HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 07/20/1989 (4) CITY OF KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES July 20, 1989 Members present: Bob Jarvis, Chairman Robb Dreblow Alex Thornton others present: Rod Frederiksen, Police Chief Norm Angelo, Fire Chief Mike Webby, Personnel Director Jed Aldridge, Assistant Fire Chief Bill Williamson, Assistant City Attorney Don Fronsdahl, Battalion Chief Candi Faupell, Commission Secretary Tom Shepard, Fire Union Kathy Holt, Police Union Steve DiJulio, Attorney 3-5 Kent Firefighters The meeting was called to order at 8: 01 a.m. by Chairman Jarvis. REPORTS City Attorney, Sandra Driscoll - no report Fire Chief, Norm Angelo - commented on the recent Lieutenant testing as fo its success and appreciation for the time and work done by the various individuals. Police Chief, Rod Frederiksen - absent at the time reports were given. Personnel Director, Mike Webby - no report OLD BUSINESS Chairman Jarvis entertained a motion to approve the Minutes of the June 15, 1989 meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Dreblow, seconded by Chairman Jarvis. Motion carried. Chairman Jarvis entertained a motion to approve the Minutes of the special meeting on June 28, 1989. After noting a correction to be made in "Others present" , that being to add Cptn. Byerly, motion was made by Mr. Dreblow, seconded by Chairman Jarvis. Motion with correction carried. Page 2 Minutes (continued) July 20, 1989 Revision of Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Steve DiJulio reviewed the background and intent of the proposed order. He presented a final draft that deleted the emergency provision, changed the item that refers to "classification specifications maintained by the Personnel Department" to read "classification specifications maintained by the Civil Service Commission. " The amendment allows the Commission to adopt the current job classifications and descriptions maintained by the Personnel Department, until further review and change. Mr. DiJulio stated that on the previous day he had spoke with the Personnel Department and Chuck Miller representing the Corrections Officers and Police Specialists, and that the Union had reviewed the proposed form and does not have any objections. Kathy Holt of the Police Department questioned the elimination of the Records Specialist Supervisor from the list of supervisor personnel under 3. 1 Rule I of the amendment. Mr. DiJulio explained that in order to prevent continual amendments to the Rules and Regulations, the Commission could designate at any time what the supervisory positions were. As a side note, Mr. DiJulio mentioned that the unions have agreed with implementation of current procedure as part of the bargaining agreement. Mr. DiJulio noted that the Personnel Director had commented on line 5, item 2, page 1. As per the intent of the City Council and other personnel in the Police Department had been affected other than Corrections Officers and Police Specialists. He therefore recommended that the item be changed to read " (corrections officers, police specialists and other non-uniformed) " . Chairman Jarvis questioned as to the reason why in "Section 4. Qualifications for Police ( (Clerk) ) : Personnel", other law enforcement officers and correction officers were exempted from the amendment. Mr. DiJulio stated that the qualifications for law enforcement officer were covered in another part of the Rules and correction officer qualifications Caere set forth in Section 5. Page 3 Minutes (continued) July 20, 1989 Sandra Driscoll, City Attorney advised the Commission that once the rules had been adopted, the Commission could designate at any time supervisory positions. "Current job classifications" that are maintained by the Personnel Department were clarified as to being those job descriptions already in place and currently being used. Chairman Jarvis moved to adopt the final draft of the order and amendments presented by Mr. DiJulio with the changes indicated in Section 2 be adopted. Mr. Dreblow seconded. Motion carried. Steve DiJulio commented that it would be appropriate at this time to designate the Records Shift Supervisor as a supervisor position under Section 3. Amendments "Supervisory Position". Chairman Jarvis moved that the position of Records Shift Supervisor be designated as a supervisory position. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dreblow. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS The Eligibility List for the position of Fire Lieutenant was presented. Chief Angelo noted that there was a tie for two positions on the list which might cause a problem in appointment should the Rule of 3 be used. He asked for clarification as to the procedure to be used in this instance. Chief Angelo requested that the list not be certified at this time in order to give the City Attorney time to review the procedure and how it will impact the scoring, and that the list be certified at the next meeting. He also requested that even though the list not be certified, due to the fact that a number of the Lieutenant candidates were in attendance that an informal list be presented. The list was then read by the Secretary. Page 4 Minutes (continued) July 20, 1989 Chairman Jarvis moved that the Fire Lieutenant Eligibility List not be certified at this time until such time as it was determined the proper way to handle the tie. Motion seconded by Mr. Dreblow and carried. Chairman Jarvis asked Police Chief Frederiksen if he would like to make his report at this time, as he had not been present earlier when reports were made. Fire Chief Angelo excused himself at this time as he had a budget meeting to attend. Chief Frederiksen advised the Commission that the Police Department was in the process of establishing a Lateral Entry Eligibility List. The position will be advertised starting July 24, with testing being in September. A report was furnished to the Commission regarding a change in the employment status of Correction Officer Marilyn Stone. Correction Officer Stone has requested her employment status be changed from permanent full- time to permanent part-time effective July 19, 1989 in order for her to pursue her education. This information was presented in light of rule changes without a clear policy and procedure as to this situation. This is an informational item only. Commissioner Robb Dreblow excused himself at this time as he another meeting to attend. Chairman motioned to accept into record a memo dated June 14, 1989 from Jed Aldridge, Assistant Fire Chief, stating that John Lytle has passed the First Class Exam and has been promoted effective 6/16/89. Seconded by Mr. Thornton. Motion carried. Chairman motioned to accept into record a memo dated June 22, 1989 from Jed Aldridge, Assistant Fire Chief, stating that Ron Sweigard has passed the First Class Exam and has been promoted effective 6/16/89. Seconded by Mr. Thornton. Motion carried. 1 Page 5 Minutes (continued) July 20, 1989 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 17, 1989 at 8 :00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectively Submitted Candi L. Faupell Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved: -------------- Robe J is Chairman CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON ORDER on provisional amendment of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations 1 . INTRODUCTION. The City Council has directed that the City of Kent Civil Service include all personnel, uniform and non-uniform, employed by the City Police Department . The Civil Service Commission has budgeted for revision and rewrite of its Civil Service Rules and Regulations ("Rules") . However, in order to expedite the inclusion of non-uniform police personnel in Civil Service it is appropriate to amend the Rules on a provisional basis until a more comprehensive review may be undertaken by the Commission in conjunction with City management, personnel, and labor organizations . 2 . BACKGROUND-INTENT. Civil service has been mandated by Washington State law since 1935 for city and town firefighters, and since 1937 for city and town police officers . Current City of Kent Civil Service Rules do not provide for coverage of non-uniform (corrections officers and police specialists) police personnel . On May 2 , 1989 the City Council directed that the Civil Service include non-uniform police personnel . The non-uniform police personnel to be included in the Civil Service include the classifications of Accounting Services Assistant I , II , III ; Administrative Assistant I, II, III ; Administrative 07/18/89 -1- Secretary I, II; Correction Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant; Data Entry Specialist; Evidence Technician; Office Technician I , II , III ; Parking Enforcement Assistant ; Police Records Specialist, Shift Supervisor and Manager; Program Assistant ; Program Assistant, and Program Coordinator for Kent Drinking Driver Countermeasure Program; Public Education Specialist; Training Clerk; and other classifications as may in the future be employed in the Police Department. This Order and rules amendments incorporate existing classification descriptions and position eligibility requirements, subject to further review and amendment . 3 . AMENDMENTS . 3 . 1 Rule I, definitions of "Classified Service" and "Supervisory Position" are amended to read as follows: "Classified Service" : means all full paid Positions in the Police Department , and all full Paid officer and firefighter positions in the Fire Department ( (positions in the City service subject to the provisions of these rules as defined by State law and including full paid members of the Police Department , Fire Department, ) ) and full plaid positions in any other department that might be included ( (under) ) in Civil Service ( (Regulations) ) in the future, and the Secretary and Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Commission. 07/18/89 -2- "Supervisory Position" : means a sergeant or higher in the Police Department, ( (and) ) , a lieutenant or higher in the Fire Department, and such other rositions as are from time-to-time designated as supervisory positions by the Commission. 3 . 2 Sections 4 and 5, Rule VI, are amended to read as follows : Section 4 . "Qualifications for Police ( (Clerk) : Personnel" : ( (The position of Police Clerk has been eliminated from Civil Service as of January 20, 1977 . ) ) Qualifications for police personnel other than law enforcement officers and correction officers shall be those qualifications set forth in classification specifications maintained by the Civil Service Commission, Section 5 . "Oualifications for ( (Jailor) ) Correction Officer" : ( (The position of Jailor is not recognized as part of the classified service and therefore is not covered under these rules and regulations . ) ) Qualification for Correction Officers shall be those qualifications set forth 07/18/89 -3- in classification specifications maintained by the Civil Service Commission 3 .3 Rule XVIII is amended to read as follows : RULE XVIII AMENDMENTS Section 1 "PROCEDURE" : After adoption, these rules and regulations may be amended at any regular meeting by approval of at least two (2) members of the Commission. The amendment shall be in effect thirty (30) days after day of adoption and shall be 1. 1 . Forwarded to each department and posted conspici-uously in the work areas of personnel affected by the amendments; and 1.2 . ( (mimeographed) ) copied for public distribution. 3 .4 Section 1, Regulation I , is amended to read as follows : Section 1 . "CLASSIFIED SERVICE" : The classified Civil Service covered hereby, shall include all full paid po*itions in the Police Department, and 07/18/89 -4- all full paid officer and firefighter positions in the Fire Department ( (employees of the Police Department of Kent; including the Chief of said department; all full paid employees of the Fire Department of Kent, including) ) ; the Chiefs of said departments; all full paid employees of any other department included under Civil Service in the future; and the secretary and chief examiner of the Commission. 4 . EXISTING CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS ADOPTED Those classification specifications maintained by the Personnel Department are adopted as the classification specifications of the Civil Service and shall remain in effect until modified or amended by the Commission. 5. RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION Any acts made consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this Order are hereby ratified and confirmed. ADOPTED at a regular open meeting this 20th day of July, 1989 . Robert A. Jarvis , Chair, Civil Service Commission 07/18/89 -5- Attest : Candi Faupell Secretary and Chief Examiner CC-8797 07/18/89 -6-