HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 12/15/1994CITY OF KENT
Thursday, December 15, 1994
Members Present: Michael Pattison
Ron Banister
Callius Zaratkiewicz
Others Present: Sgt. Lutz, Officer Thomas, Sgt Weissich, Debra Leroy, Lt. Shepard, Sgt
Stone, Sgt Knapp, Chief Crawford, Chief Angelo, A/C Aldridge, Lt Cline,
Sue Viseth, others present.
Chair Pattison called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.
City Attorney, Roger Lubovich- No report.
Fire Chief, Norm Angelo- No report.
Police Chief, Ed Crawford- No report.
• Human Resource Director, Sue Viseth- Pleased to announce that a settlement has
been reached with the Police Management Union, the first contract for Captains and
Lieutenants. Settled the 1994/95 contract. Ratified by Council December 13, 1994. In
addition have also settled a wage and benefit reopener with the Firefighters for 1994 and
an extension of that contract for 1995. Also settled an Unfair Labor Practice with the
Fire Department for Firefighters and the Assistant Chief. Hiring of a Battalion Chief is
part of that resolution.
A. Accept into Record
Chair Pattison motioned to approve the Minutes from the November 17, 1994 Civil Service
Commission Meeting. Seconded and carried.
B. Action Items for Discussion
Chair Pattison opened for discussion the proposed Resolution for an amendment to Rule XVI
Section 4, relating to reinstatement following resignation.
City Attorney Lubovich stated that this was a continuation from the last meeting..
Civil Service Minutes
. December 15, 1994
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Lt. Cline stated that he would still like to have consideration regards to the individual who
returns requesting reinstatement is not able to find a position equal to the rank they left at that
consideration be equally looked at to allow them into the lower rank to which they would qualify.
Chief Angelo stated that he had no opposition to that: " but the change that we proposed to the
rule would basically clarify the area about what would happen to the person who went on the list
say the last part of the year and the list was ready to die. How do you continue that? What
therefore is the difference between reinstatement and continuing on the list as relating to the
continuation of their seniority? Those are the areas we tried to clarify and I think that what we
proposed basically clarifies that and does not change anything else about the rule. I think what
Lt. Cline is talking about is something additional, and thats fine. One of the questions that came
back to us after we heard that question is: "Okay now I come back as a Battalion Chief in the
Fire Department, there are no openings. I go back down to a lower level. Have I tested for that
Lieutenant's test before? Do I go back down to the Entry Level? If I go back to that level Civil
Service Rules state that if I held a permanent position I could be eligible for the next vacancy
that came up. So if I tested for Battalion Chief does that person go to the top of the list without
I think that there are a multitude of questions. I think that it might be worthwhile to separate the
issues and then deal with some of those complexities and then go back and do the Rule
Change at that time."
• C/A Lubovich: "The only question I had on top of that is the Seniority aspect. Seniority Benefits
or Rights. I don't know if that has to be clarified or if there is a problem with that also."
Chief Angelo: "In what way?'
C/A Lubovich: "Can there be some confusion in different positions if you are taking a lower
position, what that would do to your seniority rights."
Chief Angelo: "I don't know what the answer is. I can envision somebody grieving it."
Sergeant Weissich for the Police Guild: "We oppose the idea of somebody resigning and in
other words waiving all their employment rights, leaving service and being placed back in the
position from which they left. We have no objections to return at an entry level but we do have
an objection to coming back to the last position held."
Chair Pattison: "I tend to agree with you on that. Thats where I'm leaning. I haven't really
made up my mind to be perfectly honest."
Commissioner Banister asked if there was anything in the revision referring to 'cause for
Commissioner Zaratkiewicz stated that the only thing he could rind was if they went off for
specialized training or a program.
• Civil Service Minutes
December 15, 1994
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Commissioner Banister: "But to take a year off to go play and then come back and go into the
same position, I don't see that."
Commissioner Zaratkiewicz: "Well you're jeopardizing someones promotion is what you're
Commissioner Banister. "Because what you do is come back and take that position. Maybe
that position is open when you get back. What happens to the guy who has been sitting there
waiting for that promotion.?"
Chair Pattison: "Has this been done elsewhere? Are we the first City?
C/A Lubovich: "I don't know what other cities are doing, I'm assuming its not a very common
practice. Maybe someone else might know?"
Chief Angelo: "There are some instances. Chief Kerns is on the record. He is off on City
related business or benefit to the Service on a Leave of Absence. We also have had people
come back it is a matter of State Law. If you are a LEOFF I or II individual and you are on a
disability and you overcome your disability you are allowed to come back to work and will then
cascade down to whatever open slot is available.
• Commissioner Banister. "I understand that Norm. My question is, and maybe I haven't
untangled it out enough in this report. Those kind of things are very legitimate. But what
happens to the guy who says 'Hey I want to take a year off and go play' and then come back
and want his job back and want to be right back where he was, and that positions open and he
gets it. But the guy who has been waiting in line for that position for God knows how long and
has been a good worker and done what he's supposed to do loses the position to him."
Chief Angelo: "I'm losing track here, are we talking about Entry Level or Promotional Level?"
Commissioner Banister. "I'm talking about Promotional Level."
Chief Angelo: "The only thing we addressed, and I have no dispute with what you're saying at
all. The only thing that we addressed was the old rule which talks about coming back to your
former position if there is a vacancy. From my perspective that is a concern. If we make it that
they can only come back to Entry Level I would ask the Commission if they would address the
subject of what that means. For instance let me use Brian Renner, if I can. If he were to come
back in his former position as a First Class Firefighter. An entry position to me, is a person who
comes in as a Probationary Firefighter and starts the JATC program. So whichever way the
Commission goes we need for you to clarify it for us."
C/A Lubovich: "So basically the Rule allows currently them to come back with approval on a
vacant position and this is just adding to the eligibility list in the event that there is not a vacant
position and reinstatement back on another list if the list expires. So if that is the change, in the
event that there is not a vacant position."
Chief Angelo stated that the current rule currently reflects that.
• Civil Service Minutes
December 15, 1994
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Chief Angelo: "I think that it is important for the Chiefs to take a look at it and say' Where are
the advantages to the Service on the Entry Level', which is where I'm looking. That is the
investment that has been done in training, the ability for productive use, and then last cost.
They have to be evaluated."
C/A Lubovich: "There is a resolution presented for your action, you either need to move to
approve it or defer it or talk about it or whatever instructions that you want or reject it."
Commissioner Zaratkiewicz: "I think that we should defer it until we can get more clarification
as far as people leaving on their own accord, such as 'Fun at the Beach', or whatever, or we
should reject it until that part is cleared up."
Chair Pattison: "We could just reject it and have them come back to us with something that is
clear to us."
C/A Lubovich: "You might want to give some directions to what it is you're asking them to come
back with. There are a couple of issues that have been presented here."
Commissioner Banister: "I think that there are too many places that have been left unfinished
right now. Table it. Clarification is what I'd like"
• I make a motion that we table it and ask for more clarification on the items that are left open-
C/A Lubovich: "Can I ask for clarification on that as to what specifically concems the
Commission has so that staff, Union, Police and Fire Departments can respond to specifically.
What issues we should be talking about.
Chief Angelo stated that when the Fire Department initially looked at the rule they were thinking
specifically Entry Level. He stated it might be best for the Commission to reject it for now and
have Fire and Police come back with another proposal.
Commissioner Banister: "I motion that we reject the proposal as written and ask that they be
Chair Pattison: "All those in favor say Aye. (All Commissioners voted Aye). Motion passes."
A. Approval and Accept into Record
Chair Pattison motioned to approve and accept into Record the position descriptions for all
Represented Police Support Staff to be approved and accepted into the record. Seconded and
• Civil Service Minutes
December 15, 1994
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Chair Pattison motioned to approve and accept into record the memo dated November 22, 1994
from Corrections Lieutenant George Burke to Captain C.E. Miller notifying the department of his
retirement, effective January 1, 1995. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison motioned to approve and accept into record the letter dated November 28, 1994
from Chief Crawford to Young Woo Lee confirming his appointment as a probationary Police
Officer effective December 1, 1994. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison motioned to approve and accept into record the certification letter dated
December 13, 1994 from the Secretary and Chief Examiner establishing the Fire Departments
Entry Level Firefighters Eligibility List. The list will come into effect on December 24, 1994. The
current list will expire on December 23, 1994. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison motioned to accept into record the letter dated December 12, 1994 from the
Chief Examiner to Mr. Brian R. Renner notifying him that his reinstatement request will go
before the Commission at the December 15, 1994 meeting. Seconded and carried.
B. Action Items for Discussion
Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated November 17, 1994 from Lt. Cline
requesting a Rules Change to the current "Rule of Three" (Rule XII) , and giving his comments
• regarding the reinstatement proposal.
Lieutenant Cline stated that the reinstatement proposal had already been addressed.
What the Police Department is asking for is that for Police Entry Level and Lateral Entry Level
that the rule of three be amended for Police Department Entry to be a rule of three or 25%
whichever is the greater for the hiring list that is certified by Civil Service.
Chair Pattison: "How come you want to do that?"
Lt. Cline: "We're looking at a potential Annexation coming up. We haven't done a Lateral
Testing for a long time, this will give us a better opportunity if we have a large list to go down
and get the best candidates for the position."
Lt. Tom Shepard, Firefighters Union: "I'm wondering what the difficulty is with the testing
process that the top candidates would not come out on top and why we would have to go down
25%. "
Lt. Cline: "Sometimes part of the problem is that we have people on the list that we cannot
outright disqualify and they end up sitting on the list. Civil Service does not have an option in
their rules to after passing them over a certain number of times, removing them from the list.
This would allow us more opportunity to have more names to chose from."
Lt. Shepard: "Doesn't that circumvent the intent of Civil Service of 'Fair Process'? If they can't
• be removed for cause, and they finish that high on the list, then probably they should be hired."
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December 15, 1994
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Lt. Cline: "Not necessarily. I think there are things that do not necessarily disqualify a person
but it may not be appropriate to hire them. I don't think that there is anything magical about the
rule of three. Other Agencies have Rules of 5 or Rules of List. I think that a little latitude in the
testing and hiring process would be good for us."
Lt. Shepard: "I have one last question. Would that be used to pick up more minorities if you're
allowed to go deeper on the list?"
Examiner Guiguet: "I'd like to address that from the statistics I've compiled. We lose most of
our minorities at the written portion of our selection process. My answer would be no."
Chair Pattison asked for any other discussion.
City Attorney Lubovich stated that the resolution affects only the Police Department and Entry
Level and Lateral testings and not promotional. Rule of three is a common rule. Most Cities
use it. Follows State Mandate. With the annexation coming up the Police Department will be
looking at a lot of Laterals and Entry Level positions coming in.
Chair Pattison motioned to pass the rule change and adopt it. Seconded and carried
Chair Pattison opened for discussion the letter dated November 22, 1994 from Brian R. Renner
• requesting reinstatement into the Kent Fire Department under Rule XVI, Section 4.1 and
Section 4.1.1.
Chief Angelo stated that the Fire Department would be creating a Battalion Chiefs position.
They have the authority to backfill the vacancy created by the promotion. The Lieutenant will be
promoted to BIC, a firefighter will be promoted to Lt. and there will be a Firefighter hired to
replace that person promoted to Lt. There is a vacancy. Vacancy will be available in March.
Additionally, he proposed that for the position there be a years probation period and second that
there would be a method by which the Department could evaluate Mr. Renners readiness to
return to shift. Evaluation to be decided on by the Fire Department. He then justified why Mr.
Renner should be given the vacant firefighter position and what the conditions should be.
Chair Pattison asked what the conditions would be?
Chief Angelo stated one years probation and satisfactorily meeting department review of his
readiness to return to shift.
Chair Pattison asked if the department would prepare a letter of stipulations. The Examiner
stated that the department usually does so.
Chief Angelo stated that he mentioned it to the Commission as a point of record and if the
Commission approves the reinstatement a letter would be prepared reinstating Mr. Renner for
March 16, 1995.
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December 15, 1994
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Commissioner Banister motioned that Mr. Brian Renner be reinstated as requested with the
stipulations as stated by Chief Angelo of one years probation, effective March 16, 1995 and that
retraining be carried out by the department. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated December 1, 1994 from Lt. Cline to the
Commission requesting:
a. Approval for a Corrections Lieutenant's Promotional Examination:
Lt. Cline requested that it be a two part test. The first portion to be a take home test and the
second an Oral Board. Must have a 70% pass to proceed on in the process.
Weightings Written portion 40%
Oral Board 60%
b. Approval for a Corrections Sergeants Promotional Examination:
Lt. Cline requested that it be a two part test. The first portion a written examination and the
second portion an oral board.
Weightings Written portion 40%
Oral Board 60%
Civil Service Examiner Guiguet asked the Commission for clarification regarding the definition
of a Corrections Facility in order to facilitate screening of candidates. After much discussion it
was decided to follow past history with regard to screening the candidates.
Sergeant Stone questioned why there was to be no Assessment Center for the Sergeants
Exam. Chief Crawford responded that it was because he wanted the process this way.
c. Approval for an entry level examination for Police Records Specialist:
Lt. Cline stated that the testing process for Police Records Specialist would be the same as
previous years.
Lt Cline asked that item d, the request for a Rule XII Rules Revision to reflect a Rule of 5 or
25% be deleted as it was already addressed and item e, request for revision to Rule XVI include
the ability to be rehired at a lower rank if there are no openings at the rank last held prior to
leaving service, be deleted as it had also been addressed.
Chair Pattison moved to approve the memo dated December 1, 1994 from Lt. Cline to the
Commission encompassing parts a, b and c and deleting d and e. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison moved to incorporate Lt. Clines suggestions regarding the testing procedure.
Seconded and carried.
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December 15, 1994
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Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated December 2, 1994 from Lt. Cline
requesting a Revision to Rule VI Section 2.1, that the college requirement for Lateral Entry
Police Officer be deleted.
Sergeant Weissich from the Police Guild stated that they had no opposition to the proposal.
Lt. Cline stated that the Entry Level position does not require college. The department would
like to carry that over to the Lateral position. Lt. Cline felt that if the college requirement was
dropped there would be a larger pool of qualified candidates.
Commissioner Banister moved that it be accepted into record. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated December 5, 1994 from Fire Chief
Angelo requesting authorization to conduct a Battalion Chiefs and a Lieutenants test in the first
half of 1995.
Chief Angelo stated that the department would be making a Provisional appointment in both
Battalion Chief and Lieutenants rank probably around February.
Planned to tentatively set up the Battalion Chiefs Promotional Examination in March and the
Lieutenants in April. Will work with the Examiners schedule. Both promotionals will be formatted
as they have been in the past. He then Thanked the Examiner for her help in the recent testing.
Commissioner Banister moved that the memo be accepted into record. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison opened for discussion the memo dated December 5, 1994 from Lt. Cline
requesting approval for an Entry Level examination for Police Data Entry Specialist. There
being no discussion, Commissioner Banister moved to accept the memo into record. Seconded
and carried.
City Attorney Lubovich suggested that the Resolution changing Rule VI to reflect the deletion of
the College requirement for Lateral Entry Police Officer be entered at the time of the next Civil
Service Meeting.
There being no other business to come before the Commission the meeting was adjourned at
8:57 a.m.
` Civil Service Minutes
December 15, 1994
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The next Civil Service Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19, 1995 at 5:00 a.m. in
Council Chambers West.
Mike Pattison, Chair
Respectfully Submitted,
M \�
Catherine M. Guiguet
Secretary & Chief Examiner