HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 05/19/1994CITY OF KENT
Thursday, May, 19, 1994
Members Present: Callius Zaratkiewicz
Michael Pattison
Ron Banister
Others Present: Sgt. Weissich, Lt. Cline, Cpt Jim Miller, Ofc Tracey Church, Lt. Shepard,
B/C Scott, Mr. Renner, Chief Angelo, others present.
Civil Service Examiner Guiguet called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.
Ballots were distributed for the selection of Commission Chair. Mr. Mike Pattison was voted in
as Chair.
City Attorney, Roger Lubovich- No report
Chief Angelo- Two firefighter recruits have graduated from the Academy. They are currently
•going through department training and orientation. Both are doing well. Somethime in mid June
\ they will begin EMT training.
Lt. Cline- Have three new officers in the Police Academy. Another officer from another Agency
is currently starting his training process in patrol. May 24, 1994 will be hiring two additional
officers which will fill out the authorized positions. June 1, 1994 will be hiring a Corrections
Human Resource Manager, Sue Viseth- Scheduling conflict.
Chair Pattison motioned to approve the Minutes from the April 28,1994 Civil Service Commission
Meeting. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison motioned to Open For Discussion memo dated April 3, 1994 from Officer Tracey
S. Church requesting a hearing before the Civil Service Commission in regards to vehicle
accident case number 93-8530 to dispute the disciplinary findings.
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Civil Services Minutes
May 19, 1994
Officer Tracey Church: "Back in October I was involved in an accident where I hit another Patrol
car. Subsequent to that, I was given a day off without pay. At the time I had requested a
departmental hearing prior to getting disciplined based on the fact that past practices has been
that generally when an officer gets into an accident, they either, initially for their first accident
what we have seen is that, they have either not gotten any discipline or they have got a letter in
their file. The recommendations from our Review Board and the recommendations from the
Acting Captain were both that I get a letter in my file as opposed to a day off. But I got a day
off instead. Given that that has never happened before, I chose to dispute the disciplinary
C/A Lubovich: 'This is a matter that you may want to schedule for a hearing at the next meeting."
Commissioner Zaratkiewicz: "I make a motion that we schedule the hearing for the next Civil
Service Meeting."
Lt. Cline submitted as a matter of information for the Commission a copy of the "Vehicle
Operation Review Board Policy".
Sgt Weissich: 'That is not being submitted now for consideration. All evidence will be presented
all at the same time?"
C/A Lubovich: 'That is correct. There is no hearing today."
Sgt Weissich: "I want it clearly on the record that evidence isn't being submitted or considered
at this time."
C/A Lubovich stated that it is just being accepted into record at this time and would be presented
in the next packet and at the hearing when both parties will present the case to the Commission.
The Commission agreed to hear Officer Church's appeal at their next regular meeting, Thursday,
June 16, 1994.
Chair Pattison: 'There is a motion to put this hearing on the next Agenda on June 16, 1994. All
those in favor?" All Commissioners voted Aye. Seconded and carried.
There was discussion regarding whether or not the Commission should receive all parties
materials from both parties prior to the hearing. It was decided that all materials would not be
submitted until the actual Hearing.
Chair Pattison motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated April 25, 1994 from Mayor White
appointing Ron Banister to serve as a member of the Kent Civil Service Commission until April
30, 2000. He will replace Mr. Carl Hart who replaced Mr. Raul Ramos. Seconded and carried.
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Civil Service Meeting
May 19, 1994
Chair Pattison Opened for Discussion the memo dated April 27, 1994 from Lt. Cline requesting
that candidate Donald J. Carroll be removed from the Entry Level Police Officers Eligibility List
due to the fact that he failed the Background portion of the selection process.
The Commissioners reviewed Mr. Carrolls file. Commissioner Banister motioned to remove Mr.
Carroll's name from the Entry Level Police Officers Eligibility List. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattson Opened for Discussion the memo dated April 27, 1994 from Lt. Cline requesting
that candidate Belinda L. Wilson be removed from the Entry Level Corrections Officers Eligibility
List due to the fact that she failed the Background portion of the selection process.
The Commissioners reviewed Ms. Wilson's file. Chair Pattison motioned to remove Ms. Wilson's
name from the Entry Level Corrections Officers Eligibility List. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated May 11, 1994 from Lt. Cline
requesting that the Corrections Officer Eligibility List be extended to January 13, 1995 as there
are sufficient candidates on the list to meet the departments projected needs. Seconded and
Chair Pattison motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated May 11, 1994 from Mayor White
appointing Mike Pattison to serve as a member of the Kent Civil Service Commission until April
30, 1998. He will replace Ron Forest. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison noted that the term was for four years as opposed to the regular six in order to
be back on the staggered term to be served by the Commission Members to be in compliance
with the Statute.
Chair Pattison Opened for Discussion the letter dated May 13, 1994 from Brian R. Renner
requesting reinstatement into the Kent Fire Department pursuant to Civil Service Rule XVI, Section
Mr. Renner submitted a followup letter dated May 19, 1994 and read it to the Commission.
"...that I be reinstated ...that my name be placed a the top of the current hiring list and be carried
forward onto all subsequent lists indefinitely, or until such time as I am hired ... that I be allowed
to retain all seniority, less the period of my absence"
Chief Angelo stated that he was very comfortable hiring Mr. Renner back on the Department
given the investment the Department has made and the skills and his performance.
There was then discussion regarding the interpretation of Section 4.1.1. and Section 4.1.2 of Rule
XVI with regard to Mr. Renners request.
Lt. Shepard of the Firefighters Union stated that they supported Mr. Renners return to the Fire
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Civil Service Meeting
May 19, 1994
Mr. Renner requested that he not be put on the Eligibility List but that under Section 4.1.1 he be
reinstated when a vacancy comes up.
The Commission discussed the Seniority question within Mr. Renners May 19, 1994 letter. C/A
Lubovich stated that the Commission was just accepting Mr. Renners letter into record and not
taking action on that decision.
C/A Lubovich: 'The question that has come up is, is the language of the letter with regard to
yourself with the word seniority in. The Commission is concerned that they don't be jeopardized
by having to waive any position on that. My statement is that the Commission is just accepting
the letter into record and we can make the note that the reason why it is being submitted is for
a vacancy under Section 4.1.1. The Commission is not waiving anything about language."
Commissioner Zaratkiewitz motioned to accept the letter dated May 19, 1994 from Mr. Renner
into record. Seconded and carried.
It was decided that the Fire Department would keep Mr. Renner advised of any upcoming
vacancy in order to allow him, within the two year period under Section 4.1.1., to request to be
reinstated into that position. If no vacancy occurred within the two year period Mr. Renner would
then once again submit a letter to the Commission requesting to be put on the Entry Level
Firefighters Eligibility List per Section 4.1.2.
Chair Pattison motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated May 16, 1994 to Brian R. Renner
from the Civil Service Examiner advising him that his letter will be brought before the Civil Service
Commission on May 19, 1994. Seconded and carried.
Chair Pattison: 'Thank you. As there is no other business to come before the Commission, we
will adjourn." Adjourned at 8:50 a.m.
The next Civil Service Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 16, 1994 at 8:00 a.m. in Council
Chambers West.
Respectfully submitted,
(A��L A L4.
Catherine M. Guiguet
Secretary & Chief Examiner
Mike Pattison, Chair