HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 07/19/1984 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 19 , 1984 The regular meeting of the Commission was called to order by Chairman T. Richard Ried. • In attendance were : Commissioners Ried and Hinz, City Attorney DiJulio , Assistant to the City Administrator Webby, Chief Angelo, Chief Skewes , Captains Byerly and Rees . Commissioner Street was absent. Ms . Hinz moved, Mr . Ried seconded, to approve the minutes of June 28 , 1984. Motion carried. City Attorney DiJulio updated the Commission on the Nirk matter . He said the matter was scheduled before the Trial Court who is busy on another case and so the matter was rescheduled and he expects that order to be entered next month. Chief Angelo reported that one volunteer and two regulars will be attending the recruit academy around the middle of next month at the new facility in North Bend. He also stated that opening cere- monies at the new academy will be held August llth and invited anyone who would like to attend. At the request of the Police Department, an executive session was held at this time . When the meeting reconvened, Ms . Hinz moved , Mr. Ried seconded, to remove the names of James S. Wilcox, who withdrew from the poly- graph portion of the exam, and James M. Morrisroe , for failing the polygraph, from the Law Enforcement Officer Eligibility List. Motion carried. • Ms . Hinz moved , Mr. Ried seconded, to accept the letter of July 4 , 1984 from M.P. Sweeney, resigning his position as Sergeant , effec- tive July 4, 1984. Motion carried. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr. Ried seconded , to accept the memo of July 10 , 1984 from Chief Skewes , in which he informed of the assignment of Officer Sweeney as the Department ' s Research and Development Officer , effective July 5, 1984. Motion carried. Ms. Hinz moved, Mr.Ried seconded, to accept the letter of July 10 , 1984 to Officer B.R. Jones from Chief Skewes notifying him of his appointment to the position of probationary Sergeant, effective July 5 , 1984. Motion carried. Ms . Hinz moved, Mr. Ried seconded, to accept the memo of July 10, 1984 from Chief Skewes , informing of Officer Jones ' promotion, into the record. Motion carried. The memo of July 26 , 1984 from Battalion Chief Bond informing of the following promotions was read: Bruce Verhei to Firefighter 1st Class , effective August 2 , 1984 Brian Felczak to Firefighter 1st Class , effective July 2 , 1984 Ron Johnson to Firefighter 1st Class , effective July 2, 1984 Pat Dale to Firefighter 2nd Class , effective July 16 , 1984 Robert Schneider to Firefighter 2nd Class , effective July 16 , 1984. Ms . Hinz moved, Mr. Ried seconded, to confirm the promotions . Motion carried. The memo of July 16 , 1984 from Battalion Chief Bond requesting • the name of Ralph Hilding Johnson be removed from the Firefighter Eligibility List for failing the psychological exam, was read. Ms . Hinz moved, Mr . Ried seconded, to remove Ralph Hilding Johnson ' s Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes - Page 2 July 19 , 1984 . name from the Firefighter Eligibility List for the reason given. Motion carried. The proposed Commission budget for 1985 was reviewed at this time . It was determined that the request for the 'dummy ' for the physical agility exam will be resubmitted again. Other minor changes were made. Mr . DiJulio informed the Commission that the Civil Service conference will be held on September 21 , 1984 at Sea-Tac Red Lion The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, August 16 , 1984, at 8 : 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers . With no further business , Ms . Hinz moved, Mr. Ried seconded , to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8: 55 a.m. Respectfully submitted, e x� Amy E. Kato Secretary and Chief Examiner Approved : C • T. Richard Ried Chairman •