HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 05/21/1987 (3) . CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES
May 21 , 1987
The regular meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by T. Richard Ried.
In attendance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph A. Street, City
Attorney Driscoll, Chief Frederiksen, Captain Byerly,
Battalion Chief Fronsdahl , and Lt. Everett
Mr. Street moved to approve the minutes of April 16, 1987, as submitted. Ms.
Hinz seconded and the motion carried.
Chief Frederiksen reported that the three new recruits have successfully
completed the academy and will be starting the FTO program soon.
The amended revisions for police lateral entry and announcements for same were
distributed. Chief Frederiksen requested the Commission's approval to start
the lateral entry examination process to fill five positions. Mr. Street
moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to approve the utilization of lateral entry
examination for the Police Department. Motion carried.
Captain Byerly noted the previous eligibility list for entry level police
officer expired as of May 20, 1987.
• Chairman asked if, under the current rules, the new list could be used even if
the old list had not expired. Ms. Driscoll confirmed that when the new rules
were adopted, two lists could co-exist. Chief Frederiksen added, that because
of the needs of the Department for experienced police officers at this time,
he does not intend to have two lists at the present time, but some time in the
future, he may be inclined to use two lists. It was clarified for Mr. Street,
after a list has been established and hiring done from that list, the name of
those applicants who are not hired, remain on the list.
The letter dated May 19, 1987, from Rick Bathum, representing Larry Jilbert,
requesting a continuance of a month for the hearing, was read. Ms. Driscoll
explained that because she had advised the City in the termination on this
case, Mr. DiJulio has been retained to advise the Commission. Due to
scheduling conflicts, Mr. Street moved to set the hearing for Thursday,
July 9, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. If the Council Chamber is
available the morning of July 9, the time will be changed to 8 a.m., and
secretary will notify all concerned. Ms. Hinz seconded, and the motion
Battalion Chief Fronsdahl requested extension of the firefighter eligibility
list, which expires June 18, 1987, for another six months. Ms. Hinz moved,
Mr. Street seconded, to extend the firefighter eligibility list for six
months, to expire December 18, 1987. Motion carried.
• The memo of April 10, 1987, from Battalion Chief Fronsdahl, requesting the
removal of G. David Johnson from the firefighter eligibility list for failing
the psychological exam, was read. Secretary reported that Mr. Johnson's name
has been removed, and he has been so notified. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz
seconded, to accept the memo into the records. Motion carried.
The memo of April 23, 1987, from Assistant Chief LaBore, informing of the
promotion of Mitchell Snyder, to second class firefighter, effective April 16,
1987, was read. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept the memo as a
matter of record. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Thursday, June 18, 1987,
in the Council Chambers. The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Amy LI. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried, Chairman