HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 05/15/1986 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES
May 15, 1986
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman T. Richard Ried. Also in atten-
dance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph A. Street, City Attorney DiJulio,
Administrative Assistant Webby, Chief Angelo, and Battalion Chief Bond. Also
present: Tom Shepard.
The minutes of the meeting of April 17, 1986 were amended as follows: Page 2, first
paragraph, seventh line, delete "or," to read: "inverse order to layoff"; fourth
paragraph, to read: "The letter of April 14, 1986 from Patrick' O'Hern requesting
early testing for First Class Firefighter was read. Included with the letter was a
certificate showing 990 clock hours. Also read was a letter from Tom W. Smith, JATC
Secretary, stating Firefighter O'Hern has completed his JATC requirements and is
eligible to take the First Class exam pending his practical exam which is to be taken
April 17, 1986. Ms. Hinz moved to approve the early testing of Patrick O'Hern
pending successful completion of his JATC requirement. Mr. Street seconded, and
motion carried." Mr. Street moved the minutes of April 17 be approved as corrected.
Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Webby reported that the Mayor has appointed a new City Administrator, Brent
McFall , who will be here on June 23.
Chief Angelo reported that the new recruits will complete their training this Friday,
and there will be cake served in honor of the occasion the same day at 3:00 p.m. at
Station 71 , and he invited the Commission.
A revision to amend Rule XIII , Section 1 , was introduced. The amendment reads as
follows: " . Persons re-employed who have formerly acquired permanent status in
the class shall not be subject to a robationar eriod; Provided, however, that
persons re-employed following resignation may a subject to a pro ationary period
ursuant to Rule XVI, Section 4.1 .1 , and shall be subject to a probationaryperiod
ursuant to Ru a XVI, Section 4. .2. Mr. DiJulio explained that the proposed
revision is to bring Rule X111, section 1 , in compliance with Rule XVI, Section 4.1 .1
which provides that the Chief may include a probationary period for a reinstated
resigned employee. Rule XVI, Section 4.1 .2, provides for a probationary period for a
returning employee who is hired off the eligibility list. Mr. Street moved to
approve the revision to Rule XIII , Section 1 . Ms. Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
The letter of April 25, 1986 from Ms. Refernell Thompson of the Human Rights
Commission was read. Their review of our application form for the position of police
officer was found to be in compliance with the regulations under WAC 162-12-140 on
pre-employment inquiries with the exception of the following: "1 ) The wording of the
inquiry concerning citizenship is not acceptable under the regulations. It should be
revised to ask whether the applicant is prevented from lawfully becoming employed in
this country because of visa or immigration status. Whether applicant can provide
proof of citizenship, visa, alien registration number after being hired. 2) No. 8
under Veteran's Preference - add "within the past eight years" at the end of this
statement. 3) No. 9 - Inquiry regarding an applicant's disability should read as
follows: "Do you have any physical , mental or sensory limitations or disabilities
which may affect your ability to perform the duties of the particular job you are
applying for?" 4) "The presence of non-job related handicap should be deleted from
Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes
May 15, 1986
Page 2
your statement on equal employment opportunity for qualified applicants. It should
read as follows: "Qualified applicants receive consideration for employment without
discrimination because of sex, marital status, race, color, creed, national origin,
age, or the presence of a mental , physical , or sensory handicap." Secretary related
that she called and questioned Ms. Thompson over the discrepancy of the Human Rights
Commission having previously approved the firefighter application, which is identical
with the police application except for the color and title of the forms. The
response was that an application specialist had reviewed the police form and found
the items not in compliance. She further stated that the forms on hand could be used
up and then revised before reprinting. Mr. Street questioned the City Attorney with
the Human Rights Commission's wording relating to the statement concerning handicap
and its effect regarding LEOFF. Mr. DiJulio responded that LEOFF eligibility is not
a prerequisite to hiring. Mr. DiJulio further stated that their analysis regarding
citizenship is completely wrong, that the statute specifically requires citizenship
for police and fire according to state law and that section need not be revised.
Based upon the secretary's information from the Commission, he sees no problem using
up the forms on hand. Ms. Hinz referred to the Commission's recommendation on the
EEO statement, stating that it is not accurate. Mr. DiJulio agreed, that the present
form probably better states the process than their recommendation, but he did not
think it was a great concern based upon the secretary's conversation with the Human
Rights Specialist. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Street seconded, to accept the letter from
the Human Rights Commission into the record. Motion carried. Mr. Street moved the
City Attorney's comments about the wording also be accepted. Ms. Hinz seconded.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Street, seconded by Ms. Hinz, to renew the IPMA dues, which
is $180. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 19, 1986, 8:00 a.m. , in the Council
Chairman congratulated Mr. DiJulio for being elected to the Board of Trustees of the
King County Bar Association.
Mr. Street moved, Ms. Hinz seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at
8:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried