HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 12/21/1995 CITY OF KENT .. �_ �• CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Mike Pattison Callius Zaratkiewcz Scheduling Conflict: Ron Banister Others Present: Chief Crawford, Capt C.E. Miller, Capt Jim Miller, Lt. Cline, Acting Assistant Chief Robertson, B/C Scott, Detective K. Holt, Officer John Pagel, Dave Santos, Lead Evidence Technician, others present. Chair Pattison called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Chair Pattison amended the Agenda to include: Section B, Item 2 under OLD BUSINESS and Section B, Item 3 under NEW BUSINESS. II. HEARINGS III. OLD BUSINESS A. Accept into Record • 1. Chair Pattison moved to approve the Minutes from the November 16, 1995 Civil Service Commission Meeting. Seconded and carried. B. Action Items for Discussion 1. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the Resolution No. 8 regarding Rule XI I, APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE. Captain C. E. Miller stated that the Resolution now had one additional item which was agreed to with the Guild. That is one female Corrections Officer per shift plus one additional female officer which would be a fall back position when one of them leaves or goes on vacation. John Pagel, Guild President apologized to the Commission for not being at the November meeting as he was in Nebraska and could not attend. He stated that the Guild does agree with the Rule Change as drafted by the City Attorney and accept it as written. Chair Pattison stated that he was appreciative that the Guild and the City got together and presented one Resolution rather than two. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz motioned that the Rule Change, Resolution 8, be accepted • as written. Seconded and Carried. Page 2 Je6ember21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting Minutes 2. Chief Examiner Guiguet gave an update on the Police Accounting Services Assistant process. She stated that the internal application process only generated one applicant who met the minimum qualifications. The process has been opened to the general public and there are currently 36 applications on file. She then asked the Police Department for their input regarding whether or not they wanted to shorten the process and also for clarification regarding whether or not to run the Word Processing Technician position within the Police Department or to all City of Kent employees. Lt. Cline speaking on behalf of the Police Department stated that they would like the process to include the same portions as the previous selection process, (written, typing, 10-key and Oral Board). He requested that only the top eight (8) candidates after the 10-key test be given Oral Board Interviews as there was only one position to fill. Regarding the Word Processing Technician position he requested that it be opened to all City Employees rather than only within the Police Department. Police Guild President Pagel stated that the Guild had no objection to the posting • of the position to all City of Kent employees. Chair Pattison moved that the Accounting Services Assistant have the complete testing process and that the Oral Board be limited to the top eight candidates. That the Word Processing Technician position be opened to all City of Kent regular full-time and regular part-time employees. Seconded and carried. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval and Accept into Record 1. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the corrected letter dated October 26, 1995 to Mr. Gregory Duffin from Chief Crawford confirming his appointment as probationary Police Officer effective December 1, 1995. Seconded and carried. 2. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record letters dated November 15, 1995 to Timothy M. Ford, Patricia Lozano-Day and Jeffrey S. Williams from Chief Crawford confirming their appointment as probationary Police Officers effective December 19, 1995. Seconded and carried. 3. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record theCertified letters dated December 5, 1995 to Police Records Specialist candidates Noreen Robinson and Doris M. Sutherland acknowledging that they have accepted employment elsewhere and • notifying them that their names have been removed from the Police Records Specialist Eligibility List. Seconded and carried. a Page.3 +~. December 21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting Minutes V. B. Action Items for Discussion 1. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated November 20, 1995 from Lt. Cline requesting discussion and possible action regarding: a) Establishing a gender specific Eligibility List for Corrections Officer and b) Extending the current Eligibility List for Corrections Officer. Lt. Cline stated that the approval of Resolution 8 negated the need to address item a), but that under item b) the Police Department wished to extend the current Eligibility List for Corrections Officer. Chair Pattison moved to extend the current Eligibility List for Corrections Officer. Seconded and carried. 2. Chair Pattison opened for discussion Certification Letter dated December 8, 1995 from the Civil Service Chief Examiner establishing the Lateral Police Officer Eligibility List effective December 8, 1995. There being no discussion Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept the Eligibility List into Record. Seconded and carried. 3. Chair Pattison opened for discussion Certification Letter dated December 24, 1995 from the Civil Service Chief Examiner establishing the Entry Level Firefighter Eligibility List to become effective December 24, 1995. There being no discussion Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept the Eligibility List into Record. Seconded and carried. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chair Pattison moved to adjourn. Seconded and carried. Adjourned at 8:15 a.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 18, 1996 at 8:00 a.m. in Council Chambers West. Respectfully submitted, CA c� < Catherine M. Guiguet Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner Approved: Mike Pattison, Chair