HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 09/18/1989 Page 2 Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1989 OLD BUSINESS Chairman Jarvis asked that the September 6th minutes be clarified; they state that "he failed to pass" . They should read, "he did not pass", removing the word failed. With that change, Chairman Jarvis made a motion that the minutes from the meetings of September 6th, 21st and October 12th, be accepted. Motion was seconded and carried. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Jarvis announced that since there were several memos regarding promotions, he would group them under one motion. He read a memo from Asst. Chief Aldridge advising that Firefighter Ken Heintz has successfully passed his First Class exam and has been promoted to First Class Firefighter effective 9/16/89. A memo from Chief Angelo advises that Firefighters Paul Wright and Mark Nordlund have successfully passed their Third Class exams and have been promoted to Third Class Firefighter effective 9/16/89 . Asst. Chief Aldridge advised by memo that Firefighters Bob Rush, Rusty Olsen and Brian Kingery have successfully passed their First Class exams and have been promoted to First Class Firefighter effective 9/16/89 . He also advised by memo that Firefighter Bob Backstein has successfully passed his Second Class exam and has been promoted to Second Class Firefighter effective 9/16/89. A memo from Chief Angelo advises that Lt. Jim Carroll has successfully completed his probationary period and will maintain the permanent status of Fire Lieutenant. Chairman Jarvis made a'motion to accept all the memos into record. The motion was seconded and carried. Carole Stevenson, Records Manager from the Police Department, asked for the Commission's approval to hire a Data Entry Specialist. After some discussion, Chairman Jarvis moved to accept the process and start the hiring procedure. Mr. Thornton seconded, and the motion was carried. Barbara Keohane, representing Capt. Dennis Byerly from the Corrections Facility, was next on the agenda regarding Corrections hiring. Acting Secretary Jan Banister clarified that attachments regarding the oral board procedure had been removed from the packet on advice of the City Attorney in order to insure the privacy of the questions to be posed to the candidates. Ms. Banister also mentioned that the minutes of the last meeting refer to three and one half positions to be filled in Corrections and this agenda mentions four positions. Ms. Keohane and Captain Miller indicated that the half position had already been approved in the budget. Page three Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1989 Ms. Keohane stated that the positions had been advertised in local newspapers and 700 announcements had been sent out. The procedure was opened on Sept. 25th and closed on Oct. 6th. Actual applicants totaled 157. The written examination will be held on Saturday, Oct. 21. A score of 70% will be necessary to pass and physical agility tests will be administered that afternoon to those passing the written portion of the exam. Oral boards will begin on Monday, October 23. Under other new business, Chief Angelo questioned the job description for Civil Service Secretary being open for only one week. Ms. Banister assured the Commission the matter had been dealt with and would be open to city employees for two weeks. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 : 10 a.m. R ectfull y ubmitted, Jan Banister Acting Secretary/Chief Examiner Approved: i Rob t a is Chairman