HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 07/18/1996 CITY OF KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION JULY 18, 1996 MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Mike Pattison Callius Zaratkiewcz Ron Banister Others Present: Captain C.E. Miller, Sue Viseth, Karen Ford, Lillian Hernandez, B/C Scott, Chief Angelo, Lt. Holt and Dea Drake, others present. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: ll. HEARINGS III. OLD BUSINESS A. Accept into Record 1. Chair Pattison moved to approve the minutes from the June 20, 1996 Civil Service Commission Meeting. Seconded and carried. IV. NEW BUSINESS • A. Approval and Accept into Record 1. Chair Pattison moved to approve the disciplinary Action memo dated June 17, 1996 from Chief Crawford to Corrections Officer Bonnie Bradley notifying her of a one-day suspension without pay. Seconded and carried. 2. Chair Pattison moved to approve the memo dated June 27, 1996 from Chief Crawford announcing the promotion of Officer Lisa Gullikson and Officer John Pagel to the position of Sergeant effective July 1, 1996. Examiner Guiguet asked for clarification regarding who was promoted first. Captain C. E. Miller stated that they were hired in order off the Eligibility List with Officer Gullikson promoted first. The motion was then seconded and carried. 3. Chair Pattison moved to approve the memo dated June 27, 1996 from Lieutenant Cline informing the Commission that John Pagel has stepped down from the Chair position of the Kent Police Officers Association and will remain on the Board of Directors. Officer Bob Burwell has been selected to assume the responsibilities of Chair of the KPOA effective July 1, 1996. Seconded and carried. 4. Chair Pattison moved to approve the letter dated June 28, 1996 to Assistant Fire Chief candidate Steve Hamilton from Chief Angelo offering him the position of Probationary Assistant Chief subject to the successful completion of a psychological and physical examination. Seconded and carried. • • Civil Service Minutes July 18, 1996 Page 2 5. Chair Pattison moved to approve the memo dated July 2, 1996 from Captain C.E. Miller notifying the Commission that Frank J. Connelly is being promoted to Sergeant effective July 16, 1996. Seconded and carried. 6. Chair Pattison moved to approve the memos dated July 11, 1996 from Kelli Rogers informing the Commission that: a. Officer Lynn Britton went on disability leave from January 30, 1996 and returned to duty June 13, 1996. b. Officer Lynn Britton retired from service with the Kent Police Department on June 28, 1996. Seconded and carried. Action Items for Discussion • 1. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated July 8, 1996 from Lieutenant Holt to the Commission requesting: a. Permission to begin a Lateral Police Officer selection process. Lieutenant Holt stated that there is no current Eligibility List and that the Department still has a need to hire experienced Police Officers. The Examiner asked if they wished to follow the same selection process as in the past and was informed that they did. b. Permission to extend the Correction Officers Eligibility list to December 26, 1996. This will be the second six month extension. There being no discussion on item 1 b. Chair Pattison moved to approve both items and accept them into record. Seconded and carried. 2. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the Certified letter dated July 11, 1996 from the Secretary and Chief Examiner to Entry Level Police candidate William E. Bolton informing him that his name has been removed from the Entry Level Police Officer Eligibility List due to the fact that he did not pass the Background portion of the selection process. There being no discussion, Chair Pattison moved to accept the letter into record. Seconded and carried. • Civil Service Minutes July 18, 1996 Page 3 Chair Pattison: "Is there any further business to come before the Commission?" Sue Viseth, Director, Human Resources: Informed the Commission that they have reached an agreement with the Corrections Union represented by AFSCME, Local 2617. That contract will take us through December 31, 1997. There being no other business Chair Pattison moved to adjourn. Seconded and carried. Adjourned at 8:05 a.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19, 1996 at 8:00 a.m. in Council Chambers West. Respectfully submitted, ICA� �. • Catherine M. Guiguet Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner App oved: ,, Mike Pattison, Chair