HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 08/21/1986 (3) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES
AUGUST 21 , 1986
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Richard Ried at 8 a.m.
Also in attendance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph' A. Street, City
Attorney DiJulio, Administrative Assistant Webby, Assistant Chief Berg, and
Captain Byerly. Also present: Firefighter Tom Shepard.
Mr. Street moved to approve the minutes of the July 17, 1986 meeting as
submitted. Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. DiJulio referred to Commissioner Street's note of July 31 , 1986 to the
Secretary inquiring if members of the Commission have any personal liability
when the City cannot be held liable for actions of a quasi-judicial board.
Mr. DiJulio explained that the members, acting in a quasi-judicial capacity,
are not liable, that the City's immunity attaches as a result of the immunity
of the individual . He noted a decision in Rayburn v. Seattle in which the
Seattle Police Pension Board in ruling on a pension application was acting in
a quasi-judicial capacity and was immune from any liability for its decision.
Mr. DiJulio, referring to the City's provisions with respect to
indemnifications, read from Chapter 2.48 of the Kent City Code, "Legal
Indemnification", which provides indemnification for all officers and
employees and includes any members of any City boards or commissions
threatened with litigation. Exception to the indemnification rule is if one
is the plaintiff or if it is determined that the Commission member shall not
have acted in good faith in a reasonable belief that his or her action was in
the best interest of the City. Also exempted are criminal matters.
Mr. DiJulio also informed the Commission of his leaving the City Attorney's
position effective October 1 to join the law firm of Roberts & Shefelman in
Seattle. Chairman thanked Mr. DiJulio in behalf of the Commission for his
expert advice, as he is the most qualified in the State and he said it will be
the Commission's loss.
Assistant Chief Berg reported that two firefighters will be hired next month
and there is a probability of a third recruit to be added before the end of
the year.
Assistant Chief Berg also reported he had reviewed two exams; IPMA, B-3, and
Jack Clancy & Associates, M-3, and recommended utilizing the latter produced
by Jack Clancy & Associates based upon his opinion that it appears to be a
very good exam and he did not think it had been given in this area. In
response to Chairman 's question, City Attorney DiJulio replied he had not
reviewed the test, but he believed the Commission had reviewed multiple choice
exams similar to the ones being considered by the Department and it is a
matter of selecting the one most appropriate at this point. Mr. Street moved
to accept the recommendation of Assistant Chief Berg to utilize the Jack
Clancy & Associates M-3 exam. Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried. Secretary
mentioned that four other test inspection copies were reviewed by Battalion
Chief Bond, but were eliminated down to the present two tests.
Captain Byerly, in preparation for acquiring new officers in 1987, requested a
new exam for entrance level police officers to establish a new list. The
present list was established in September 1985. Mr. Street moved to approve
an entrance level exam for police officers. Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion
A letter dated August 14, 1986 from police officer applicant; Brent H.
Hartwig, was read. He requested a refund of his application fee of $10.00
because no exam had been scheduled. Chairman noted that with the approval of
an exam and date to be scheduled for it, Mr. Hartwig can be so notified.
Letters to James Lutz and John F. Lytle, Jr. dated August 7, 1986 from
Assistant Chief LaBore were read. The letters told of the employment of the
men as firefighters with their effective date of hire of September 16, 1986.
Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept the letters into the record.
Motion carried.
A letter dated July 31 , 1986 from Andrew Speier, requesting to be kept as
No. 1 on the current Firefighter eligibility list was read. Secretary
confirmed he is currently No. 1 on the list. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street
seconded, to accept the letter into the record. Motion carried.
The memo dated August 18, 1986 from Assistant Chief Berg informing that James
Carroll is promoted to Firefighter 1st Class, effective August 16, 1986, was
read. Mr. Street moved to accept the memo into the record. Ms. Hinz
seconded. Motion carried.
A memo dated August 19, 1986 from Assistant Chief LaBore informing of the
promotion of Dennis Young to Firefighter 2nd Class, effective August 16, 1986,
was read. Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to accept the memo into the
record. Motion carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 18, 1986, at 8 a.m. in
the Council Chambers.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. icR�Ried