HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 02/27/1986 (3) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES
February 27, 1986
The regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Chairman T. Richard Ried.
In attendance: Commissioners Michele G. Hinz and Joseph A. Street, City Attorney
DiJulio, Administrative Assistant Webby, Chief Angelo, Acting Police Chief Byerly,
and Battalion Chief Bond. Assistant Chief LaBore appeared during the later part of
the meeting.
Mr. Street moved that the January 23 meeting minutes and the February 10, 1986,
special meeting minutes be approved as submitted. Hinz seconded, motion carried.
Mr. Webby noted the appointment of Rodney Frederiksen as the new Police Chief and
he is expected to report around April 1 . Chairman Reid thanked Mr. Webby and also
Waldren and Company for the excellent job done in the selection process. Mr. Webby
noted that Waldren and Company is being used now to search for Kent's new City
Chief Angelo invited the Commission to the dedication of their new apparatus at
11 o'clock, March 1 , at Station 1 . He also advised of the hiring of six new
recruits who will begin the academy on March 17 and graduate around the end of
April .
Mr. DiJulio distributed copies of the Amendment to Rule XVI, Section 4,
"Reinstatement Following Resignation" which reads as follows: (Amendments are
underlined. )
Section 4. "Reinstatement following Resignation. "
4.1 Within two (2) years, a resigned employee may apply
for reinstatement.
4.2 With the approval of the Chief, upon such conditions
as determined by the Chief, including but not limited to a
probationary period, and upon consent of the Commission such
employee may be reinstated in the position resigned from ( (which
L_ res4gmed ), if vacant, or in a vacant position in the same or
comparable class, or
4.3 With the approval of the Civil Service Commission
such employee may be placed on the eligible list(s) for the class
to which ( ( ") ) the former position was allocated; provided,
however, (( )) appointment from the eligible
list carries no seniority privileges and shall be subject to Rule
XIII, "Probationary Period."
4.4 No person resigning during the probationary period
shall be reinstated pursuant to this Section 4, but with the
approval of the Commission may be placed on the eligible list from
which such person (Fete)) was certified and appointed.
During discussion, Mr. DiJulio clarified for Mr. Reid that Section 4.2 provides for
probationary period for reinstatement if the Chief determines it is appropriate and
the Commission approves the probationary period. Seniority would begin from the
date of original hire, less the period of resignation. In response to Chief
Angela, Mr. Didulio replied that under 4.3, if such employee is placed on the
Eligible List, he would be placed on the top of the List in accordance with
Rule XI, Section 1 . Chairman Reid suggested, since Sections 4.2 and 4.3 both refer
to a resigned employee of three years and 4.4 applies to resignation during the
probationary period, to change 4.2 to 4.1 .1 and 4.1 .2 and 4.4 to 4.2. Mr. DiJulio
agreed with the changes.
Also proposed by Mr. DiJulio the addition to Rule XI, Section 1 , "employees layed
off from a position in that class Or returning from resignation pursuant to
Rule XVI, Section 4 shall be given preference over original applicants in inverse
order to I ay-o f. Miss Hinz moved to approve a minor change to Rule XI ,
Section 1 . Mr. Street seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Street moved to approve the changes as made by the Attorney to Rule XVI,
Section 4. Miss Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
Copies of proposed Amendment to Rule XI, Section 2 were distributed. It reads as
Rule XI
Section 2. "Effective Life of Lists":
2.1 Eligible lists shall become effective upon approval
thereof by the secretary and chief examiner'-s
2.2 ENTRY. Eligible lists at the entry level shall
remain in effect ((until eaRcelled by action of the Gemin4ssie„) )
six (6) months, and may be extended by action of the Commission
for up to an additional six (6) months. No eligible list shall be
in effect for more than a total of twelve (12) months.
2.3 PROMOTIONAL. Promotional lists shall remain in
effect twelve (12) months, and may be extended by action of the
Commission for up to an additional six (6) months. No promotional
list shall be in effect for more than a total of eighteen (18)
Miss Hinz suggested, in Section 2.1 , to remove the apostrophe and "s" after
examiner. Mr. DiJulio approved. He confirmed that the Secretary and Chief
Examiner can certify the eligibility list or remove names from the list, not
requiring a special meeting to certify the list. Miss Hinz moved, Mr. Street
seconded to repeal Rule XI, Section 5, entitled, "Continuous Testing" and to cancel
the current eligibility list for police officer, effective upon the administration
of a new exam and promulgation of a new list. Motion carried.
Mr. Street moved to amend Rule XI, Section 2, to provide for the effective life of
entry-level eligibility lists of six months, with an option for the Commission
approval of an additional six months, as drafted by the City Attorney. Miss Hinz
seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. DiJulio requested pre-employment agreement matter to be postponed until the
next meeting.
The letter from Firefighter Jeffrey S. Barsness, requesting permission to take the
Firefighter 1st Class Exam was read. A certificate from L. H. Bates Vocational
Technical Institute was included showing 1 ,512 clock hours of instruction. The
letter from Tom W. Smith, J.A.T.C. Secretary, granting permission of the J.A.T.C.
was also read. Mr. Street moved, Miss Hinz seconded, to approve the lst Class
Exam. Motion carried.
Mr. DiJulio distributed copies of the proposed amended Rule XV, "Suspensions,
Demotion, Discharges and Appeals," with the inclusion of a new Section 3,
"Predisciplinary Hearing. " Mr. DiJulio read the rule and explained the
amendments. Miss Hinz referred to the word "available" in new Section 3.2c, and
after discussion, Mr. DiJulio suggested changing "available" to "presented". In
Section 3.3, "effect" was changed to "affect". The Chairman noted that there was
no time constraint in Section 3.2a. Mr. DiJulio explained that it would be
appropriate to allow the Department to determine the process and time of the
hearino and for the Commission to review its compliance with the Laudermill Rule.
Mr. Street moved to approve the amendment to Rule XV with the changes, and
renumbering Sections as presented. Miss Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
Copies of the letter from J. Steve Huntsberry were distributed previously. Mr.
DiJulio clarified that no information on applicants be released, without an
authorization from him. Mr. Street moved that receipt of the letter be
acknowledged and for the secretary to inform Mr. Huntsberry that all of the
information is not of public record. Miss Hinz suggested adding "the only
information released would be information obtained by our Department and only upon
receipt of a release." The secretary also noted that applicant files are only kept
two years. Chairman Reid suggested inserting "background or detailed information"
in the motion. Amended motion by Mr. Street: Receipt of the letter be
acknowledged and for the secretary to inform Mr. Huntsberry that all of the
information is not of public record and the only background or detailed information
released would be information obtained by our department and only upon receipt of a
release from him. Hs. Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
The memo of February 5, 1986 from Battalion Chief Bond was read. It told of the
promotions to Firefighter 1_wt Class of Greg Markley and Phillip Herrera, both
effective February 1 , 1986. Mr. Street moved to accept the memo into the record.
Miss Hinz seconded. Motion carried.
The letter of February 25, 1986 to Brian Kingery was read. Identical letters to
Aldrich Krepela, Richard Olsen, Ronald Sweigard, Guy Thompson, with the exception
of Robert Push were received. The secretary noted Mr. Rush has already completed
the State Fire Academy and will not have to attend. Date of hire for the new
recruits is March 10, 1986. Mr. Street moved, Miss Hinz seconded, to accept the
letters into the record. Motion carried.
The correspondence from Mayor Kelleher was accepted into the record.
The meeting went into executive session at 8:50 a.m, to discuss the Towne and
Miller matters. The meeting reconvened at 9:02 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 20, 1986 in the Council
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 a.m.
Respectively submitted,
Amy E. Kato
Secretary and Chief Examiner
T. Richard Ried
' 0105Y-01V