf W or: Bill MITCHELL / KENT70/PD Dated: 11/01/90 at 0945. Chief Frederiksen, I met with CatW-Dixon this morning and we have set up the proposed schedule. Police Lateral and Entry Level Officers Open filing dates: Dec. 17th through Jan. 4th. Written test: Jan. 19th. Physical test: Jan. 20th. Oral Board: Jan. 22nd. through Jan. 25th. Polygraph, Psycological, Background, Chief interview and medical would all have to be accomplished in the month of Feb. 1991, in order to hire people and get them into a March academy class. We could give ourselves one extra week by closing filing on Dec. 28th. Recruiting at Malls, etc. , could be scheduled for the weeks of Dec. 3rd. and Dec, loth. The Civil Service meeting of Nov. 15th. at 1600hrs. will consider the rule ' change on college requirements and review the revised job announcement. Ir to the scoring of lateral vs. entry I have a concern that we need t*�gad scuss. The entry level officer will have an advantage over the lateral oer. If the entry and lateral receive the same score in the oral board, say 21pts. , and the entry got 98 questions correct on the written, their scores would be; lateral 70. 0% and entry 77.0% We should get this resolved before it goes to the commission. Possible solution. Entry candidates are selected to move on to the oral board based on their written test score, the top candidates are taken to round out the field of 30 persons including lateral officers. At that point entry and lateral both enter the oral board with no points and their rank is determined on the points they receive during the oral board. This process keeps scoring equal during the oral board. For future tests CathI, and I feel that we can meet with Fire and run our test during the same time frame, Sept. through Dec. All it will take is a little planning between the two departments to make sure we don't conflict on test dates. CLOY u OF MEH7 o . l 2204th AVE. SO. / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5895 /TELEPHONE(206)859-3328 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ph. (206) 859-6833 ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER - KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT , CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION FILING OPENS: November 5, 1990 FILING CLOSES: November 16, 1990, 4 p.m ' NONREFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE OF $10.00 MUST BE FILED WITH APPLICATION (If indigence is claimed, a waiver of fee is available.) DUTIES: With general supervision, performs police work necessary to maintain law and order, protect life and property, prevent crime, apprehend criminals and general enforcement of laws and ordinances for the City. MINIMUM - Must be at least 21 years of age at time of employment. QUALIFICATIONS: - U.S. citizen. - High school graduate or equivalent. Proof of graduation (diploma or G.E.D.) must be provided at time of oral inter- view. - Must meet City of Kent minimum medical and health require- ments. - Must possess a valid Washington State driver's license at time of employment. - Applicant's traffic record will be subject to review and approval by the Civil Service Commission, the City of Kent and its insurance carrier. - Felony convictions disqualifying-criminal histories thoroughly assessed. ` SALARY AND Entry level salary - $2,293 (1990). BENEFITS: Experienced, commissioned, full time, general authority law enforcement officers with a minimum of two years experience at the time of appointment will be placed into the pay schedule commensurate with their qualifications. Medical and dental plans are available for employee and qualified dependents; also employee is entitled to vacation, sick leave and retirement benefits. VETERANS In order to claim a veteran's preference, an applicant must INFORMATION: have (1) served during any period of war and received the armed forces expeditionary medal; and (2) received an honorable discharge or received a discharge for physical reasons with an honorable record; and (3) claim preference within eight years from the release from active service. Application forms are available from the Commission office. APPLICATION A $10.00 application fee, which is nonrefundable, is to be Fes: submitted with the completed application. A declaration of indigence is available from the Commission office for those applicants who do not have financial resources to pay the fee. CITY OF K T APPLICATIONS: APPLICATION FORMS MUST BE COMPLETE WHEN RETURNED. All appli- cation forms must be completed in its entirety. Draw a line through spaces that do not apply. Incomplete application forms will not be considered or returned to the applicant. Only those applicants returning complete application forms and otherwise qualified for an examination will be notified as to time and place of the written examination. An applicant for any position under Civil Service must be able to read and write the English language, of good moral character and temperate and industrious habits. These facts - to be ascertained in such manner as the Commission may deem advisable, and the Commission shall be the sole judge as to whether the applicant qualifies. The right is reserved to reject applicants on the basis of information contained on the application form. SELECTION PROCESS: Written Exam - comprises 30% towards final score. Physical Fitness Assessment: Pass-Fail Of those passing the Physical Fitness Assessment only the toR DO scorers, including ties, will be allowed to proceed to the Oral Board Interview. Oral Interview: Pass-Fail - comprises 70% towards final score. , Polygraph Examination: Pass-Fail Background Investigation (including driving record): Pass-Fail Interview with Clinical Psychologist: Pass-Fail Interview with the Chief of Police Medical Exam: Pass-Fail Final Interview with the Chief of Police: The Chief has the option of choosing one of the top three (3) applicants who pass. Those failing any phase will be removed from the list. EXAMINATION Written Test: Will be administered to all candidates. This PROCEDURE: test is designed to assess ability to comprehend written material and communicate clearly in writing. Also assessed are certain attitudinal factors crucial to law enforcement. Knowledge of police work is not necessary. Candidates who receive a passing score of 70% or above on the written test will proceed to the physical fitness exam. Physical Fitness: This exam is a measurement of strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity and will be graded on a pass-fail basis. Written notification will be provided to all applicants prior to test date. This test, which requires no special police training, is designed to assess an applicant's level of physical fitness relative to the general population. Complete instructions will be provided at the test site. An eligibility list will be established with names, in ranking order, of those candidates who have successfully passed the Oral Interview. CERTIFICATION: Certification will be made by the Civil Service Commission on the basis of r-ompetitive examinations. SEND Civil Service Commission APPLICATIONS 220 Fourth Ave. South AND FEE TO: Kent, Washington 98032-5895 THE CITY OF KENT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 157V-IV P R 0 P U S E D CHANGES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ph. (206) 859-6833 LATERAL AND ENTRY LEVEL POLICE OFFICER - KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION FILING OPENS: December 17, 1990 FILING CLOSES: January '4, 1990, 4 p.m. A NONREFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE OF $10.00 MUST BE FILED WITH APPLICATION. (If indigence is claimed, a waiver of fee is available. ) DUTIES: With general supervision, performs police work necessary to maintain law and order, protect life and property, prevent crime, apprehend criminals and general enforcement of laws and ordinances for the City. MINIMUM - Must be at least 21 years of age at time of employment. QUALIFICATIONS: - U.S. citizen. - High school graduate or equivalent. Proof of graduation (diploma or G.E.D.) must be provided at time of oral interview. - Must meet City of Kent minimum medical and health requirements. - Must possess a valid Washington State driver's license at time of employment. - Applicant's traffic record will be subject to review and approval by the Civil Service Commission, the City of Kent and its insurance carrier. - Felony convictions disqualifying-criminal histories thoroughly assessed. Lateral Entry Applicants - Applicant must be employed as a commissioned, full time, general authority law enforcement officer for a minimum of two years at the start of testing. The successful completion of a Police Basic Training Academy is necessary. - Have completed a minimum of one year accredited college work (45 quarter or 30 semester credit hours minimum) . SALARY AND Salary Range - Entry Level $2,425 to "Step 1" $3,.159 (1991 salaries) BENEFITS: Experienced, commissioned, full time, general authority law enforcement officers with a minimum of two years experience at the time of appoint- ment will be placed into the pay schedule commensurate with their qualifications. Medical and dental plans are available for employee and qualified dependents; also employee is entitled to vacation, sick leave and retirement benefits. INFORMATION: served during any period of war and received the armed forces expedi- tionary medal ; and (2) received an honorable discharge or received a discharge for physical reasons with an honorable record; and (3) claim preference within eight years from the release from active service. Application forms are available from the Commission office. OVER