HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 09/21/1995 _ t CITY OF KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES September21, 1995 Members Present: Mike Pattison Ron Banister Scheduling Conflict: Callius Zaratkiewcz Others Present: Lead Evidence Technician- David Santos, Human Resource Director- Sue Viseth, Chief Angelo, Chief Crawford, Police Guild President Pagel, Lt. Cline, Captain Jim Miller, others present. Chair Pattison called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Chair Pattison opened for discussion the new position description for the Civil Service Chief Examiner reflecting the reporting relationship to the Human Resources Director. Human Resources Director Viseth clarified the reporting relationship and also mentioned that she had sent a memo to the commissioners clarifying the reporting relationship. Chair Pattison then noted for the record that the Commission had talked to the Civil Service Examiner regarding this and that she had no problem with it. • The Chief Examiner then read the change to the position description: General Purpose: Under the direction of the Civil Service Commission and the Human Resource Director, perform responsible professional personnel duties involving recruitment, selection, testing, position classification; communicate with Civil Service personnel concerning a wide variety of personnel matters such as discipline, recruitment and selection procedures, classification, Civil Service Rules and Regulations, and City personnel policies and procedures. Reports To: Civil Service Commission and Human Resources Director. She then stated that along with that was a memo from the Human Resources Director to the Commissioners stating and clarifying what her role would be. The Examiner then asked if anyone wished her to read the memo or if they would like copies. Various persons wanted copies of the information. Chair Pattison directed that copies of the information be distributed after the meeting and put this on the Agenda for the next meeting to approve and accept into the record once everyone has had a chance to read it. City Attorney noted for the record that the change does not undermine the authority of the Commission to direct the Secretary& Chief Examiner. That is a statutory criteria. Basically the reporting function to the Human Resource Director would be more of an administrative type, day to day rather than Policy directives and disciplinary actions and performance reviews that would come from the Commission. It is in no way undermining. Page 2 September21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting ll. HEARINGS III. OLD BUSINESS A. Accept into Record 1. Chair Pattison moved to approve the Minutes from the August 17, 1995 Civil Service Commission Meeting. Seconded and carried. B. Action Item for Discussion: Chair Pattison opened for discussion the Police Records Supervisor Promotional qualifications. Captain Jim Miller stated that the Police Department would support the letter dated September 7, 1995 from Dave Santos, from the Police Guild to himself. The memo had recommended language for the change in the position description qualifications. He believed that if the change is approved it would take care of the issues raised at the last meeting. Dave Santos, Police Guild representative stated that the recommendation was based on a meeting he had with the Bargaining Unit and it was supported very strongly by the • majority of the people there and there should be no problems with including it into the new position description. The Chief Examiner stated that she had taken the liberty of updating the position description to reflect the new qualifications to facilitate posting the promotional in a timely manner and had brought it to the meeting for approval and if approved for signature. City Attorney Lubovich stated that would be permissible and that the Commission need to also make the letter from Dave Santos a part of the record. The Examiner stated that she had included in her Commissioners packets both the letter dated September 7, 1995 from Dave Santos to Captain Miller and also the letter dated September 12, 1995 from Captain Miller to Chief Crawford stating that he supported the Guilds recommendation. City Attorney Lubovich stated that both letters needed to be made part of the record. Chair Pattison moved to accept into record the letter dated September 12, 1995 from Captain Miller to Chief Crawford and the memo dated September 7, 1995 from Dave Santos to Captain Miller. Seconded and carried. Chair Pattison motioned to approved and accept into record the revised position description for Police Records Supervisor qualifications. Seconded and carried. • SPage 3 September21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval and Accept into Record 1. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated August 16, 1995 from Chief Crawford to Lieutenant Glenn P. Woods notifying him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective August 16, 1995. Seconded and carried. 2. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated August 18, 1995 from Chief Crawford to Mr Jeffrey W. Scholzen confirming his appointment as a Probationary Police Officer effective September 19, 1995. Seconded and carried. 3. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated August 18, 1995 from Chief Crawford to Mr Robert E. Hess confirming his appointment as a Probationary Police Officer effective September 19, 1995. Seconded and carried. 4. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the Certified letter dated August 30, 1995 from Chief Examiner Guiguet to Nick R. Almquist acknowledging that he has accepted employment with Redmond Police Department and notifying him of his removal from the Lateral Police Officers Eligibility List. Seconded and carried. . 5. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the Certified letter dated August 30, 1995 from Chief Examiner Guiguet to Lawrence G. Groop acknowledging that he has accepted employment with Auburn Police Department and notifying him of his removal from the Lateral Police Officers Eligibility List. Seconded and carried. 6. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated August 30, 1995 from Correctional Officer Eric S. Miles resigning his position effective September 15, 1995. Seconded and carried. 7. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated September 1, 1995 from Chief Crawford to Mr Dale N. LaRue confirming his appointment as a Probationary Police Officer effective September 19, 1995. Seconded and carried. 8. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated September 1, 1995 from Chief Crawford to Mr. Kevin P. Bateman confirming his appointment as a Probationary Police Officer effective September 19, 1995. Seconded and carried. 9. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the letter dated September 6, 1995 from Correctional Officer Barry Cadile resigning his position effective September 15, 1995. Seconded and carried. 10. Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the Certified letter dated September 13, 1995 from Chief Examiner Guiguet to Michael J. Fasen acknowledging that he has accepted employment with King County Corrections Department and notifying • him of his removal from the Corrections Officers Eligibility List. Seconded and carried. • Page 4 September 21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting The Chief Examiner stated for the record that the order of hire for the Police Officers is as follows: Mr. Cox, Mr. Scholzen, Mr. Hess, Mr. Bateman and Mr. LaRue. This is for seniority purposes. V. Action Items for Discussion 1. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated August 17, 1995 from Lt. Cline requesting permission to begin a Lateral Police Officer Selection process due to the fact that they will not be extending the current list for an additional six months. Lt. Cline stated that the current list has been exhausted and there are not sufficient candidates to carry out the Annexation hiring, therefore the department requests that they be given permission to conduct a Lateral Police Officer Selection process. Chair Pattison moved to grant permission to begin a Lateral Police Officer selection process. Seconded and carried. 2. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated September 13, 1995 from Captain Jim Miller stating the request from Chief Crawford to amend Rule XII, section 2 (page 22), to extend the current Word Processing Tech nician/Transcriptionist Eligibility List beyond the twelve months currently allowed. Chief Crawford stated it was out of the ordinary because there is not a Civil Service Rule to extend the list beyond one year. That there were many qualified candidates on the current list and only one person had been hired off of it. Asked for an exemption for the list to be extended another six months maximum. It would not be good use of public finances to retest for this position. C/A Lubovich stated that there is a problem with making special exemptions when the Rules do not provide for this. You would need to amend the Rule to allow an exemption. In talking with Lt. Cline C/A Lubovich drafted a Resolution that would allow for, on Entry Levels, six months extensions by the Commission up to two years. We currently go up to one year. He wasn't sure if that would be an issue or if there had been enough contact with the Unions. He feels that making special exemptions when there is no Rule provided is bypassing the Rules. There could be a potential problem with that. The better alternatives would be to amend the Rules to allow the extensions. The issue seems to the be cost of testing when you haven't exhausted the list. Six months extensions would allow each Chief to make the request before the Commission and the Commission would have to make the approval. He stated that he didn't know if the Fire Union had an opportunity to respond. Chief Angelo stated that he had only found out about this last night and attempted to contact the Fire Union and had left a message on the answering machine. As he had not had an opportunity to talk to him was unaware of any opposition or concerns. • Page 5 September21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting John Pagel, President Police Guild stated that he had just had an opportunity to read the draft that the City Attorney provided them. He agrees with the concept of the possibility of the list being extended up to twenty-four months. The wording is very good. If the Civil Service Commission reviews it every six months, if the Guild has any objection they can come in during the six month time period and present that objection to the Commission. Having being involved with the testing process lately, it is needed. Chair Pattison asked if the extension would go for six months increments? Six months, then twelve months, then eighteen months, then twenty-four? C/A Lubovich: For the record the current language reads: "Eligibility Lists at the Entry Level shall remain in effect six months, and may be extended by action of the Commission for up to an additional six months period. No eligible lists shall be in effect for more than a total of twelve months." We are changing that to read: "Eligible Lists at the entry level shall remain in effect six months, and may be extended by action of the Commission for additional six month periods. No eligible lists shall be in effect for more than a total of twenty-four months." Basically they are six months lists and can only be extended up to a twenty-four month period rather than the current twelve month period. This allows for two more six month extensions for an other year. Commissioner Banister: "Is there a possibility of the Fire Union giving some input on this?' C/A Lubovich: "That seems to be the question." Chief Angelo: "I haven't even seen a draft of this." Commissioner Pattison: "Is this an issue? Do we need to have this list extended by next meeting? Is this a pressing need"? C/A Lubovich: "The Word Processing Technician/Transcriptionist eligibility list expires on October 3, 1995 and they have some positions they want to fill in 1996. There are no further extensions, therefore the only options we would have is to let it expire and let them retest or pass it or have a special meeting before October 3, 1995." Examiner Guiguet: "Would the resolution passed now affect this list?' C/A Lubovich: "Yes, you could pass a rule now and then you could go ahead and act on this list and extend it now. I don't see why you could not. Its up to the Commission." Chief Angelo: I think from the Fire Administrations standpoint there is enough in there. f would have our Administrative Officer review the list to make sure the candidates were not just available but that there were indeed a sufficient number. I don't see a concern from our standpoint. I can't speak for the Fire Union. Its hard for me to envision what their concern might be." • C/A Lubovich: "The Commission has to approve the extension and it would only be made upon request of the Chief." • Page 6 September21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting Chair Pattison: "I'm willing to move forward now and to approve this Resolution and accept it into record." C/A Lubovich: "It only affects entry level." Chair Pattison: "Correct. I make a motion to approve and accept into Record this Resolution as yet unnumbered, prepared by C/A Lubovich. " Commissioner Banister: "We're approving it for six months or twelve months?" Chair Pattison: "A permanent rule change." C/A Lubovich: "A rule change, you're adopting a resolution for the rule change." Chair Pattison: 'Those in favor of adoption say Aye." Chair Pattison and Commissioner Banister: "Aye". Chair Pattison: "The motion carries." Chief Angelo: "Roger, is there not a period of time before this comes into effect? Thirty days?" C/A Lubovich: 'These are effective immediately." Chief Angelo: "I think you'll see a concern now that the Fire Union had not had a chance to review or anything to say. Might I suggest that you send them a note or a letter relating the police situation. Send them the information, it would be useful to them." Examiner Guiguet: 'This was something that was brought up at the last meeting. Bringing things to the table that others were not aware of that would also impact them." C/A Lubovich: 'There was a notice of the rule change request in the Agenda." Chair Pattison moved to approve and accept into record the memo dated September 13, 1995 from Captain Jim Miller stating the request from Chief Crawford to amend Rule XII, section 2 (page 22), to extend the current Word Processing Technician/Transcriptionist Eligibility List beyond the twelve months currently allowed. Seconded and carried. Chair Banister: "I make a motion that the list be extended for the six month period requested, effective immediately." Seconded and carried. 3. Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated September 8, 1995 from Lieutenant Cline requesting that the Entry Level Police Officer Eligibility List be extended the additional six months allowed to June 9, 1996. • • Page 7 September21, 1995 Civil Service Meeting Lt. Cline stated that the current list is still good and there are still around fifty names on it. Lowest score for the entire list on the written examination was 95%. The Police department is confident that there are sufficient qualified candidates on the current list. Commissioner Banister made a motion that the Entry Level Police Officer Eligibility List be extended the additional six months to June 9, 1996. Seconded and carried. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 a.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 19, 1995 at 8:00 a.m. in Council Chambers West. Respectfully submitted, Q&O-- Catherine M. Guiguet Secretary& Chief Examiner Approve Mike Pattison, Chair HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION FECEMD DATE: September 8, 1995 SEP � g ;SSS TO: Mike Pattison, Civil Service Commission Chair CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ron Banister, Civil Service Commissioner CITY OF KEPIT Callius Zaratkiewicz. Civil Service Commissioner ' FROM: Sue Viseth, Human Resources Director� SUBJECT: Civil Service Secretary/Examiner Job Description At the August 17, 1995 Civil Service meeting the Commission requested that the Civii Service Secretary/Examiner's job description be re-drafted to reflect the reporting relationship io the Human Resources Director. As a result Catherine and I met to review her job descript:en and incorporate the reporting relationship to the Human Resources Director. A copy of the -evised job description is attached for the Commissions review and approval. Although the jc= description reflects the appropriate reporting relationships I would like to take this opT• -:unity to more clearly define my role as Catherine's supervisor. Administration has directed that the Secretary/Examiner report to the Human Resourc= Director. • As her director I oversee administrative functions in Catherine's area such as budget re_;ests, purchase orders, time sheets, vacation, sick leave requests, and her work schedule. In -_dition I am responsible to provide guidance and direction, to mentor and coach, evaluate perfo=ance and address performance issues, provide training opportunities, and staff assistance. Vore importantly though as Catherine's supervisor I am on-sight and available on a daily ba _ to assist her in providing the highest level of service to the Commission and departments. As =member of the Human Resources Division Catherine has access to staff support and her peers =o perform similar work for other departments throughout the City. This provides an opt�_mtnity to share ideas, equipment, services, and exchange information. The above reporting relationship however is in no way intended to undermine Catherine s obligation to the Commission as provided for under State statute. As the Secretan,/Ex=er Catherine takes direction from the Commission regarding Commission related busines- including agendas, minutes, meeting schedules, etc. I hope that this memorandum has helped to clarify Catherine's reporting relationship tc --�e Commission and Human Resources Director. Catherine is a very talented professional and we are delighted to have her as part of the Human Resources team. Please feel free to cot-ct me directly if you have any questions prior to the next Commission meeting. I can be reac=ed at (206) 859-3358. cc: J. Brent McFall, Director of Operations . Roger Lubovich, City Attorney Catherine Guiguet, Civil Service Secretary/Examiner 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7 A RESOLUTION of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 2 of Rule XI of the Civil Service Rules relating to effective life of eligible lists. THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 2 of Civil Service Rule XI is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. "EFFECTIVE LIFE OF LISTS': Section 2.1 Eligible lists shall become effective upon approval thereof by the secretary and chief examiner. Section 2.2 Entry. Eligible lists at the entry level shall remain in effect six (6) months, and may be extended by action of the Commission for up to an additional six (6) months periods. No eligible lists shall be in effect for more than a total of twelve fl2}twenty-four (24) months . Section 2.3 Promotional. Promotional lists shall remain in effect twelve (12) months and may be extended by action of the Commission for up to an additional six (6) months. No promotional list shall be in effect for more than a total of eighteen (18) months. SECTION 2. Pursuant to Civil Service Rule XVIII, this amendment shall be in effect thirty (30) days after adoption of this resolution. Passed at a regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Kent, Washington this 21st day of September, 1995. • i Concurred in by the Commissioners of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Kent, this 21 st day of September, 1995. MIKE PATTISON CHAIR ATTEST: CATHERINE GUIGUET SECRETARY AND CHIEF EXAMINER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 7, passed by the Civil Service Commission of the City of Kent, Washington, the 21st day of September, 1995. CATHERINE GUIGUET SECRETARY AND CHIEF EXAMINER civsysTres • 2